
January Heat

Thanks! Just really, really random scenes and hey, I have papers due but here I am! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHUHUHUHUHUHUHUH

Word count: 1849



Wendy was actually having fun with her ‘alone time’ with Irene. They escaped the three noisy girls inside the house and sought refuge in the backyard.


Wendy tugged Irene’s hand, fingers interlocked and warmth spreading. She pulled Irene to the middle of the yard, smiling dorkily while giggling. The butterflies were doing a hell of a job.


“What’re you planning this time?” Irene laughed, placing her free arm on Wendy’s shoulder.


“Nothing,” Wendy replied, giving the older girl a long kiss.


When they pulled away they smiled at each other and Wendy was just feeling giddy all over even though the heat was almost about to give her headaches.


They kept on moving, hands roaming, breaths tickling, and Wendy was in the midst of walking backwards when her foot suddenly got caught on something and she fell on the grass with a hard thud.


“You okay?” Irene was surely concerned by the way Wendy saw her brows furrow but then the lilac-haired’s lips twitched to a mocking giggle.


“Bad,” Wendy reprimanded as she stood up. The other girl only hugged her tightly while chuckling. She looked down by her feet and saw that a green line of hose was the reason of her tripping.


Then an idea seemed to click in her mind, and Wendy looked back at Irene to see her sharing her bright eyes and mischievous smile.


“Water fight,” they said at the same time, and Wendy was really glad to feel love for someone like Irene.


Wendy vaguely remembered their first meeting—in the bathroom of their house just a mere day before all of their classes started. She had come late because of traffic and the first thing she had wanted to do was take a leak. As soon as she opened the bathroom door—that was down the hall, she remembered when she first checked out the house—there was someone inside wearing a dressing gown that was thin to a sin. Stray strands of pink hair tied in a messy bun and a figure of divine proportions save for the lack of height—the mere back view of this person, her housemate (and she widened her eyes at that), sent shivers down her spine. Then the person turned around and Wendy almost bolted out the house due to shock since she didn’t expect the girl to wear a bright green face mask.


“You’re spacing out again,” Wendy felt a tap on her cheek, snapped out of her reverie and returned to Irene’s voice.


“Was just thinking about you,” she smirked and the other girl blushed lightly.




“Only for you, baby.”


Irene slapped Wendy’s arm. “Stop!” But she laughed anyway. “Come on, let’s just go to the store already.”


“Will do, princess.”





Wendy held the plastic full of balloons on one hand and Irene on the other. The store was nearly a 10-minute walk from their place, and though it was quite tiring, her fatigue would plainly disappear whenever she sees Irene smiling.


Irene hummed lowly before speaking, “Do you remember the first Saturday of us staying in the house?”


Wendy unconsciously grinned. “Would never forget.”


“Tell me why you were next to the pool again?”


“Yeri was asking me to buy her some ice cream. I was about to, until you suddenly pushed me in.”


Wendy loved the way the other girl’s nostrils flared of indignation. “It was an accident!”


“Didn’t look like it when you were laughing alongside Joy.”


“But,” Irene pouted, “you looked really funny then. You couldn’t really blame me.”


Wendy scoffed. “Of course I can blame you. You were the one who put my there in the first place!”


“Bet it was relaxing that Sooyoung pushed me in afterwards.”


“Absolutely refreshing,” Wendy grinned.


Another slap to the arm was received by the brunette.


“Though I must admit,” Wendy glanced at the other girl, “that your swimwear then was highly appreciated.”




She shrugged with a smile. “One must always appreciate art,” she nodded to herself.


“Takes one to know one,” Irene retorted.


“Or maybe this is where the quote ‘you are what you eat’ enters?”


Irene’s brown eyes stared at her with an insane amount of emotion she didn’t even bother to hide. “Seungwan!”


Wendy winced when Irene sent her a kick that was a full blow. “I was kidding!”


“You—” Irene could only sigh.


“Love you, Hyun,” Wendy pecked her partner’s cheeks and she knew she was forgiven.





“We’re back!” Wendy hollered in the room, just enough for Joy to crack open her eye.


The blonde had managed to sleep again after basically throwing Padfoot onto Yeri. “Where did you two disappear to?” she narrowed her eyes at them.


Wendy waved at her enthusiastically. “We thought up of a way to beat the heat.” She wriggled her brows in amusement with her rhyme.


“And what could that be?” Yeri sat on the arm of the couch. “What could be more fun that to see Joy unnie look at S—”


“Yah!” Joy threw Padfoot’s ball at her again before she could finish her statement. “I’ll make Padfoot eat you if you don’t shut up.”


“Unnieeeeee,” Yeri whined to the two older girls who had just came.


They both turned a blind eye, and Joy smiled widely at that. Though she was pretty sure that the still-half- Seulgi lying on the floor was enough for them to understand what Yeri was so obviously trying to say.


“So what is it?” The orange-haired girl on the floor asked again.


“Water balloons!” The two threw their hands up in celebration.


“Seriously?” the blonde deadpanned with a grimace. Sure it sounded fun but they’re too old for it already.


“We’re never too old for water balloons,” Wendy gave her a pointed look as if she could read what she was thinking.


Joy gulped and tried to look enthusiastic about it.


“Water balloons!” Yeri and Seulgi rejoiced, and Joy couldn’t help but roll her eyes at them.




“Oh come on, Sooyoung! We’re gonna have fun!” Irene raised her fist and grinned like a hyper kid.


She stuck her tongue out and crossed her arms.


“But our clothes are going to get wet…” Seulgi pointed out, then realizing she was already void of a top, giggled. “Well, one less fabric to worry about, then!”


Joy involuntarily blushed again. Ugh this is so distracting. She deemed it unfair how Seulgi was acting like this.


Yeri grabbed her hand and pulled her up. “Come on, unnie,” she said sweetly. “Seulgi unnie would be ecstatic!”


The blonde flicked her finger at the redhead’s forehead. “Scheming punk.”


The youngest hugged her. “You like it anyway.”


She faked barfing, but in truth was, she actually did.





Bodies wet, clothes clinging to slim figures, smiles as bright as the summer sun, Joy was lowkey thankful at everything happening.


A balloon exploded straight on her face.


“Aah!” She spluttered, coughing.


“Woops! Sorry!” Yeri snickered. Joy had never heard of a ‘sorry’ that sounded as insincere as that.


“Get back here!” She grabbed another balloon from the basket and chased after the culprit.


Yeri ran behind the lone tree in their yard, and when Joy followed, Seulgi was there to greet here as well.


“Sorry, Jwoy!” She apologized before she and Yeri threw half a dozen water balloons at Joy.


She raised her arms to cover her face, but that did little as she was still hit by every single one of them.


“You two are gonna get it!” She threatened as she threw the lone one she had.


“Oh wow look at them,” a male voice whistled.


Joy immediately looked at where it came from, and she locked eyes with the neighbor they had that they only saw perhaps twice or thrice a month. Beside him were his friends, most likely. They were on their side of the fence, wearing muscle tees, sleeveless shirts, snapbacks, boyish smiles and hopeful eyes.


Joy pulled Yeri and Seulgi to the other side. She nodded at them. “Good afternoon. Eric, was it?”


Eric nodded. “Good afternoon to you as well, Joy. Meet my friends Tony, Vermont, Jonathan and my younger brother Edmund.” The called boys waved at them.


“Hello. I’m Seulgi,” the girl piped up, waving back.


The men’s eyes almost dropped from their sockets.


Joy looked sharply at Seulgi and realized that she was wearing a thin croptop that was clinging to her skin and bra as of the moment.


“And I’m Yeri!” the other one announced, waving with her fingers.


Joy’s lip twitched when Edmund bit his lip and smiled shyly.


Oh my go o o o od. Why must her roommates be so overly attractive that they didn’t even realize that the guys are taking their actions as flirting?


She pinched the two beside her and, with the skill of a puppeteer, whispered, “They’re being erts. Go in.”


They both looked confused, and when she was about to drag them back inside, Wendy and Irene suddenly appeared.


Like Seulgi, Wendy was wearing a croptop and shorts; Irene was wearing an oversized shirt that made her look like she wasn’t wearing any shorts.


The guys ogled at them with no shame.


“Eric! Hi!” Wendy hopped over to the guys easily. “Oh, Edmund, you’re here too! Hiiii!”


Irene pouting and sulking on one corner was something Joy could obviously see, so she walked over to the oldest and gave her a pat on the head.


“Lemme handle this,” Joy offered with a smirk.


She walked over to the fence where her friend and the guys were, and Joy almost slapped two of them—they were glancing at Wendy’s chest and exposed stomach while she was busy talking to the siblings.


Joy wrapped an arm around Wendy’s waist and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “They’re being erts,” she whispered to the Canadian, who in turn blinked and flushed a bit.


“Well, thanks for the conversation, gentlemen. But the girls are starting to get cold, and I really wouldn’t want them to get sick now, would I?” Joy batted her eyelashes at them before walking with Wendy back to the others.


“I don’t like them,” Irene frowned deeply.


Wendy kissed Joy’s cheek before pecking Irene’s temple. “Thanks Sooyoungie. And you, calm down. I’m with you now, and that’s what’s important.”


Irene’s mood lightened up immediately.


“Want to give them a taste of their own medicine?” Yeri appeared, holding the hose and grinning like Cheshire the cat.


Seulgi was already at the faucet.


“Oh, gladly!” Joy grinned.


The couple were into the plan as well. Wendy moved out, with the rest behind her. “Oh boys!” she called out.


As soon as her voice sounded, the five males looked at her brightly. Until they were suddenly doused with cold water from the hose, and hit with the remaining water balloons.


“Serves you right, erts!” Yeri cackled while waving the hose.


Joy was laughing until her stomach hurt.




Maybe the AC was giving them literally hell, but she wouldn’t mind having fun like this with her housemates once in a while.






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im getting there with chap 2 <3


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Chapter 2: cute!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: waaahh this was so cute :3
garensuhanazono #3
Chapter 2: LOL WTF I didnt see it coming. They are so qt I cant resist them qties. Lol ok pls make more of this.. kind of story. Hehe
Chapter 2: ahhhhhh cute cute cute
1727 streak #5
Chapter 2: Gosh this is soooo cutee ugh i love this so muchhh
Chapter 1: joy getting flustered because of seulgis hotness :) this is rly cute
garensuhanazono #7
Chapter 1: LOL HAHA. The two lovebirds are out making out in an ice cream parlor. Whoops no
1727 streak #8
Chapter 1: This is so cute. Hahahahah. What happened to wenrene? Heat got the best of them? Lolol. Update soon ^^