our change begin

Devilish Angel, angelic Devil

Ririn andYurinhas two days for talk to each other what they should do, and how looks tgeir lifes. it was important for both that no one can find out the truth including people who need to help them. RiRin show Yurin a picture of her friends. Yurin look at the picture and ask

- this is Lay

- yeah

- and this?

- Mei my best friend

- and this girl is

- my little Lily

- who?

- she is younger sister of my friend's who die two years ago, I was telling you about that

- oh right....I forget...sorry

- it's alright.... I just call her mine, becouse I promise her taking care of her as did always her sister

- I see - Yurin look at sister who was watching on picture of Lily and ask:

- she know about this change?

- no.... well she could propably call to father I want to do something stupid, she just after that death become scary of losing people who she care

- I see....

- when you go to China you had to by nice to her, care about her lunchbox, becouse she often forget taking one from home, and after school I always help her with harder lesson to understand, she want to by a doctor in future so she need to by a great student

Yurin noded but she was kind of sad becouse she saw how important are stranger to her sister, she fell somehow envy. Yurin use to y the most important person for her sister. RiRin always fullfil are promised, never break a word she give, always come to help her or even safe her. Never try to by better of Yurin even if she could. She brings a lot of troubless becouse of her short temper so people called her little devil, the most call her like that their mother. Yurin was always the one who was clumsy, weak, cry baby. But becouse she was calm and gently always polite people see her as an angel. It's like water and fire. so strange they are twins. RiRin look at sister who was watching her by some time and ask

- are you alright Yurin?

- oh... yes I just wonder 

- about?

- how much we change and how different we are and... - RiRin just smile and pat gently her head saying:

- no matter what we look or what we do... we are sisters and nothing change this

Yurin smile and look at another picture opened wided eyes

- who is it?

- this is Luhan

- and?

- what and?

- It's your boyfriend?

- no why?

- well you had a lot of picture of him in your phone

- yeah he like to made picture of himself on my phone, and I don't care about it to much

- don't kidding you had a boy next to your side like him and you called him only your friend?!

- so?

- Ririn are you sure you're right? I mean...are you like girls?

- WHAT!???

- I'm just asking

Ririn only look at sister with judging eyes. Yurin smile and said

- I'm joking but you can't said he isn't good looking?

- well yeah he is a type of boy that girls are interesting, but...

- but what? he had a girlfriend?

- no he didn't as I know... he isn't my type...I like him... he care about my and help me but....

- so but...

- I don't know I never think about him this way

- maybe you should.... he likes you?

- what?! how can I know this... we are friends!!!

- yeah yeah - Yurin nodded but somehow she smile to self. Ririn look at her telling:

- don't make that face, and when you try to do something like find out what he felt I'm killing you. It's good as it is no one need any change of this

then Ririn change subject ask about a girl on the photo, who stand together with Yurin. 

- it's Hana right?

- yes, she promise come tommorow before school will start and she telling you some staff prepared t our school, after school she explain you more, today she couldn't come 

- It's alright, she looks like a nice person

- yeah she is kind of like you

- like me?

- yeah she care about me and sometimes she made me long discuss about what I'm doing wrong

- hey I'm not telling long discuss

Both girls start to laught. Yurin left a sister last hints how she do some staff, and Ririn do the same to sister. It was a day when ewerything should start, On the airport uncle ride with Yurin even when he was almost sure he take Ririn back, they even change with documents, picture not made bog differents so no one find out. After Yurin fly to China on air port was waiting on her :Lay, it was good becouse Yurin know him a little. 

- Hi - he said taking her staff with him, some how he couldn't stop look at her. She bowed to him little akward then she find out he gently laught so she ask

- are you laught at me?

- no... really no I just... it's hard to believe you're not Ririn... I mean... - Yurin smile and said 

- yeah we really look alike

Both sit to the taxi and ride to RIRin's house when wait on her Mei. Lay look at Yurin and said:

- I don't want to scary you but Mei I mean Ririn's friend isn't happy of this all situation, but don't worry she is only cold from the start, sometimes she is kind of harsh to but it's good person who is worry about friend so don't by mad at her

Yurin nodded, she start to by worry if all this situation is really good choice.

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