Devilish Angel, angelic Devil


having a twin ..... isn't it will by great?

twins has their own little worlds, they never feel alone, and know they can count on each other

amazing feel like you could by a two people at once..... well maybe not exactly

Yurin and Ririn park are twins.... when you look at their picture you think like it's the same person, no one see differece even their parents has a problem to answer at first second which one is Yurin and which one Ririn. Girls use to by misunderstanding often in school and in family. They were even happy they can use this outside look a like apperence on their own bussiness. Yurin was good on arts but Ririn was great in sports. Yurin was cute and girlish type, RiRin was more like a boyish type always running somewhere brings troubless.

but when they were together they look like they don't need anyone else.

When they end 8 years old their parents get divorced.

Yurin was staying with mother in Korea and Ririn go with father to China.

They stay in contact together but they had own lifes to.

Different friends, differents schools, and differents relationships with parents.

but when Yurin gets in troubles Ririn wasn't think twice by flying to Korea help sister


 YuRin and RiRin

others and 




 Seohyun and Marie




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