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Mina was beyond excited to be attending her first ever K-con and what made it even more special was the fact that her oppas would be there. 

She had barely managed to convince her parents that she could take the train to Tokyo alone and that they could trust the friends she would meet there. After all, she was 19 and she should be able to finally make her own decisions. 

She had prepared her lightstick and a sign with her bias' name, hoping he would notice her even if for just a second. Just the thought of seeing him in real life made her heart beat faster. 

She spent the 3 hours of train chatting online with her friends, fangirling excitedly and joking with them. They'd met on an kpop forum two years before and they'd become super close thanks to their shared interest in a particular boy group. Always the shy and quiet kid at school, Mina felt like she could finally be herself around them.

Arriving at the chaotic Tokyo station, she managed to get to where K-con was being held and where her friends, Hachi, Mai and Shizuka, run up to hug her. They wandered around the various booths until they heard a bunch of girls bragging about exchanging their hi-touch passes for a 'nugu' girl group with that of their oppas. 

Of course Mina hadn't gotten a hi-touch pass and neither had her friends. Needless to say, she was willing to pay anything if it meant that she could touch her bias' hand and she wasn't about to give up this once in a lifetime opportunity. After a few hours though, they still hadn't found anyone willing to sell their passes. Exhausted, they sat down on the ground where many other people were sitting. 

Mina had zoned out and could barely make out what her friends were chatting about. She was looking straight ahead when her attention was caught by a group of girls sitting in a circle and talking loudly among themselves. What Mina noticed was the clothes they were wearing and she wondered if they were cosplaying some girl group unknown to her.

When one of the girls looked up, Mina immediately averted her gaze, embarrassed to have been caught staring. She joined her friends' conversation, all the while stealing glances at that same girl. Mina couldn't help but admit that she was pretty, with her long hair tied up in a ponytail, her features stood out. And so did her perfect body, not because of the ponytail though.

Every time Mina's gaze would drift towards the girl as if attracted by a magnet, so would the girl's gaze towards Mina. Mina wondered if she was being too obvious and then wondered why she was looking at her in the first place, chastising herself. After catching each other's gaze for a few times they almost openly stared at one another, until the girl offered a smile and Mina froze in place. Mina saw the girl laugh at her reaction as she resumed talking with her friends. Nice, now she'd made a fool of herself in front of a girl she didn't even know, she would have slapped herself if she wasn't in a public place right now.

When the girl got up, Mina was trying hard not to stare at her for the nth time but failed miserably. She realized her friends had noticed her too when she heard a "Wow" coming from Mai sitting next to her. And wow, indeed, Mina thought as she watched the girl stretch her arms and legs. She was wearing a crop top showcasing her abs and a pair of ripped jeans that complimented her fit body.

Mina's heart rate picked up when the girl's gaze locked on Mina and when she started walking right towards her. Mina gulped and tried to calm herself not knowing what to expect.

The girl stopped right in front of her and smiled awkwardly. "Hey, uh… are you a fan of that group?" The girl said, pointing towards Mina's t-shirt vaguely. Mina looked down at her t-shirt, forgetting for a moment what she was wearing, and realized what the girl was referring to. Mina had worn her favorite boy group's t-shirt, showcasing it proudly. 

"Oh! Yeah, I am. Why?" Mina replied, and immediately regretted the accusing tone in which it came out.

"We have a few hi-touch passes for them, but since we have no idea who they are, we thought we could offer them to some of their fans and-"

"Really!?" Mina heard her friends shouting excitedly beside her. She saw the girl turn her attention to them and nodding. 

Mina was excited too, but she couldn't help but feel irritated at how the girl had specifically stated that she didn't know who her bias group was. Like, Mina would have understood if it had been a rookie group, but it wasn't. It was arguably one of the most popular groups present at K-con. Mina asked herself what was the girl doing at K-con in the first place if she didn't even know who the popular groups were.

"How much are you selling them for?" Mina asked, trying to put aside her irritation.

"I don't know…" The girl seemed to think about it for a while, "1000 yen?" 

Mina's eyes widened, but instead of being happy about the ridiculous price, she almost snapped at the oblivious girl in front of her. Those passes were sold as high up as 40 thousand yen and here she was selling them for almost nothing? 

Mina was about to go on a rant about how her bias group was worth way, way more than that but her friends butted in accepting immediately and incredulously the offer. The girl seemed happy to have sold the passes, thinking she had made a great deal. Mina almost rolled her eyes and had to bite her tongue as she took the pass in exchange of the money.  

Mina's friends were excited and thanked the girl, telling her how hard they had been looking for those passes. The girl just smiled. "Oh! We're participating in a dance contest tomorrow, you should come to watch." The girl was talking to all of them but was looking at Mina, who by the way had no intention of going anywhere if it meant that she had to endure a disrespectful girl like the one in front of her.

"Yeah, sure! We'll be cheering you on." Mina's friend, Mai, said a little too enthusiastically. 

"Momo, we're going!" 

Mina saw the girl's friends trying to get her attention. So Momo was her name, Mina thought disinterestedly and almost did not acknowledge the girl's, well Momo's, goodbye.

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KarlaA1198 #1
Chapter 2: Wauu una muy buena historia.
No se porque recién estoy leyendo esto 😂 Pero me alegro de encontrarlo
1241 streak #2
Chapter 2: Such a cute with full of humour story ^^
flipflopper #3
Chapter 2: I really enjoy authors who can deliver humor the way you did here. Mina’s inner monologues were hilarious but at the same time totally realistic and in-character (like I could see the actual Mina acting somewhat like this). The part about her “furiously down-voting” comments about Momo x Sana was especially great. Thanks for sharing this
Chapter 2: I adore how naturalistic and un-cheesy this feels. It really convinces me that a fic doesn't have to deliver drama or a sunset happy ending to be good. The parallels between the two K-cons show Mina's transformation nicely. Also, Mina's internal voice is so funny and adorable XD. What I'm curious to know is Momo's perspective, because there are points left open to interpretation that would totally change the way I view her character, e.g. whether she got Mina or Mai's number or neither (and just lied to appear cool to her friends), whether she really forgot Mina or was just playing hard-to-get, etc. Anyway, thanks for the great little story. (Btw the idea of Samo doing the girl friend tag is sooooooo daaaaaaaaamn cute.)
Chapter 2: A y, vindictive Mina is so y, believe it or not. It goes against the usual trope of her being a sweet and demure little angel (which she probably is, but that is beside the point). lol

I enjoyed this lil jaunt in MiMo-land ... nice ending, by the way. I had no idea how you were going to end it.
Man, I loved reading this. Mina’s in the state of denial till the very end. I love how she’s so shocked at Momo being gay. Conservative Japan is Consertive. I would not mind reading a full blown story with this AU lmao. I just enjoy reading about Mina’s state of denial over hey gayness towards Hirai Momo. It’s aight Minari! We’ve all gone through this state at one point in our lives, I mean how could you not? Girls got abs I could stare at for dayz, then again the same could be said for our black swan. HAHA

I loved this! You deserve the upvote my friend.
Chapter 2: So cute fun love it so much top notch a a a a a a a momo really adorableeee minari toooo cute aaa
barron_8 #8
Chapter 2: This is a great read! XD Too cute :3
Chapter 2: omg that was so good and too cute to handle! with the mimo drought lately this kinda act as an antidote :') anyway, hope you write more though! :)