Bottle cap

I love you even if you're not tall

“Honey, can you please come here for a sec?” Aeri called.

He quickly entered the room and found her turned towards the kitchen table.

“What's wrong?” he walked closer, only to see a bottle of water in front of her.

“I can't open it” she sighed and looked at him, her eyes asking for help.

“Let me do it then” he gave her a smile full of confidence before grabbing the bottle.

He positioned one hand on the cap and started to unscrew it. Or at least he tried to. He gave her a weak smile, took a deep breath and tried again. Still nothing.

“I knew you weren't ing working out” she hissed, furrowing her eyebrows.

He ignored her and tried for the third time, weak muscles stretching uselessly under his loose pajama shirt.

She sighed. “it doesn't matter, I'll just use the water from the sink”. She started walking towards the basin when she heard a “you ” being whispered.
“What?” she turned around immediately, an angry look in her eyes.

“Not you, the bottle” he explained, face starting to gain a slightly reddish tone.

“Really, it doesn't matter. We'll ask Minho tonight” she said, filling a glass of water from the sink.
“Leave Minho out of this” he said with a strange look in his eyes “This is a ing competition between me and this bottle”
She sighed again.


“Hi Minho, come in” she greeted her guest on the door.
“Thank you again for inviting me to dinner” he smiled, walking in.

“I have to let you know that Jonghyun it's a bit... angry.” she sighed for the nth time that day, walking up the stairs with Minho following her. “And I have to ask you a favor”

“What happened? How can I help you?”
“Well... today he spent something like two hours trying to open a bottle of water without succeeding. Now he's in the bedroom hugging Roo so tight she might die and being all grumpy.”
He gave me a weird look before nearly falling down the stairs laughing. I joined him.

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