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I think I wanna do double update today... I guess lol


Once again, Haechan groans when his plate magically gets filled with food by the kitchen Elves. Johnny, as always, throws his junior a look, raising one of his eyebrow. He snorts and talks animatedly with MJ about their class. Transfiguration is not easy, especially when Doyoung, the pure-blood Slytherin can't stop tossing his sassy cold remark at them. Johnny and Doyoung are an enemy since birth- that's what everyone said.

They met for the first time inside Hogwarts Express, in one of the compartment, Doyoung who didn't have a place to sit decided to just sit randomly and it happened to be Johnny's compartment. Doyoung hissed when Johnny tried to be friendly and ended up got a sharp bite from fluffy orange ball called Pumpkin, Doyoung's kitten.

"Oh! Haechan!" One of his senior takes a sit in front of him. Haechan looks up to see Taehyung starts his lunch with chicken wing and drinks some water to ease his dry throat.

"Yu know wat marrrk ish buking fa yoa,"

"Just eat first Tae," Chanyeol, one of the Prefect of the Gryffindor says. Haechan gives Taehyung a look as the boy tries to gulp down his chewed-food inside his mouth.

"Mark is looking for you,"

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jungri finally xD and what will happen next? stay tune!


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Chapter 12: I feel like I want to write this. Seeing that you updated so often really make me happy. :D This story is so great and you handle your characters so well. It just ease me everytime I see your updates, because that's mean you are doing well in your life. *Hug you* Author-nim, you are the best. :)
Xxdreamergirl #2
Chapter 12: This stoey is so funny :)). Buut....how home Yuta the king of savageness is not already causing riot between slytherins :O? He is the perfect slytherin material :)))
ying9202 #3
Chapter 11: why does the girl looks kinda like mark.........?
chxn2lx #4
Chapter 9: I love the way ur introducing the characters so we don't get confused. See you in the next update author-nim n keep up with awesome work!! <3<3
Chapter 8: *^O^* I am right!!! And you add gurls. Couldn't be happier than this. Who's Jungri btw? I'm sorry for my lack of info. ^^
Chapter 6: You know, at first I was thinking that maybe you are shipping Johnny with Doyoung, but now.. My instinct is saying it's my precious boy. <3 Is is Jaehyun?
Chapter 5: My. My. Doyoung is acting so fab. Oh my god. <3
Chapter 4: Uwaahh.. You better be. I want to see them reunite. Poor Mark. But they are cutee.. <3
shironuu #9
Woah I love it so far
Chapter 3: Although I am not a big fan of Harry Potter, HP!au always interested me. Author-nim, thank you for making this precious fanfic. I like it that you insert a modern setting in this fic- the usage of phone. Good job.