The Worth


He loved this quote by Ernest Hemingway : We are all a little broken, but that’s how the light gets in. He understood right then, that he must have been so broken for Minwoo to mean everything to him.


For the first time in my entire writing history I decided to break my rule of not writing angst, but I needed a way to relieve whatever I have been feeling in the past couple of days, riled up and angsty. The constant wondering and pondering about how life is meaningless for me right now… It’s been a long time since I wrote, I don’t think I could have done any much better. I don’t even know if this makes sense. But just to mention that in this story, in no way whatever Dongwan is feeling is healthy. Its an unhealthy relationship, and I am not trying to say its good to find someone to survive on completely. Find your worth, and I guess at the end of the day, life is still worth living. 

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nananene #1
Chapter 1: wow this fic.. well written the words are beautiful;; eric's cameo tho i hope i can see more what if HE can help dongwan;; tq i enjoy your fic^^