No One Can Take His Place

No One Can Take His Place

/runs and hides


               Baby, I’m so sorry I can’t make it tonight. D:
                I’ll make it up to you, promise.

           Chaeeun understood; she really did. Jiyong and the others hadn’t spent much time together during the year, especially after everything that had happened, and she understood that they would celebrate the New Years together. They had a lot to celebrate, and she really wished that 2012 would be a better year for him, and for all of them. She couldn’t be any happier for them, but a part of her selfishly wished he could be here with her instead.

            She didn’t mind being alone, but of late she’d been more and more dependent on his presence, especially after he’d spent so much time with her. He’d been really busy ever since Big Bang was finally together again and the new album was sure to make him busier than he already is.

            She stared at the ‘feast’ she’d ordered ‘for two’ spread on the table. “More food for me then.” Her voice suddenly seemed too loud in the empty hall, and she quickly switched on the television, flipping through channels randomly.

            So when she heard the doorbell ring, she dismissed it as something from the television. It wasn’t until it rang again a while later that she realized there was somebody outside the door. Her brows frowned as she glanced at the clock, which read 10.53. Who could be here this late…? Her heart lifted at the possibility that it might be Jiyong, that maybe he’d decided to celebrate the new years with her after all.

            But she was struck momentarily speechless when she saw who was outside the door and not just because of the shock either. His face against the dark sky could take anyone’s breath away, and her heart skipped a beat.

            “Hey.” His lips lifted in a small smile— a trademark of his.

            “L…? Why are you here this late?”

            He lifted a paper bag he had in his hand to show it to her. “Jena sent me. Uh, to send this.”

            Suddenly she caught him shivering, his hand stuffed deep inside the pocket of his jacket which apparently didn’t give him much warmth. “Where are my manners.” She muttered, more to herself than to him. “Come in. Give me a minute, then you can take this back to Jena.”

            He stepped in, relieved to get out of the cold.

            “Are all of you at Jena’s house?” she transferred the little cakes from the container onto a plate, talking to him from the kitchen.

            “Ah, no. Only me and Sungyeol.”

            She stepped out of the kitchen, container and bag in one hand, and the plate in another. “Why did she suddenly make these cakes?” It struck her as odd that Jena was at home after making these little cakes that Aeyun liked so much— it would’ve made more sense if she was at Aeyun’s right now.

            “Woohyun-hyung pestered her to— he wanted to make them for Aeyun, insisting that she show her how to, and he’ll do it on his own. So—” his words were cut off when a growl resounded from his stomach, and hos widened in shock and embarrassment.

            Chaeeun couldn’t help it— she burst out laughing. The embarrassment on his face was so cute, so different from the expressionless face he always had on. “Hungry, are we?”

            He grinned sheepishly. “Probably from seeing all that food.” He gestured towards the table. “Where’s Jiyong-hyung anyway?”

            Chaeeun blinked, and realized that she’d forgotten about her beloved boyfriend the whole time Myungsoo was here. “Uh. He’s out with the guys.”

            “Oh.” He nodded slowly. “Sorry, I assumed he was, judging from that.”

            She forced a smile, ignoring the slight twinge in her heart. He was supposed to be here.


            Chaeeun looked at him wide-eyed. Did I say that out loud? “Ah, nothing. You know, I probably couldn’t finish all that on my own. So… Help yourself?”

            His face lit up, and his eyes actually sparkled. “Seriously?”

            The smile that spread across her face this time was genuine. “Go ahead.”

            They ate together, and she was glad he was here, even though he didn’t make up for Jiyong’s absence. At least she wasn’t alone. She did most of the talking, only listening and laughing for the most part, and she thought his laugh was a beautiful sound (only after Jiyong’s of course), but he interjected now and again.

            “Why didn’t you guys celebrate the New Year together?”

            “Well.” Myungsoo swallowed another scoop of rice, and she smiled at how fast he ate— he’d practically inhaled his food. “We thought it’d be nice to spend some time with other people instead of… you know, us again. One can only see so much of the same person.” He grinned, and she knew he was only joking.

            “So why are you at Jena’s?”

            “I didn’t have anyone to see. My parents aren’t here, so I just tagged along with Sungyeol. They couldn’t go home because of schedules.”

            She nodded, knowing how close Sungyeol was to Jena. “I see…”

            They were both silent for a moment, just eating in each other’s presence. Suddenly her phone rang, Jiyong’s voice resounding loudly in the hall, making them both jump. He’d change her ringtone every once in a while, so she always knows when it’s him calling. She excused herself and took the call.


            “Hey baby.” It was quiet on the other side. She’d expected to here partying of some sort, or music, but she couldn’t hear anything except his quiet breathing. He probably went somewhere quiet to talk to her. “Sorry I can’t celebrate the New Year with you.”

            “It’s okay.” She smiled, and caught Myungsoo looking at her. “I’m not alone anyway.”

            “You’re not? Did Jena come over?”

            “No… but she sent someone over.”



            “Who?” his voice raised a few octaves and he didn’t use the soft tone he reserved for speaking to her.


            “No, I heard you. What’s he doing there?” He sounded angry. And… Jealous? She grinned at the thought of Jiyong being jealous. Usually she was the jealous one, and it showed despite her trying to control it. He had fans, she understood that, and while he didn’t do much fanservice, she does get frustrated over those obsessive fans who think he’s their husband, of all things. He was hers.

            “He came to send something from Jena, but I invited him in. He decided to stay so I wouldn’t have to celebrate the New Year alone.” Did he feel guilty? Unexpectedly, the line went dead, and she stared at the phone in her hand. He never put down on her, unless he was really mad. Uh-Oh.

            “You okay?”

            She looked up to see Myungsoo staring at her, the intensity of his gaze surprising her. He looked genuinely worried, and she immediately rearranged her face into a smile. “Huh? Of course.” She turned to look at the clock, but more so she wouldn’t have to look at him. “Oh look. It’s going to be 2012 in half an hour.”

            He only smiled. “I’ll help you with the dishes.”

            They were just done with the dishes, only just sitting to watch the countdown which was about to start when the doorbell rang, making them turn to each other, both wondering who it could be. She stepped towards the door just as the countdown started.

            It was five seconds to midnight when she opened the door to find Jiyong panting, as if he’d just ran up the seven flights of stairs heading to her apartment. “I thought I wouldn’t make it.”

            “What?” she blinked, shocked to see him.

            “Open the door.”

            She did, hearing the increasingly louder screams of three, two and one from the television.

            She didn’t even hear the shouts of Happy New Year, because she could only feel Jiyong’s lips on hers, and his arm as they wound around her waist to pull her close, and his other hand at the base of her neck, tilting it so he could deepen the kiss, making her head spin. She forgot everything— where, how, what, when, why wasn’t important. Only the who mattered, and the fact that Jiyong was here, kissing her senseless took her breath away— literally too.

            He finally released her, both of them taking huge gulps of air. “Happy New Year.” He grinned, making her speeding heart skip a beat at how handsome he was even with his hair disheveled and the sweat dripping down the sides of his forehead only made him look ier. He was stooping closer, aiming for her lips again when she remembered that Myungsoo was here. “Jiyong.” She put a hand on her chest and turned to look at the sofa. Myungsoo was staring at the television with such an intensity it was a wonder it hadn’t exploded.

            “L.” she called, and he turned, his face neutral. He nodded at Jiyong in acknowledgement before turning his attention to her.

            “I’m sorry, I—”

            Myungsoo offered a thin smile than seemed forced. “People in love.” He shrugged and stood up. “I should get going. Thank you for supper.” He said curtly, stopping to offer Jiyong a handshake.

            It lasted longer than it was supposed to, both of them staring holes into each other’s eyes. Finally Myungsoo let go, and brushed past them through the door.

            Jiyong stared after him, his brows narrowed.


            He turned to her, still frowning. “I wouldn’t have gone if I knew he’d come.”

            Her brow lifted in question, and he answered it. “Because he likes you.”

            She stared at him incredulously. “That’s ridiculous.” She quickly dismissed it and changed the subject. “How was the celebration?”

            “Oh, the usual. They all send you their love though. All I got was an earful of complaints for not bringing you with me.” He rolled his eyes. “I liked the end of the countdown much better.” Grinning, he raised his brows suggestively. “What do you say we replay that part?”

            “Kwon Jiyong!”

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ASDFGHJKL. That is all.<br />
But...I would have totally shipped Myungsoo/Chaeeun if this was any other fic...<br />
Just saying.<br />
BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH /tears of blood
LOOOOOOOOL second that, Alex XDDDDDDDDD But Myungsoo belongs to Hyeri! <br />
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and the cameoing? >.< eep
lol the M-- er. the feelings may be strong but looks like it's the year of the dragon after all<br />
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