Our Daily Life part 2

Life Of The Kim-Hwang

Taeyeon and Tiffany sit on the floor with boys. Ji, Jin and Jun is writing something on their study book. 

TF : Sorry we skipped to film the lunch part. We'll show all of you what the boys and I are making next time. Today we're having BBQ. Fully Korean style lunch. With rice. Tonight we're probably having kimbap and some fruits. And about the other triples, they're having their evening nap since they're still toddler after all. 

TY : I don't know why they're always fight amongst themselves..

TF : Miyeon always beat her brothers up.. (Laugh)

TY : Must be inherited it from me i guess.. I am always fight with Jiwoong oppa too during my childhood day.

TF : Gangster Taetae must be so cute~ (Teasing Taeyeon by playfully tickling her chin) 

TY : Yah~ You die~~~ (In a fully dorkYeon mode)

Tiffany slap Taeyeon's shoulder for the playful remarks. Taeyeon smile and kiss Tiffany's forehead. 

TF : Everyone must be curious what's our job right now after leaving the entertainment world. We didn't spend our idol money by being jobless. We will be broke if we do that! We're working. I took a business class in fashion design few years back. Now owned a boutique. Taeyeon is helping my father in hotel business and even own a restaurant in there where she can performed for the guest once awhile. So far we got no problem financially. The boys are home schooling started last year until now. They're doing good. Probably gonna send them into private school next year. It's not that we look down on public school but err... How to explain this....

TY : For safety purpose. There's not easy to find a trustworthy same school for our kids. We're difference. Besides we wants them to be comfortable. So after taking pro and contrast in everything we've come up into this decision at the moment. However we are opened to others option as well.

TF : Definitely. You guys can send us your opinion about this too. Tell us should or shouldn't we send them to private school. Give us a reasonable opinion okay. 

TY : Talk about music. It's time for your music class right now kids. 

TF : I'll stay here with the others triple. 

TY : Arra/Ok. I'll be on the basement room with the kids then.

TF : Here, take the camera. I'll just cuddle with the toddlers.

TY : Ayye.. Piggy hwang just want to take a nap too~ 

Tiffany make a 'punch' sign. Making Taeyeon laughing with her wife childish side. 


TY : Tadaa~ Welcome to our music room or our theater room. This is where we can watch a movie together or practice music instruments. As for now I've been teaching them music since they're three. They did recognized music note and quick impressive that they're actually capable to play the instruments now. Tiffany's sibling and cousins teach them to play violin, drum, guitar and saxophone. The only music instrument i known are piano and keyboard. They can play as loud as they can in here because this room is soundproof. Cool eh? (Wiggle her eyebrows and grinning like a dork)

Jun : Umma, can i play a drum today? 

TY : Of course you can.

Jin : I am taking violin then.

Taeyeon show a thumb up towards the middle child.

TY : What about you big hyung/brother? 

Ji pointed towards the piano. Taeyeon nod agree with his choice.

TY : Since Jun first stated his music instrument first he will be number one then Jin and lastly Ji. Jin and Ji can you please sit with Umma here while watching Jun perform please.. 

Jun and Jin play the instrument although not perfectly mastered it but still they finished until the last note. As for Ji, he's almost perfectly nailed it but Taeyeon doesn't want him to be so full of himself and asked he to practice more. 

TY : Music is a beautiful masterpiece. It's an endless lesson for a lifetime. You can be proud of yourself for capable to play instruments in your age. But please don't be arrogant. Remember that there's probably someone are more capable than us. Be humble always kids. Lesson ends. 

Ji : Can Umma play piano for us? I want to hear you sing 'Moonlight'.

TF : Knock knock~ We want to see you perform too.. 

Tiffany come with the already wide awake triples. Thankfully they're not in their cranky mood today. Taeyeon smile and perform for her family. 










#Please send your opinion about it is wise to send Ji, Jin and Jun into private school when they turned five? Or should they continued home schooling? Why? 

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Chapter 5: really love your story author nim..hope you can update as soon as possible...
1139 streak #2
Chapter 5: Lol Miyeon is like the buttercup of ppg... she's active but a protective one... is she the youngest? And I can't wait for Miyeon to meet other kids their age hehe
Chapter 5: Haha I cant imagine if there's another set of triplets >_< Baby Miyeon is sure one of a kind from her brothers :)
1139 streak #4
Chapter 4: I agree with my buddy sleepingprince and public schools can be great too
Chapter 4: They so lucky and blessed to have Taeny as parent . In my opinion , I think its not necessary to go private school for saety purpose. They are only 5 and I think kids dosent discriminate. They are innocent and all they know and think about is to play .. If there's any problem on that its the adults.
29 streak #6
Chapter 4: School!!! Let's see how they interact with other kids... And probably have crushes... Hahaha.. Good job! Too many kids though... Hahaha...
xxkarezxx #7
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this. It's cute :)
Chapter 3: Haha author shi seems to read and respond to our comment ^_^ Thank you for updating us about Miyeon injury . Story is so cute
tnsl_sone #9
Chapter 3: They're so cute!! Make longer ones please!
Chapter 2: Little princess hurt herself. If only her brothers are there to protect her