Now..the only one is you




(Yoseob's POV)--It was 7:00P.M.and we were still waiting for Jieun to come back.Hoya already came too.Suddenly I got a phone call from Jieun"Soeb-ah..I think I will come home late today..I just wanna be alone,have fun with Hoya and Gikwang bye-"Why did her voice sound so quite..Well I was relived..I thought she was lost or something.Because of that we just ate some cake and stopped the party.About 12:00 am I was still waiting for Jieun.I was so frustrated so I went outside to check out if she was comming.From a near distance I saw Jieun coming here with her head hooked low.Did the bullies bully her again?!.She was back to the old Jieun..What was wrong?"Jieun-ah..where were you?!"She just ignored and walked passed me.I used my force I holded her risk and did the face-to-face thingy."Lee Jieun!!What happened?!"I asked her in an angry tone.Then she stared cry..she was trying to stop but she couldn't.

I felt my heart breaking when I saw her cry..Becuase it felt like I made her cry..I slowly hugged her.I wanted to ask but..She looked so sad I just hugged her.The next morning Gikwang had a attend a metting With his grandfather,so he went out early in the morning.And Hoya was forced to meet his grandfather so..He also was gone.Jieun and me were at home.Jieun was in her room.Staring at the blue sky..Thinking something..she looked so pale.I was worried if she might get sick.So I did something.."Lee Jieun let's go for a walk"Then I dragged her out of the house."Let me go..."She said in a weak voice.Then I dragged her to the near by park.It was time..The time to confess I knew it was a bad timming..but It was my only day alone with Jieun."What is it?!Why did you take me here?"Jieun asked.I took a breath and.."Jieun-ah I am going to talk Man to Woman okay?!"When I said the first ssntance she already looked shock." you..would you be mine?"When I said that sentance.I thought the word stopped.Jieun just stared at me.Then Suddenly I felt a tap."Seob~ah Buy me I've-cream~let's go.."It was Jiyeon!!She was trying to drag me.I bet she heard my voice.Then her friends stared to come.Jieun stood up and walked away.."WAI.."Before I could say the word I remembered if they knew my heart was to Jieun..Jieun would just get more miserable..So I just followed Jiyeon's Gang.Luckily when I was in the mall with them.I quickly ran out and escaped.I needed to see Jieun..I didn't hear her answer yet!!

(Jieun's POV)--I was at home...Outside the balcony..Thinking the words Yoesob said to me 'I-I like you'It kept running around my mind.If I was normal Only dad would be..But I gess I wasn't...Was my heart to Yoseob?..But Grandpa would be mad.But..I know it now..I love him..Dad always told be..'Jieun-ah even tough people stopes you to love your love,just ignore and love him forever..that's true love.not like Grandpa did like na and your mom'I didn't wanted to live like my parents..I know what to do.Later on..I heard the door was Yoseob,He tried to talk to me..but I ignored I have decided what todo..but I wasn't ready..When he was about give up..I hugged him from the back.Yoseob tried to look at me face-to-face I just hugged him."Yoseob..I lov..."Before I could finish I heard a bang"LEE JIEUN!!"It was grandpa.."G-Grandpa...""LEE JIEUN!!Who said you could live with this playboy!!"My heart ached when I heard the word"playboy" Then I lost my temper"HE ISN'T A PLAYBOY!!"Grandpa looked so angry.."Lee Jieun!!Now on you would move out from here and move to near my place!!no more by yourself!!..don't be like your father!!"Did he just say something bad to DAD?!"Grandpa!!!Dad did nothing wrong!!!You were the one you made him..Because of you dad was kil.."Suddenly I saw something flying to me {SMAK}Grandpa..Hitted me"Guards!! Send her to my place right now!!Then two of them grabbed me"LET ME GO!!Yoseob!!"I screamed for help but I was too late..I was locked in the car.I Hitted the was no use..Seob-ah..

(Yoseob's POV)--After Jieun was token away.That old man passed me a envelope "You never show up to Jieun again..UNDERSTAND?!If you still don't want to then that's it!!Jieun would be going away than."I bet he was asking me to go out of Korea..but than.. A brilliant Idea my head."Sure then..I will get moving"If I grow up and succes I bet he would say yes..I knew it was a harsh choice for Me..and to Jieun..but it was my only choice..As soon as I bought the tickets I got ready..It was 4days before I was gone to Japan.I wrote was message for Jieun..To tell her my last goodbye.I just wanted to see her last smiling face before I go..I could not remember her smiling face bacuse it was a long time ago...Jieun-ah..I will come back

(Jieun's POV)I was in my old room locked.It was full of darkness I Hitted,kicked and cried to open the door..but it was no was looking blindly at the walls...I wanted to die...3Days has past and I was in my room doing nothing.The maids tried to feed me but Nothing went under my mouth..I felt I could not eat anything..till I see Yoseob..I miss him so much..Suddenly one of the maids gave me a letter and went out..It was from Yoseob!!!.It was written(Jieun-ah it's me Yoseob..I know that I can't see you now..So I decided to go to Japan..I am going to day at 3:00 I wish I could see you one last time..Pls come)It was a short and sad message.I took my cloths and when I was a bout to open the door.I decided to sneak out of my window.It was lucky that My room was on the first floor.I went out of the house and took a cab ther ..It was 2:40 in the cab..As soon I was in the airport the clock was ticking to 2:58..I ran as fast as I could..Than I saw Yoseob!!"YOSEOB!!"It was too late..he was in already..I sat right on the floor.and remembered all the memories we had..Soeb-ah..When I got home it was Night.Grandpa was sitting on the coach happily drinking his alcohol."So said bye to him?"He said while laughing"So you asked him to go didn't you?!"I was mad..I just wanted to kill him"No~I just gave him some money..Than he walked away courting the money."No I could not believe him.."YOU LIEER!!"He was my first love..Than Suudenly I heard Yoseob's voice from the recorder. {Okay than I would be going with this money}It was 100% his voice..but wasn't the real Seob I knew.."!!"I shouted and headed to my room..Seob-ah..In my room There was a broken picture on the floor..Seob and me..Bye..My first love


Was it a long chapie?y for the long time no see update..I was bussy^^wait till you guys see what happens next!!>o< PEACE!!

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Chapter 24: OMG Sequel pretty please. Such a cliffhanger.:))
MilkyCouple4ever #2
Chapter 24: WHAT THE HECK!!!!! AUTHOR UR DEFINITELY DOING A SEQUEL RIGHT??!!?? When the seuquel is out plz wall me!! this ending makes me more curious!!!
Chapter 22: OMG what happen next. Please update soon:))
MilkyCouple4ever #5
Chapter 20: LOL they slept together!:))Update soon!
where is the 2nd season?
PLEASE UPDATE!!:) soon...
Please Update Soon!
Oh they slept together. Please update soon :))
Sleep in one room? The fate is helping them to be together.. hehe~ I voted..