
January Heat

Just something I thought up! Don’t judge, yo.

It’s gonna be a two-chaptered story with mah ships aha!

Not proofread lol forgive me for mistakes :'c

Word count: 1885





Joy was determined to curse this day.


It was a Saturday, which was supposed to be all fun and clubs and happiness but not this one, apparently.


She winced when another wave of heat struck her entire body. She tried to fan her face with her hand, but it was utterly futile and it just made her tired.


She was lying down on the floor of the living room, the tables and couches relocated to the corners of the area just so there could be a vast space in the middle that would allow her, and her housemates, to breathe. She stared at their ceiling. The ceiling fan had got to be the worst invention ever, Joy concluded, glaring at it for not serving its purpose of giving them comfort and air. The fan barely gave them a breeze even when it was in the highest number.


Hell, Joy could huff a ball of air and it would have been more effective than the ceiling fan they were stuck with.


“How is it possible for the AC to break suddenly? In a fine, fine Saturday afternoon?” She whined, wiping the sweat from her forehead, subsequently moving away the strands of her blonde hair that were clinging on her skin.


A sigh came from her left, and Joy looks over to her roommate Seulgi, a monolid girl with high cheekbones, unruly and yet attractive orange hair, slim and fit body, multitalented, charismatic—overall features that left boys and girls swooning down to their knees.


Resting on the other girl’s stomach was an adorable Border Collie named Padfoot—her other housemate gave this suggestion and everyone just went with it. Seemingly, it came from one of her favorite books, Harry Potter; Joy had to admit, when her dark-haired housemate had proposed the name with sparkling eyes and an expectant grin, the rest of them could not say no.


Seulgi patted the dog’s head, who ended up snuzzling into the fabric of her shirt, before letting out another long sigh again.


Joy looked back at the ceiling fan, scowling at its uselessness and waste of money. She flailed her limbs. “It’s too hot!” She wanted to do something but she was too sweaty and drained to move. “It’s January! It’s not supposed to be this hot!”


She looked back at Seulgi, her eyes flashing disbelief, hoping for a response. But Seulgi didn’t respond; she only had her eyes shut tight, taking quick breaths.


Joy furrowed her brows in sympathy. It looked like the girl was lamenting the heat in her own way.


The door abruptly gave a squeak, and the two girls sprawled on the floor craned their necks to look at the intruder.


Scratch that—intruders. Which was actually nonsense since they weren’t trespassing as they had the right to enter and leave the house as often as they want since they lived there as well.


The youngest of the group was the first to appear, with her flaming red hair and mischievous grin that had Joy squinting at her suspiciously every time. The next that came in—a pair this time—had their arms looped together casually. One had dark hair that conflicted with the paleness of her skin; the other one had hair the shade of lavender fading into the moonlight, framing the unearthly features she had.


Joy marveled at the fact that the five of them had actually dyed hair, but her thoughts were soon cut short when the three newcomers raised the plastic bags they were holding.


“We have ice cream!” The youngest, Yeri, hollered into the house.


“Don’t scream, Yerim,” the lavender-haired one said.


The dark-haired one placed a hand on her partner’s shoulder. “Let her be, Irene. You know how hyper the kid gets when around anything sweet.”


“But Wendy,” Irene complained to the dark-haired one as she sighed softly in defeat.


Joy didn’t really care if Yeri shouted, shrieked, or even did a triple backflip then landing with a handstand. She had ice cream and that was what mattered.


“Give, give, give,” Seulgi raised her arms like how small children ask for someone to carry them.


Wendy started distributing the pieces, stuffing the larger ones in their freezer for future necessities.


When Joy unwrapped the snack, the coolness of it brought tears in her eyes. Oh sweet, sweet cold dessert—an important creation—relevant in the history of mankind—


She sniffed when she finished the food, devastated that it was immediately gone.


At least the surroundings were a tiny bit less hotter than prior. But the heat still made her head dizzy and her limbs weak.


When everyone was done eating, they all laid on their backs on the floor, all looking at the ceiling and all sighing with the lack of action the ceiling fan gave.


“It’s still hooooot!” Joy grumbled, wiping her neck with the collar of her shirt.


Wendy and Irene suddenly stood up, exchanging glances.


“We’ll try to figure something out,” Wendy announced, looking at all of them.


“You guys better drink lots of water while we’re gone. We’ll try to find someone who can fix the AC too,” Irene reminded slowly, making sure her words were absorbed by the younger ones.


They made their way back to the front door, and the remaining three called out, “Stay safe! Love you!”


It had been a habit of them, really, to greet each other like that whenever one has to leave. And Joy must say, the familial love evident in the group gave her a warm feeling in her heart.


Yeri sat up all of a sudden. “I’m bored.” She looked at Joy as if the older girl had an answer. Realizing that she had nothing to offer, Yeri rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna turn on the tv. Better to sweat while watching entertainment than none.”


She moved to the couch closest to the television and grabbed the remote, promptly turning the device on.


With the constant heat wave, and the monotonous voice of the person in the television, Joy surprisingly found herself drowsy.


She wondered how the hell it was possible when she’s sweating bullets and maybe all the water in her body, but there she was.


Ah, heck, she huffed in exasperation, deciding to sleep after all.


The temperature allowed her eyelids to droop, and soon she was met with darkness and rest.


For around 10 minutes.


“Joy, wake up,” Seulgi poked her arm.


Her eyes shot open and at that moment she was keenly aware of how the back of her shirt was damp with perspiration and how droplets of sweat slid down her neck and chest. She glared at her roommate for disrupting the scarce moment of peace she had achieved whilst sleeping. “What do you want?”


The orange-haired girl panted lightly. “It’s so hot,” she pouted.


No , Sherlock.


Joy decided to ignore the older girl, turning to her side in the hopes of finding a more comfortable position for sleeping.


Just as she was about to, though, shuffling and low whimpers sounded from behind her. Padfoot continued to whimper in his high-pitched tone, and Joy couldn’t really take it.


“What do I have to do to get some sleep around here?” she groaned loudly, rubbing her face.


For the nth time she looked over at Seulgi and Padfoot with the latter circling the girl before lying his head on her stomach and whimpering.


Seulgi’s frown deepened. “Even Padfoot says it’s hot…”


Joy threw her hands up in exasperation. “Then just take it off!”




And Seulgi took off her shirt and began to her shorts.


Joy’s eyes jumped out of their sockets. “What the heck are you doing?!” She shrieked and covered her eyes. (Though of course she peeked between her fingers.)


Seulgi looked at her blankly. “You said to take it off.”


“I meant Padfoot, you idiot! Not your clothes!”


The monolid girl shrugged nonchalantly, tossing her colored hair over her shoulder to reveal a slender neck glistening with sweat. “You weren’t clear.”


Joy’s mouth fell open as she stared at the girl incredulously.


That did not justify her actions!


“And,” Seulgi mumbled, “Padfoot’s a he, not an it…”


“You guys better stop flirting behind me or I swear I’m gonna buy more ice cream and you two are not gonna get any,” Yeri complained before switching the channel.


Joy immediately shut and bit back a retort that will surely make her kiss that ice cream goodbye.


Seulgi sat up, still half , quickly protesting to the youngest one’s devious tactics. “Not fair!”


Padfoot shifted in place before letting out a sigh. He moved beside Joy, pushing his favorite blue ball to her with his nose. He began biting the ball, which let out a shrill squeak! every time he did so.


But Joy was too busy marveling at how well sculpted Seulgi’s abs were and how toned her arms and legs were.


Squeak squeak squeak squeak


But whenever the orange-haired girl hugged her she was soft and fluffy and not this—attractive.


Squeak! Squeak squeak


Even though there was a sheen layer of sweat that clung to her skin, she still oozed the charisma she had always been proud of.




“Shut up, Padfoot,” Joy unconsciously reprimanded.


How, oh how, in the name of everything holy can Seulgi look this intense when she was just wearing her everyday outfit—just a plain shirt and high waist shorts—minus the top, by the way. And how she could get the attention of everything and everyone within the vicinity even though she was just leaning on her arms and they were in the living room of their house.


“Like what you see?” Seulgi suddenly asked.


Joy’s ears and neck turned bright red in less than a second, and she immediately looked back at the ceiling.


Yeri was in the middle of answering (would you look at that, Seulgi was actually pertaining to Yeri, who was seemingly engrossed in the movie she was watching, and not Joy who was almost drooling at the sight of her skin) when Joy stuttered. “This movie is a—”


“It—It’s not w-what you think!” Joy exploded.


Seulgi flinched at the sudden outburst of the younger girl. She looked at her with confusion swimming in her eyes. “What do you mean?”


Joy couldn’t trust herself to answer, so she just bit her lip and closed her eyes, praying for the ground to swallow her whole already to save her from the embarrassment gnawing her.


“I see,” Yeri laughed airily, sarcasm and mockery lacing with her words.


Joy blinked up at the younger girl and found that the redhead was looking at them, her forearms resting on the couch head and her chin on her arm. Yeri glanced at Joy, still blushing madly, then to Seulgi, still half , then back at Joy. She sent Joy a not-so-subtle smirk that made her eye twitch.


“Shut up,” Joy grumbled as Yeri cackled.


With Yeri pushing the buttons of Joy’s limited patience, the blonde grabbed Padfoot’s ball and threw it at the redhead, landing on her lap.


Instantly, Padfoot bounded towards Yeri and jumped at her.


Joy allowed herself a soft contented smile, obviously pleased with herself.


But then she wondered where Irene and Wendy were…










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im getting there with chap 2 <3


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Chapter 2: cute!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: waaahh this was so cute :3
garensuhanazono #3
Chapter 2: LOL WTF I didnt see it coming. They are so qt I cant resist them qties. Lol ok pls make more of this.. kind of story. Hehe
Chapter 2: ahhhhhh cute cute cute
1738 streak #5
Chapter 2: Gosh this is soooo cutee ugh i love this so muchhh
Chapter 1: joy getting flustered because of seulgis hotness :) this is rly cute
garensuhanazono #7
Chapter 1: LOL HAHA. The two lovebirds are out making out in an ice cream parlor. Whoops no
1738 streak #8
Chapter 1: This is so cute. Hahahahah. What happened to wenrene? Heat got the best of them? Lolol. Update soon ^^