Cute Boy

Winter Boy

It was inevitable I would eventually bump into Jaewhan again, since we had classes together. Although I tried my best to avoid him, he wound up catching my attention by grabbing my wrist and pulling me aside for a quiet conversation. Surprisingly, he was apologetic, almost as upset about how things ended as I was. After a few weeks of slowly spending time together again, we gave it a second go.

Things were better the second time around, and it was clear to me that Jaewhan was putting more effort into our relationship. He was always overflowing with aegyo, and it really did charm me. He was just so cute.

He even made a few romantic gestures the second time around - he brought me chocolate, and flowers on more than one ocassion. The sweetest thing Jaewhan ever did for me was buy us tickets to go and see Big Bang in concert. I still remember that day clearly - it was one of the best days of my life.

But exams got in the way of things.

We were both stressed, and had began to drift apart naturally. We simply didn't have the time to see each other, and although it , we'd grown too far apart. Things ended on friendlier terms the second time around, and I honestly thought I was done with Jaewhan. I had no idea he'd make it back into my life one last time. 

Before that, I met Cha Hakyeon.


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Chapter 12: Aaahhhh!!!!! All the best of luck, Wonshik! Go for it!! But I know that no matter what, Taekwoon will accept it. Will accept your love and the future together with you. He'll be happy. *wipes happy tears*

Thank you for writing! <3
(will you do the proposal scene?)
Chapter 11: ~~~Love wasn't a myth~~~ I love this line!
Yes! True love exists! Am really glad he found it in Taekwoon. (*´ω`)ε`*)チュッ?
*does my celebratory dance*
Chapter 10: *blushes* That was just so romantic! I just love them. I adore the cute Taekwoon. Love Wonshik too.
Chapter 9: Ah yes!!! Finally!! I hope Taekwoon accepts!
I love how they started as friends. :)))
Chapter 8: Aaaahhhh!!!! This is it!!!! I've been waiting for so long!! This very special moment. (*˘˘*).。.:*♡
Chapter 7: OmG!!! So sorry for Wonshik. ㅠㅠ
That was terrible. Thank god for Hakyeon.
Chapter 6: I'm rechecking the tag to make sure this is wontaek??... I can't wait...... :((((
Chapter 5: Jaehwan's probably his soulmate. :()
Chapter 4: Ey?! Well, things happen and love blooms again. (why am i sad?!)
Chapter 3: Well...he got a hot night so....I guess that was good!xD
Will he call him??