Obsession: Jae Joong :D

Catch my heart!

Jesscia!... Jessica... !! came Jessica's mom's voice from down the kitchen.

Jessica looked at the clock... Jeez its only 6.00 am... She thought. She had been up all night sketching Jae Joong, which was just not perfect enough no matter how she tried to capture his marvelous beauty on paper.

She was obsessed with his flawless beauty. Who wouldn't be? In fact the entire nation was obsessed with him and the band he belonged to: DBSK. Even more so now than ever as DBSK split up for good previously had reunited and were topping the charts with their come back single ...  "Destined to be together" (A/N: I know I know... why can't DBSK be back as 5 at least in my fan fics ... ~__~)

So Jae joong was her dream human :P ... no one on earth would compare... she loved the rest of the DBSK's UBER KAWAII members too .. she could go on and on about them.. and Boy did she miss them together as 5 THE GODS RISING FROM THE EAST.

She snapped off from day dreaming abt DBSK.Woke up in a lazy manner... looked at the mirror .... and said to herself... "its Friday Sica... just one more day, and the weekend. ...and Just one more year.. and I would be off to college.. FAR away from this wretched place".. there was nothing in this place she would miss except for her 2 precious friends.  This was her routine every single morning to motivate and drag her self to school.

She got ready.. went down to kitchen to grab a bite... Jessica's mother noticed the faint dark circles under her eyes. 

"Have you been up all night sketching again??" she asked Sica. "No" Sica replied ... "just a little". Sica's mom smiled a little while shaking her head in disapproval. Sica left for school. 




A/N: So this is a short chapter I know... this is the me writing a Fanfic for the very first time so still figuring out how to go about it .. so let me know what you think....... sorry if its boring :P :P 



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That wasn't dull! I liked it. Please update soon :>
nerdscandy #2
Jaejoong <3 and FINALLY a shawol who's not a sone likes their chemistry :)
Annalise93 #3
that was a good update..but i love the picture...LOL jaejoong-oppa..sigh...<3 hehe please continue to update :D