

My steps bore a little noise as I made my way down the deserted school corridor. There was barely any living thing that I wondered if this corridor was actually still part of the school. But I was quite sure this way would lead me to the "Lost & Found" section-where I would likely find my lost memo yesterday in the Scientific Lab-so I made my way even further.


As I finally reached the said section, I sneak in to see the officer and all my eyes caught was a long blonde lock tied in a low, weird ponytail that I presumed belongs to a girl student. She sat facing the other side of the room-her back facing me-with her head bowed down a little like she's reading a book. I coughed-asking for attention.


"Excuse me, I wish to find my memo."


"Go ahead." I frowned at the low, husky voice. Very not womanly.


"Um" I made a pause "Aren't you in charge of doing that for me?"


"Oh. Right." she responded. Finally snapped back to life. She put down her book before finally asked me "How is your memo?" she said again, not turning around-and at this rate I'm no longer sure if she's actually a she because of her voice.


"I lost it yesterday. It's yellow, small, and has my name engraved in it. Lim Ryujin"


After a while, she finally stood up and it was when I was clearly positive she was actually a he because of the very broad shoulder that hardly any woman in my school has.


He scans the shelves on the right where books were placed at, and after a quick scan he shook his head.


"I don't remember getting a small, yellow memo the other day. I'm sorry," he said. "You probably left it somewhere else." He slowly turned around to face me and it was when my heart seemed like it would creep out of my chest.


He was actually the man of my drawings.


How imbecile I am for not noticing it sooner.


I was taken aback for a moment but quickly contain myself because God knows.


I tried to make a sound to cover up my sudden nervousness.


"But I'm sure I left it at Scientific Lab yesterday. My memo was nowhere to be found after I went there."


He took the seat again, now facing me.


"Sorry. Nothing was found in Scientific Lab yesterday. But again, not every lost thing could be found here. It requires luck which I assume you have not enough of. "


I frowned at his respond. What kind of a comeback it is.


I froze. Not wanting to believe that my last hope of getting back that treasure was vanished in no time. It was my little diary I had kept with me everywhere and was also my birthday present from my parents. I kept all my secrets there and when it was nowhere in my sight I don't know what kind of harm could emerge if anyone ever found out its contents. Oh God...


"So?" he scratched his nape. "Are you not going to leave?"


I blinked, snapped back to reality. "Uh, sure. Thank you" I said half bowing to him, and left the section in no time.


I just didn't know that after I left, he went back to his former reading activity. Reading what actually was a book I had been looking for.

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I love this so far! I can tell it's going to be great! ^^