School Festival

SeChung Shots

Okay, this is an AU that is a little connected to First Love but can also be independent from that fic.

Here are the clubs mentioned and the people invovled:

Student council: (They're all third years)

President: Jisoo    VP: Nayeon    Secretary: Sowon

Dance Club President: Im Nayoung (third year)

Lyrical President: Heehyun (third year)

Choir President: Jihyo (first year) -- because Wheein and Hwasa couldn't be bothered and "Let the kid do all the hard stuff"

Cooking Club President: Sungjae (third year) -- because free food is the best way to Joy's heart

Theater Club President: Joy (second year)




It's a busy day for Heenim Boarding School as the students bustle about manning their booths, entertaining and serving food for their dear customers. It's a day where outsiders can go visit the school and enjoy the hardwork the students have put on for the spirit of solidarity and responsibility (but really, it's mostly to raise funds for their respective clubs). Heenim Boarding School is holding their annual weeklong high school festival, managed and overviewed by the student council and respective club presidents themselves.

Chungha tries to shake out the tension that's emanating all over the place. She's sitting in the student council's room alongside several club presidents and, of course, the student council. She isn't even supposed to be here but since the Dance club's very own president, Im Nayoung, had to stay back to make sure the members (mostly the middle schoolers SinB and Jieqiong) don't burn down anything, Chungha comes over to attend the meeting in her place.

Feeling someone poking her cheek, Chungha turns her head a bit, enough to be unnoticed by Sowon, the council secretary, who is heading the meeting instead of the president, Jisoo, and the vice president, Nayeon, who are currently sitting with their arms crossed facing the wall.

"You okay?"

It's Heehyun, president of the Lyrical club which is composed of mainly rappers and anyone interested in composing and Chungha's longtime friend.

"I'm not really sure," replies Chungha. "Is it always this... scary?"

Heehyun tilts her head a little and hums softly. "Not usually. Other days, those two," she discreetly points at the sulking president and vice president, "are wreaking havoc making meetings more fun."

"Why aren't they doing it now?" asks Chungha,

"They managed to destroy Sowon's bike so she's giving them a time out."

"Ah..." nods Chungha. That explains the harsh tone and stoic facade donned by the normally laid back secretary.

They turn their attention back to Sowon who is already wrapping up the financial reports and is now starting to check up on each club.

"We don't have any problems," reports Choir club president Jihyo. "As long as I can keep the unnies' pranking levels to a minimum then I think we won't have much trouble."

Chungha truly feels for the girl. Jihyo is still a first year and yet she has to take care of the hyper duo Wheein and Hwasa, the very mishievous Sejeong and Yuju, and the easily persuaded Eunha and Rose. They can all be responsible when necessary but when Sejeong starts hatching a plan and Yuju gets Wheein and Hwasa in on it, Jihyo will most likely have to deal with a semi-permanent headache.

"You guys are holding a haunted house?" asks Sowon.

Jihyo shrugs. "The members can do pretty decent sound effects. Eunha made a blood curdling scream earlier."


"Sejeong unnie helped her."

Chungha's eyebrow involuntarily twitched. Knowing Sejeong, she probably scared the poor kid so terribly that she had to scream like the world was ending. In her periphery she sees Heehyun stiffle a laugh and chooses to ignore her.

"Dance club?" Sowon faces Chungha, already moving on.

"The Costume Cafe collaboration with the Cooking club is going well so far. Although, we might need to order more flour later. The cakes are selling really well," reports Chungha.

"All thanks to your members," says Cooking club president Sungjae. "I'm pretty sure Sana's botching the cakes."

"You're actually letting Sana cook?" asks Heehyun.

"Eh~ She's not that bad," remarks Sungjae as he leans back on his chair. "And besides, her face is the selling point. I made it open kitchen for a reason."

Chungha knows Sungjae has always been evil. How else would he click with Joy? She shudders at the thought of the two of them ending up together. A truly terrifying pair.

Sowon checks up on every club before concluding the meeting adjourned. Heehyun and Chungha head out together as the student leaders exit the council room. As soon as they step outside, however, someone pounces on Chungha immediately and they had to separate.

"Yoojungie?" Chungha tries to confirm who the attacker is by the clothes. Sure enough, it's their boarding school's middle school uniform. Once she hears sniffling, she's more than sure it's Yoojung.

Heehyun backs away from the scene, not wanting anything to do with a crying child. She salutes goodbye before she leaves to Chungha who mouths traitor in response.

Sighing, Chungha pats the younger girl's back affectionately. She's always treated Yoojung as a child and now is no exception.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"I'm s-scared," hiccups Yoojung.

Oh. Chungha already has an idea about what happened even without Yoojung explaining any further. She wipes the younger girl's tears away with her hand.

"I'll make Sejeong apologize," declares Chungha.

"We can't go back there!"

"They're just people with makeup."

"But stillllll~"

Chungha purses her lips before giving in. She usually finds it hard to say no to Yoojung. The kid is just too cute.

"Later then. When Sejeong's done with her shift."

Yoojung nods her head in agreement almost too enthusiastically. It's not that she's afraid. It's just that the Theatre club guys did too well on the Choir members' makeup that it looked so realistic. That's definitely the reason.

"Meanwhile," Chungha adds with a smile. "How about visiting our cafe? You'll be a member next year and I think it'll be a great opportunity to hang out with the current members."

This cheers up Yoojung and her mood rises exponentially. This is why Chungha is her favourite unnie.

The area that the Cooking and Dance clubs are using for their cafe is already full of people with more lining up and waiting to get seats. They set it all up in an open area just behind the school with tents put up for shade.

"How did Sungjae sunbae manage to get an oven in here?"

"He's the other spawn of Satan. There's almost nothing he can't do," replies Chungha casually. She leads them both to a room right by the makeshift kitchen but not without saying Hi to the cooking Sana -- assisted by Yerin who is mostly doing damage control -- and the waitressing Mina and Chaeyeon. The room is where they store their stuff and most likely the other members are.

True enough, she finds almost everyone there including their president, Im Nayoung who is currently trying to get flour off of a pouting Dahyun while reprimanding the laughing SinB and Jieqiong. Momo is just lounging on the sofa, absentmindedly nodding to whatever Umji is telling her to do.

"Make yourself comfortable. You can even sit on Momo if she doesn't make space on the couch. I have to help out Nayoung for a bit," Chungha tells Yoojung before stalking off to their Im leader.

Nayoung sees her approaching and visibly sighs in relief. "You're here, thank heavens. Can you take these two," she gestures to SinB and Jieqiong, "and get them changed please? They have to take the next shift soon."

"Unnie, we can change by ourselves. We're not babies," scoffs SinB.

"Coulda fooled me," deadpans Nayoung. "You just gave Dahyun a flour shower. It's very immature."

"It was a prank!" says Jieqiong. "It's supposed to be funny."

"Well it's not funny if only one party is laughing, now is it?" Chungha tells the two softly. "Now go get your clothes and follow me."

"Yes, Chungha unnie," they reply simultaneously.

Nayoung could only shake her head in silent amusement as she watches the two follow Chungha like puppies. Ever since the dance showcase Chungha participated in two years ago, majority of the school became her fans, not excluding Jieqiong. SinB had also vowed to follow her everywhere in admiration.

The three walk to the nearest comfort room, Chungha leading the way. Once inside, she gets the two younger girls in different stalls so they can start changing.

"Chungha unnie," calls out SinB.


"Wanna go to the haunted house later? I heard the Choir club's really doing it all right. It's pretty scary."

"Ugh, I hate haunted houses," Jieqiong complains.

"That's because you're a scaredy cat," teases SinB.

Chungha could've sworn she saw Jieqiong do a low swiping kick towards the stall SinB is at. When she hears a resounding Yah! from the attacked, she's convinced she did. These kids are quite adorable.

"Haunted houses aren't really scary," Chungha says to divert their attention. "We should all go together."

"Unnie, you're so cool. Seriously," Jieqiong praises as she emerges from the stall, fully dressed in a maid costume. SinB comes out after from her stall clad in a genie outfit.

"Ugh, this is barely covering anything. My abdomen is showing," complains SinB, hands rubbing her tummy. "Who's choosing all these outfits anyway?"

"At least we're not wearing embarassing skin-tight leather, cat ears, and a tail," mutters Jieqiong. 

SinB shudders as she thinks of what their Chaeyeon-unnie has to endure for her shift. Chungha mentally notes to talk to Sungjae later.

"We're an attraction for erts," SinB states.

Chungha silently agrees as she swipes SinB's hair into a high pony tail before tying a piece of satin behind that covers the lower half of her face. She helps Jieqiong next, as the latter's headdress fall off for the third time after fixing by herself.

"Speaking of erts," SinB faces Chungha. "How's Sejeong-unnie?"

"Oh yeah. Weren't you guys supposed to go booth hopping or something?" adds Jieqiong.

"Not until late afternoon. We have a cafe to run and she has her own club."

"Geez, you sound like a married couple who're too busy to be with each other and are having a dry spell in your relationship," comments Jieqiong.

Chungha just shrugs. She's gotten the couple comment with Sejeong far too many times since they were kids to feel bothered by it.

"But seriously though, unnie. Why aren't you guys dating?" inquires SinB.

"I don't know," replies Chungha.

"She clearly likes you. Don't you like her back?"

"She's Sejeong," she says, like the simple reply can already explain everything. Then again, maybe it does. At least for Chungha.

It doesn't come as a surprise when the two kids look like they had no idea what she meant. Chungha just giggles and leads them both back to their makeshift cafe. Jieqiong and SinB replace Chaeyeon and Mina while Sungjae mans the kitchen by himself.

Chungha's shift comes right after lunchtime so she decides to spend her time hanging around inside the room. She opens the door to see Yoojung happily playing around with Yerin and Umji while Chaeyeon is slumped on the couch with Nayoung.

"The Japanese trinity are exploring the campus," supplies Nayoung. Chungha nods in response. "Also," Nayoung adds, "Your costume is over there." The older girl points to the other side of the room where a paper bag sat in the middle of the table.

"Thanks," Chungha tells her.

She walks over to where her clothes are, stomach dropping as she gets nearer. The black piece of clothing inside looks awfully familiar. In fact, it's the very same  skimpy garment she swore she would never wear ever. Holding the sorry pieces of fabric up many would refer to as a bikini, Chungha's face starts to redden. There's only one person who knows she had this at the back of her closet buried under piles of clothing she had sworn to throw out but never got the time to.

"Kim Sejeong," Chunga seethes.

This attracts the others' attention. Yoojung is first to laugh, followed by Yerin, and soon everyone in the room is laughing at the absurdity in Chungha's hands. Annoyed, Chungha stuffs it back in the bag before heading outside to where Sungjae is.

"Yook Sungjae," she scowls.

"That's not a pretty face," Sungjae replies. "What can I do you for, grumpy?"

"This." Chungha s the bag in his direction. Sungjae raises an eyebrow in confusion before realization hits him. And he smirks. Chungha scoffs and shakes the bag on his face. "Did Sejeong put you up to this?"

"Maybe~" he singsongs.

Then, an epiphany, Chungha backs up and stares at Sungjae hard. "This whole costume thing was all Sejeong's idea, wasn't it?"

Sungjae hums noncommitally as he finishes up his cake decoration. It only irks Chungha some more.

"Yah, Yook Sungjae," she says warningly.

"That's oppa for you. Yook Sungjae oppa," he tells her.

Chungha waves him off, dismissing his lecture. "Is this Sejeong's idea?"

"Why don't you ask her yourself? She's over there, at the corner table where she can clearly see everything," Sungjae points.

Looking at where he points, Chungha spots a familiar mop of light brown hair and bright twinkling eyes curved in crescent slits. She doesn't think twice before approaching the girl. She also makes sure to look angry as she makes her way to her childhood friend.

Unfortunately for Chungha, Sejeong knows her well enough to remember how Chungha can never be truly angry at anyone. She just waves her arms around in greeting while embarassingly shouting english words that were probably not even words. She only stops when Chungha is seated next to her. The idiot.

"Explain this," Chungha says flatly as she placess the bag in front of Sejeong.

"Ah~ I got caught~," the other says cheerfully.

Closing her eyes, Chungha breathes out sharply. "What in the universe possessed you to think that it's even halfway sane to dress up my friends as... as... whatever these all are?"

Sejeong shrugs. "You guys are hot and people like to ogle."

Chungha facepalms so hard, her forehead is starting to look red. "Kim Sejeong," she mumbles.

The other girl looks at her with worry before taking Chungha's palm off her face and rubbing at the sore spot gently. Chungha could only look at her with exasperation. Once Sejeong thinks it doesn't hurt anymore, she stops rubbing and goes back to her seat. She doesn't let go of Chungha's hand.

"You said you guys needed the money, right?" Sejeong asks. "For a new heater in your clubroom. The old one's barely functioning and fall is almost over."

Chungha looks at her in surprise. Leave it to Sejeong to actually listen to her little rants and remember even the most insignificant details. It's always been like this since they were young yet Chungha still feels surprised each time.

"It's less work getting customers this way," Sejeong tells her.

Maybe Sejeong isn't an idiot, after all.

The paperbag sits proudly at the table, getting Chungha's attention. Chungha frowns.

"Then why do I get a bikini when everyone else either look like servants or y animals?"

"Eyyy~ How else am I supposed to see you in that outfit?"

"It's already starting to get cold. Do you want me to get sick?"

"No! Not at all! Gah, I just wanted to see you wear it once," Sejeong pouts.

Chungha sighs and pulls Sejeong up, leading her to the room without saying a word. Opening the door slightly, she asks Nayoung to switch shifts with her. She gets a yes, but only after a very persuasive jutting of lips and teary puppy eyes (and a promise of free coffee). Once that was done she tells Sungjae she'll be out for a bit, still holding Sejeong's hand while walking away.

"Where are we going?" asks Sejeong.

She doesn't get an answer. The look on Chungha's face says she's thinking hard about something. They pass by the stand set up by the other clubs and walk past the school building. Sejeong wants to ask again but then she sees the dorms. True enough, she gets pulled to Chungha's room.

Closing the door, Chungha faces her and lets go of their intertwined hands. Sejeong rubs her hand, missing Chungha's warmth. She presses her lips together, gauging out Chungha's feelings before treading carefully.

"Are you mad at me?" Sejeong asks softly. "You haven't said anything."

She's met with silence and Sejeong is starting to get really worried.

"You've never been mad at me before," she says quietly. "I didn't want you to get sick. I just thought--"

"You could have just asked, you know?" cuts off Chungha.


Chungha places her hands on her hips as she tilts her head up, releasing a sharp sigh with her eyes closed. When she feels composed enough, she faces Sejeong, eyes softer.

"If you wanted to see me wear that skimpy thing, you could have just asked in private," Chungha clarifies.

Sejeong looks at her wide-eyed.

"I-I mean..." Chungha stutters. "You know?"

"I thought you said you'll never wear it ever when your mom sent it over? You said it's too embarassing."

Chungha shrugs, feeling her face start to warm up. "Well, you want me to."

Sejeong takes a step towards her. "So... You're not mad at me?"

Chungha shakes her head no. Sejeong takes another step closer.

"And you'll wear the outfit... for me?"

Chungha nods once. Sejeong closes the remaining distance and envelops the redfaced Chungha in a hug. The girl just buries her face in Sejeong's shoulder, being a little shorter.

"You don't have to," Sejeong tells her. "I mean, if you're this embarassed already, you don't have to force yourself."

"I don't mind," Chungha says back.

"You sure?"

"I never do when it's you."

Sejeong squeals and holds Chungha a little tighter. She's usually the cheese between them, always donning that greasy ajhussi persona when she's in mischief mode, but she'd be lying if she says she doesn't like rare cheesy Chungha moments like this.

"By the way," Chungha's muffled voice came before detaching herself a little from Sejeong but close enough to stay in the hug. "How did you get all those outfits?"

"Yours is from your closet," Sejeong says prompting an eyeroll from Chungha. "The rest are from Joy from the Theatre club."

"You got Joy to lend them to you? She doesn't give out anything for free, though."

"I've got my ways," Sejeong winks.

Chungha raises one of her y eyebrows, silently challenging Sejeong to keep a secret from her. The other girl scrunches her face in defeat and promises to spill later.

"Speaking of the Theater club,"says Chungha. "They either did your makeup for the haunted house too realistically or you pranked my baby too hard to get her crying earlier."

Sejeong's mouth twitches at the word. She loves Yoojung and all, being such a cutiepie, but she doesn't like it when Chungha calls her that b-word. It always leaves a sour taste in . It doesn't help when Jieqiong calls Yoojung her baby, too, making it seem like Yoojung is Jieqiong and Chungha's child.

"Do you have to call her that?" mumbles Sejeong, face downcast. She's never been vocal about it. She doesn't know why she's voicing it now.

"Sejeong?" Chungha looks at her a little worried, not hearing what the other had uttered. "I'm not really mad. You know I can't really get mad at you."

She feels Sejeong releasing her from the hug and taking a step back. Chungha feels the atmosphere change, almost tense. Sejeong looks her in the eyes, gaze uncertain yet detemined. She wants to reach out, to hold Sejeong again, buut she doesn't because Sejeong doesn't want that. Sejeong has something to say. And so Chungha waits.

"Kim Chungha, do you like me?"

Chungha blinks twice, a little confused at the question. Sejeong's resolve crumbles a little but she works quickly to build it back up.

"Do you... do... do you like me?"

"Of course I like you," Chungha says, making Sejeong's eyes spark. "You're Sejeong," she adds and Sejeong feels the spark die.

"No," Sejeong shakes her head. "I mean, do you like like me."

"You're Sejeong," Chungha says again.

"Yes, I know my name. Now can you please answer the question before I start crying because I don't think I can pretend to be smiling any longer," Sejeong says.

Chungha thinks Sejeong is an idiot. When she goes around doing successfully executed pranks, she's an idiot with a plan. When she goes around helping others secretly but cries at night because the world isn't fair, she's an emotional idiot. When she's in front of Chungha, she's just a plain idiot.

"I don't only like you as a friend," says Chungha. Sejeong perks up, feeling hope. But then Chungha adds, "Is that what you want me to say?"

Sejeong's lips start to tremble and she turns around to leave but Chungha has quick reflexes and she grabs her hand, keeping Sejeong from moving. The other girl tries to shove her off but Chungha doesn't let go. She won't let go.

"I'm not done," she says.

Sejeong doesn't say anything, she knows the next time she opens she's be bawling. She stops struggling, however, and lets Chungha finish, waiting for the final blow, a Can we still be friends or Let's stay like before speech maybe.

"Kim Sejeong, when I get hurt from practice you drop everything you're doing to come to my side. This happened so many times that Wendy unnie had to give the president seat to Jihyo instead of you because clearly, you're an idiot," Chungha chuckles lightly. "When I fail at an audition, you're always there to cheer me up."

Chungha keeps a hand on Sejeong's waist to turn her around.

"You come knocking on my dorm room at two in the morning because you can't sleep and we always end up cuddling on my bed," continues Chungha.

Sejeong looks down, not really sure where this is going anymore.

"We share ice cream cones and strawberry sundaes with one spoon," Chungha says.

Sejeong looks a little calmer and so Chungha lets her hand cup the taller girl's face, thumb caressing the edge of her lips slightly.

"We've even had our first kiss already."

Sejeong's face flushes a light shade of red, hands immediately covering her face in embarrassment. That was a memory she had desperately wanted to forget. How could she take that phrase First love never dies literally and kiss her own best friend in a hospital bed? It wasn't even romantic!

She hears Chungha giggle and she whines in protest, not amused at the shorter girl's reaction to her embarrassment.

"Look, Sejeong," Chungha says as she pries away the girl's hands from her face so that she look at her properly. "All those things... I wouldn't have done them if I didn't like you. Yes, I like you like you. I always have. I didn't think you wanted to hear it directly from me."

Sejeong still doesn't say anything and only stares at Chungha, waiting for a but, the complete punchline, because this doesn't feel real and it must be a joke somebody pinch her. Except the punchline doesn't come and this is all very real and thank vanilla gods this is really happening!

"You okay?" asks Chungha worriedly.

"Can I kiss you?" blurts out Sejeong.

Fireworks are only lit up once the school festival comes to an end. But Sejeong and Chungha have their own right here, in Chungha's dorm room, as they hold each other close and relish in each other's presence.

Sejeong kisses Chungha.

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Chapter 4: I LOVE THIS
Chapter 4: Thank you for the update, authornim. It's so good. And it's funny everytime Heehyun just threw out a reason on Chungha's way was that Sejeong will be there. Thank you again. SeChung ftw ^•^
Chapter 4: thank you for this fic authornim and to that younger cousin of yours too ^^
Ahhhh all three stories are super goooood pls write more Authornim
chotha #5
Chapter 3: Ahh so sweet
Thx authornim for writing sechung <3
Hope you writing more ><
Chapter 3: Are you still posting one shots? I've been trying to find Sechung and I've probably read all of them. I'm also writing some, maybe you might want to check it out :)
Chapter 3: Ah now I know how both of them feel about their first kiss. I can feel you sejeongie, it was embarassing yet chungha seems okay with it, she likes you sejeong unnie but I think it's more than just like, right chungha unnie? Kkkk ah I love cheesy chungha too hope to see another chungha cheesy moment in your next ff ;;))
merugoo #8
Chapter 2: "First love never dies."
"What does that mean?"
"I'm not sure," shrugs Sejeong. "But I kissed you. That means you won't die, right?"

T_T that was too cute, nice shots. It's just the right amount of fluff :) although i am a little confused by the first one :l
Chapter 2: Kid sechung is new for me but I love this. I wonder how both sejeong and chungha think about that kiss when they grow up lol I hope to see more of sechung ff in the future authornim, thx for updating. I'll wait for next story ;;))
rhk7130 #10
Chapter 1: This story really End?
Why it looks like can have a sequel or next chapter?XD
I want to see SeChung together~