Chapter 3

how to deal with pregnancy by kim taehyung & min yoongi


remember that even if things are overwhelming, you are not alone


Taehyung raises his brow, looking expectantly at Jungkook. There's something in Jungkook and Jimin's smiles that Taehyung doesn't like and the boy has a really bad feeling about that.


'What's going on?' he asks, frowning when the two boys grin wider. 'You're scaring me right now.'


'It's nothing, we just want to talk,' Jimin says calmly as he closes the door. At the same time Jungkook drags Taehyung to Jimin's bed and forces him to sit down.


'It looks more like kidnapping to me,' Taehyung responds sceptically.


'It's not kidnapping, you can leave if you want to.' Jungkook rolls his eyes, making himself comfortable on the bed next to Taehyung. 'But I can't say that it won't make me sad.'


Taehyung tries to ignore Jungkook's pout. He knows the maknae makes it only so Taehyung can brighten up.


'Seriously, you make it seem as if we were going to do something inhuman to you,' Jimin comments, joining the two. 'We just want to talk. You can't blame us for wanting to know what's happening with our dear friend.'


'What you mean is that you're just being nosy. And you decided to choose me as your victim.'


'Oh, yes. To get Yoongi hyung to talk is much harder and I'd be afraid of dying too early. I'm still impressed that you haven't died yet.'


Taehyung attempts to smile at the joke Jungkook tried to make but he guesses it looked more like a grimace. Both Jimin and Jungkook look at each other and the mood in the room changes slightly, yet still noticeably. Taehyung wishes he didn't know whose fault it was.


It's been two days since they've told everyone. The members are all wonderful, Taehyung has no doubt about it, but it's no secret that not everyone is good with words. Thus, to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings, Taehyung and Yoongi were talking mainly to Namjoon about Taehyung's situation.


Taehyung can't say he's surprised that Jimin and Jungkook are too curious to wait who knows how long to find out what's going on.


'You know,' Jimin starts with an unsure smile. 'You don't need to talk to us about it if you don't want to. We don't want to upset you. But we don't want you to keep everything to yourself, too.'


Taehyung frowns at the older's words.


'It's not this hard to figure out,' Jungkook adds once he sees Taehyung's confused expression. 'We know you, Tae. We can see whenever you try to make it seem that you're not bothered at all. But you can't hide that from us.'


'Also, it would be stupid if you weren't. It's going to change everything, and of course you know that.'


'And we know that even if you feel like this you're not going to talk to Yoongi hyung about it.'


Taehyung doesn't look at any of them, afraid that if their eyes met they'd see they're right. Taehyung doesn't want to talk about it. He's used to be surrounded with people who love and care about him but he's not used to drawing this much attention. He hates when people worry; he hates even more when it's him they're concerned about.


The boy tenses when Jungkook hugs him, the younger boy's arms are wrapped comfortingly around Taehyung.


'Now, we don't say you need to tell us. We just want to make sure you tell someone.'


Taehyung sighs, resting his head against Jungkook's shoulder. 'It's not this easy.'


'To have to deal with something like this is never going to be easy. That's why you need to have someone you can talk to about it,' Jimin says, his voice is oddly serious and the smile he has kept for so long is gone now. 'The point is, you're not alone. But it makes no difference if you don't take advantage of it and don't let anyone in.'


Taehyung's expression darkens. 'Jimin. It's not easy, I can't just come to someone and start talking. You don't know how it feels.'


'How feels what?'


Taehyung opens his mouth to respond but decides not to, in the last moment. He looks upset.


Jungkook hugs his friend tighter, hoping that Taehyung can find at least a bit of comfort in that. They didn't mean to upset Taehyung; they wanted to help him but it doesn't seem they're succeeding.


'We won't force you to tell us, hyung,' he promises. 'But please, talk to someone.'


Taehyung looks at Jungkook, annoyed. 'Talk to whom?'


'Yoongi hyung.'



Taehyung didn't like the idea but he knew that Jimin and Jungkook were right. And there was no one other than Yoongi that Taehyung could confide in so much. But it didn't mean he wasn't nervous at all.


Yoongi noticed, Taehyung knows he did, but the older still said nothing and the boy was thankful for that. He didn't want questions thrown at him, he wanted to choose himself what to say and when. In fact, Yoongi tried to act as if there was no problem, but he wasn't as subtle as he thought he was and Taehyung could easily notice his boyfriend looking at him with corner of his eye, pretending that he was working in the small studio.


That led them to an uncomfortable silence, which was even worse than an actual conversation. And Taehyung couldn't take it.


'So,' he says, moving to stand next to Yoongi's desk.


Yoongi looks at the younger. Taehyung's eyes betray that it takes a lot of courage to talk to him.




'I just,' Taehyung starts again but still, he doesn't know what to say. 'I was thinking.'


He doesn't continue after that. Yoongi nods. 'Thinking.'




'What about?'


'About-' Taehyung cuts, gulping. He has never had problems with telling the other how he felt, why is it so hard out of a sudden? 'Everything. This. Us. I don't know, I just-' he cuts again, looking at the floor and collecting his thoughts before meeting Yoongi's eyes again. 'I thought I should tell you how I feel.'


With the words leaving past his lips Taehyung can feel what little confidence that he has managed to muster up is slowly disappearing. Taehyung doesn't know why but now it feels so wrong to talk about himself.


Yoongi can see his boyfriend's hesitance. He reaches his hand to Taehyung and the younger takes it without a thought. Once their fingers are entwined, Yoongi pulls him to sit down on his knees.


Taehyung frowns. 'Hyung, aren't I too heavy for you?'


Yoongi rolls his eyes. 'Way to ruin the moment. And no, just sit down without complaining.'


Taehyung knows when he shouldn't argue with his boyfriend and now is the case. He does as Yoongi has told him to, still trying to support his weight on his legs so he won't crush Yoongi's thighs.


Yoongi places his hands on Taehyung's hips, looking up at the other and smiling at him fondly. You seem even taller like this, you know?'


Taehyung smiles back, appreciating the tiny attempt to make him a bit more comfortable.


'So, you were thinking.' Yoongi draws small circles on Taehyung's hips tenderly. 'And want to tell me how you feel.'


He waits a while, thinking that Taehyung will start talking, but he's met with silence.


'I'm all ears, then.'


Taehyung fidgets uncomfortably, he has the feeling in his guts that it's a bad idea. 'On the second thought, maybe I shouldn't. You have work to do and I don't want to bother you, it can always wait. It's nothing urgent.'


Yoongi frowns when he hears Taehyung's shy voice. 'Nothing you do or say is going to bother me.'


'No, really. It's nothing important.'


Yoongi grips Taehyung's hips tighter, enough to make him stay in place but not enough to hurt him. 'Anything about you is more important than my work. Please, talk to me if you need to.'


For a while he thinks that Taehyung isn't going to say anything but then he hears Taehyung mumbling something quietly and incoherently.


'Excuse me?'


Taehyung clenches his fists on Yoongi's shirt. 'I'm afraid, hyung.'


Yoongi hums in response. Taehyung has told him multiple times already that he was scared; he knows there's something more about that. He waits patiently for Taehyung to gather his thoughts before the younger can continue.


'It's not,' Taehyung bites his lips and Yoongi squeezes his hand to encourage him to talk. 'Not just about me. What's going to happen to me. The whole thing, the pregnancy,' Taehyung stops for a while, the heaviness of the word overwhelming him.


'It's okay. You don't have to hurry.'


Taehyung closes his eyes and rests his head against Yoongi's shoulder. 'Hyung, you know it too. It's going to be a scandal. Everyone will be affected, the hyungs-'


Yoongi shakes his head. 'Tae-'


'I'm sorry,' Taehyung almost sobs against Yoongi's shoulder, clinging to his boyfriend's shirt. 'I didn't think about it. At the beginning I- I was too focused on me, I was only thinking about me.'


Yoongi sighs, his hand resting on Taehyung's hair, but he doesn't interrupt. He doesn't dare.


'When people hear my name they think about BTS. But I was too self-centred, I thought of myself, I didn't remember.'


Taehyung's body is shaking. Yoongi can feel the material where Taehyung's face is pressed against his shoulder dampening and he presses a kiss to Taehyung's ear.


'Angel,' he whispers tenderly. 'Please, listen to me.'


'I'm just so sorry.' Taehyung looks at him finally, his face strained with tears. Yoongi's heart breaks. 'So, so sorry. I know I always mess up, but this time, it- it's so bad, and we will suffer, and it's all my fault-'


'That's enough.'


Yoongi wasn't sure if it would be enough to make Taehyung quiet but it worked. He wipes Taehyung's tears and cups his cheek, looking at the other caringly.


'Taehyung, who is the father?'


Taehyung is taken aback by the question. He frowns, unsure where it came from. 'You.'


'And what does that mean?'


Taehyung doesn't respond, not seeing Yoongi's point at all. Yoongi never breaks the eye contact, trying to reassure Taehyung.


'Listen, please. It would never happen if I never ed you.' Forget about a romantic conversation with Yoongi. Taehyung grimaces at the word but Yoongi doesn't stop, he needs to make Taehyung see what he means. 'It takes two for that. I am just as guilty for whatever happens as you are.'


Taehyung tries to look down but Yoongi doesn't let him, putting his hand under his lover's chin and forcing the boy to look at him.


'Yes, it's you who is pregnant. It's going to be so hard for you. But I promised that I would take the responsibility, I'm not going to leave you and do nothing. You need to remember that you're not alone.'


Yoongi looks firmly at the latter, his voice sounds as if he has never been more sure of anything in his whole life. Taehyung closes his eyes, trying not to let more tears fall but he fails. Yoongi wipes them again.


'Don't cry, please,' he says calmly. 'To think about you isn't wrong. Please, don't apologize for that, ever.'


'I love you, hyung.'


Yoongi smiles at the small confession. Taehyung is a mess on his lap but to Yoongi he'd never look more perfect. He should be worrying about himself but there he is, admitting that what he's most concerned about is their band, and although Yoongi hates that trait of Taehyung he can't deny that it's also one of the things he loves him for.


He moves his hand from Taehyung's cheek to his nape and pulls him forward so Taehyung can lean on. Their lips are only inches apart from each other.


'I love you too, angel.'


They kiss.


Their mouths are opened slightly, their tongues touching, but it's not a heated make out session. Yoongi keeps it as innocent and at the same time as intimate as possible, proving to Taehyung that the other can rely on him and Yoongi isn't going to disappoint the other.


When they part Yoongi rests his head against Taehyung's chest and Taehyung buries his face in Yoongi's hair. They're both breathing slowly, bathing in the comfort of each other's presence.


'I'm sorry,' Taehyung says against Yoongi's hair. Although the words are muffled, Yoongi can still understand.


'Tae. You have nothing to be sorry for.'


But Taehyung just shakes his head. 'So sorry.'


Yoongi closes his eyes. How much he wishes Taehyung could finally see he can stop blaming himself.




'I'm sorry, hyung.'


There's no point in trying tell him that, Yoongi knows. He knows Taehyung is stubborn when he shouldn't be.


He wraps his hands around Taehyung's waist, keeping him even closer to himself. It's alright, it will be alright.'


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Kriswu18 #1
Chapter 7: update please
grandpa-yoongi #2
Chapter 6: Did someone call yoongi a grandpa? I’m right here!
Chapter 7: I just read your fanfic.. I like the way you write, how you put the plot, its such a great story.. Thanks for the amazing story ..
I kinda understand you, don't be discouraged, someday she will understand you..
Hope everything okay.. Hwaiting...v
Chapter 7: Aww, so cute, so amazing. It's just beautiful. For the first time I read mpreg taegi and I really fall in love with your story. I'll be wait for update <3
yoonmii #5
Chapter 7: Don't be discouraged!!!!! There will be people who dislikes these sorts of things but there are those of us who don't:) I'm glad you decided to update. I really love your story and I'm a taegi fan not matter how underrated it is!!! Please continue and I can't wait for your next update!!!!
yoonmii #6
Chapter 6: Why does Yoongi never acknowledge the baby? :( I hope you update soon!
Jia_Lie #7
Chapter 6: Omg~~
I cant with this...
so cute, really....

But why? Yoongi never gives his attention to Tae's belly?
the baby also need a huge love from his beloved appa /Yoongi/ :'(((
Chapter 6: Omo! T^T taetae!!! Dont worry, everything is gonna be alright!!!
Jia_Lie #9
Chapter 5: Omg~~~
I wanna cry :'(((
Why Yoongi? Are u afraid with your parents?
but Taetae needs your responsibility...