The friend and the new student.

Catch my heart!

Lee Taemin: the super cool best friend

Kim Jong Hyun: One of 3 new students to join this semster












Sica liked roller blading to school, she loved the work out, it kick started her day better than the best of coffee out there. The path to school had a beautiful stretch of bougainvillea of all colors laid out on either side of the narrow road. She loved it.  
She was greeted at the school gate as she made for a smooth grace full stop by a person who had the brightest smile and kidest eyes on this planet. It was Lee Taemin.. her best friend.
He was 2 years younger. She met him 3 years ago when she was heading back home and saw a bunch of thug like kids harassing an innocent little girl. Sica immediately jumped to rescue(She loathed bullies) and fought them with her clean and sharp Taekwondo kicks(it was this skill which helped her maintain the Ice princess persona). Sica thought the little girl was injured, she picked her up to give a piggy back ride home. Sic asked .."Hey little girl its going to be alright now... can you tell me directions to your house, I will drop you there" Sica offered...... The next words and voice that came in reply gave her the biggest SHOCK of her life!!!! "I... Am not a girl!!! and I live in Green hills 5th avenue 3rd house," replied a boy's voice.. a little shaky but had a hint of strong ego.
Surely enough now that she noticed a lot of things.. the little girl was way too heavy for her size and the legs,lean and slender were actually super toned and muscular in nature. His voice clear and confident , thought it sounded quite exhausted. So Sica thought it was only fair she helped a younger dongsae in distress by carrying him home.
Jessica took a fraction of second more to further the conversation."Hey..I live there too...well  5th house actually. So it is your family who newly moved in to the neighborhood. Nice to meet you am Jessica Jung but friends called me Sica and am sorry I mistook you for a girl."
"No problem, it happens a lot. I am Lee Taemin. This was my first day at the school, I should have known better to get myself in to this mess'. Sorry for the trouble. He said.
Jessica replied "Don't worry about that.. now you know one person who can deal with that, just let me know if anyone tries to bully you, I will take care of it. Not that after this any one would even dream of trying to hurt you."
Taemin was super thank full for Sica's help. He immediately liked her. He had faced this this problem a lot. He could not wait to grow up fast and become stronger so that he could take care of himself, but that had to wait a few years.
Tae & Sica immediately became best friends a bit less like sibling coz siblings were irritating LOL. Lee Taemin was anything but irritating. Not to mention super Kawaiii. The girls in the school including the ones in her class were crushing on him, and Taemin completely oblivious to all this, innocent , witty, loves to play piano and dance away to glory and was flawless at every sports. He was one of those all rounders. But the best thing Sica liked about Taemin was when he was dancing, it was the she thought he looked like he had the best time.. something only he was meant to do. Sica would take care of Tae when his parents went on over seas projects. 
Taemin now after 3 years, had changed a lot, though still sweet and caring he was much more taller than her and strangely he doesn't need any special martial arts. Kicking just came naturally to him. Something happens to guys when they grow up.....
Noona , lovely morning... and you look like you are happy, Sica just smiled and nodded in agreement. 
Taemin went on... 'so they say there are 3 new students transferring in ... they are the sons of 3 of the board members of school.
Sica was always in awe at how Taemin had the latest news and happening in school at his finger tips. I suppose having whole school full of fans has to have these benefits.. 
The bell rang.. Taemin and Sica said bye to each other and headed off to their respective classes.
Jessica headed out to her algebra class, she dint hate the class but was not so much a fan of it either.
When all the students arrived and teacher entered the class, he was followed by a person Jessica has never seen before. 
'Attention everyone! Kang Lee please take a seat now! thank you very much!...' the algebra teacher Mr. Blade. ( was a nick name as he had mustache which resembled blades )
"This" he said turning towards the new arrival ..' is Kim Jong Hyun.. he comes from the prestigious academy of Mandel school of research in UK. He is a top student. I expect you to extend your warmest welcome and make him adjust to our school'
Kim Jong Hyun bowed and greeted, Anyeong . 
The teacher was now looking around to pick a seating place and buddy. He found a seat behind Jessica. ..  said. 'Ah! there is your seat Mr. Kim , and Jessica there will help you with show around the school for first few days. 
Aww man!! Sica was not lazy, but she wasn't fond of this either. And for some reason, there seem to be some sort of heavy spotlight on this new guys. Guys trailed Jonghyun along and girl stared at Sica for some reason at the new announcement. Weird.
Sica being an intro would avoid both the spotlight and gazes. It made her feel awkward all of a sudden.
Jong Hyun just smiled plainly at her .. she noticed the smile did not reach his eyes, and he sat in the seat behind her.
Taemin went on... 'so they say there are 3 new students transferring in ... they are the sons of 3 of the board members of school.
Sica was always in awe at how Taemin had the latest news and happening in school at his finger tips. I suppose having whole school full of fans has to have these benefits.. 
The bell rang.. Taemin and Sica said bye to each other and headed off to their respective classes.
Jessica headed out to her algebra class, she dint hate the class but was not so much a fan of it either.
When all the students arrived and teacher entered the class, he was followed by a person Jessica has never seen before. 
'Attention everyone! Kang Lee please take a seat now! thank you very much!...' the algebra teacher Mr. Blade. ( was a nick name as he had mustache which resembled blades )
"This" he said turning towards the new arrival ..' is Kim Jong Hyun.. he comes from the prestigious academy of Mandel school of research in UK. He is a top student. I expect you to extend your warmest welcome and make him adjust to our school'
Kim Jong Hyun bowed and greeted, Anyeong  and gave a tiny smirk. Seemingly innocent thing but it sent shock waves across the room.
Jessica was sure she dint imagine it because she could see every person in the class room react to it. Sica being the observer that she is scanned the whole room in less than a second, every girl was holding her breath and every guy had a look which indicated they were both impressed and jealous.  
Sica contemplated this, Jong Hyug looked normal. A pretty face, good hair style, okay height not that tall, he looked like a regular person but all these put together made for something extraordinary, there was certain humbleness and arrogance in his eyes as he casually grazed from face to face. 
The teacher was now looking around to pick a seating place and buddy. He found a seat behind Jessica. ..  said. 'Ah! there is your seat Mr. Kim , and Jessica here will help you show around the school for first few days. 
Jong hyun eyes met Sica, and Sica suddenly aware of everything. about how horrible her hair ( Hardly, her shoulder length hair rested perfectly), WHAT> why was she thinking about her hair?!! and then the words of Mr. Blade sinked in .
Aww man!! Sica was not lazy, but she wasn't fond of this either, and for some reason, there seem to be some sort of heavy spotlight on this new guy. Guys gazes trailed Jonghyun along and girl stared at Sica for some reason at the new announcement. Weird.
Sica being an intro would avoid both the spotlight and gazes. It made her feel awkward all of a sudden.
Jong Hyun walked over to just smiled plainly at her .. she noticed the smile did not reach his eyes, and took the seat behind her.
Yes I know dull chapter after a long wait. Sorry. Trying to do better. :) 



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That wasn't dull! I liked it. Please update soon :>
nerdscandy #2
Jaejoong <3 and FINALLY a shawol who's not a sone likes their chemistry :)
Annalise93 #3
that was a good update..but i love the picture...LOL jaejoong-oppa..sigh...<3 hehe please continue to update :D