
My First Kiss

By the time Kibum made it back home, it was dark. In retrospect he should have ran after his sister the moment she bolted, but he promised Nicole to take her out for dinner and she looked so cute when she ate. He slipped into the house and jumped when the lights flicked on, hand resting on his chest.

"Omo! Noona, you scared me!"

He frowned at his older sister when she laughed, setting his shoes by the door neatly. "You're home late... girlfriend kept you busy?" Sooyeon quipped, enjoying the color that rushed to her baby brother's cheeks at the mention of the word girlfriend. Teenagers were so cute. 

"G-Girlfriend? How did you..." The younger started, only to be cut off.

"Soojung came back a few hours ago whining about her oppa dating some chubby little girl." She explained with a nonchalant wave, eyes glued onto the fashion magazine in her hand.

"Then she asked me if I wanted to help her ruin you two." 

Sooyeon eyed her brother closely, noting a very familiar twitch in his cheek as she let out another laugh. She remembered that expression. The very same she made when she was his age and had a little meddling sibling try to scare Donghae off. Thank god her first boyfriend was an idiot.

"Don't worry, I told her to mind her own business and leave you two alone." She assured the boy.

"Thanks noona.. but can't you tell her to back off or something?" He whined, not because he disliked his baby sister- but because after three awkward years of badly timed crushes, he finally ended up with his first girlfriend. He didn't even have his first kiss yet!

No teenager would ever want a snot brat to ruin all of that.

Much to his displeasure the older woman scoffed and rolled her eyes as if oblivious to his current dilemma. "She's your sister, Kibum-ah. If you want to tell her to back off, tell it to her face- I assure you she won't take it too nicely though." She mused, thinking back to the days when a pre-teen Kibum had put her in the same position.

Lucky for their maknae, Sooyeon wasn't nearly as softhearted as their only brother. She was quite sure her baby sister wouldn't be able to take it if Kibum smacked her over the head and told her to get over herself.

Sensing that the topic at hand would go nowhere, Sooyeon sat up and decided to change the topic, lacing her fingers in her lap. "So, tell me all about your new girlfriend- Soojung said she was a pig with poorly accented Korean...?" She trailed off with a small chuckle, watching as her brother took the bait and proceed to her well- everything.

All the while being oblivious to the tiny girl listening in on the top of the staircase. Furious. Upset. Scheming.



okay... i'm not really sure where i'm going with this anymore @@; but thanks for reading guise~ :'D

the next chapter should be the end of this three-shot~ once i figure out what babyjung will do to her oppar.

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ghdghnbzdfdfdfdfb fbv
versxce #2
Omo! Just update!
vulgarvanityx #3
o: mild ? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i'm not too sure actually @o@;
fxwhuut #4
Nice! I actually find this fic cute.<br />
<br />
So... ?:)
KeKe79 #5
Can you update the next one please?