

Jimin let out a groan as he sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair, swinging his legs impatiently as he waited for his and his husbands, Jungkook, name to be called. They had been sitting in the adoption agency for over an hour; their appointment time having past half an hour ago, and Jimin was growing impatient.

“What is taking them so long?” Jimin mumbled agitation clear in his voice. Jungkook looked up from the random magazine he had been reading at the sound of Jimin’s voice, turning his neck to see the smaller man in the chair beside him.

“Busy probably.” Jungkook answered before turning back to his magazine. “But our meeting time passed already, isn’t that unprofessional of them to keep us waiting so long?” Jimin huffed out. This time Jungkook didn’t look up from his magazine, instead flipping the page as he answered “It’s a government run organization, they always take forever. Besides our time will come soon enough. Patience is a virtue after all, and as a parent you’re going to need lots of it.”

Jimin stared at the younger man who seemed more adamant about reading his article than he was about worrying over their time. “But we’ve been waiting for over an hour! Seriously, all our paper work has been handed in, we have our criminal checks done, and we’ve been through all the inspections. All they have to do is tell us if we get the baby or not!” Jimin whined, reaching over to yank Jungkook’s magazine away only to be thwarted by Jungkook who smacked his hands down.

Jimin let out a huff as he turned away from Jungkook to sit and stare straight at the wall. He was annoyed beyond belief, not only at the waiting they had to do but now also at Jungkook who seemed so nonchalant about everything. Warmth settled over Jimin’s thigh and he looked down to see Jungkook’s hand resting there. A light squeeze was given as Jungkook spoke “We’ll be called soon enough. Its okay babe, just breathe.” Jimin let out a breath, knowing Jungkook was right and all he needed to do was just breathe and relax.

Jimin opened to say something when the call of their last name came out. “That’s us!” he called, jumping up from his chair and making his way towards the lady whom had called their name, with Jungkook following behind as he shook his head.

“So you’re the Jeon family.” The worker asked, not looking up from her papers as the two men entered the room. She gestured to the chairs in front of her desk and both men took their seats.

“That we are.” Jungkook asked, his hand reaching for Jimin’s below the desk. Jimin happily took Jungkook’s hand, squeezing it out of nerves and Jungkook squeezed back for reassurance.

“Hm, I see. Well your report has been very very good. Your checks all came through, and you passed the home inspection.” The worker began, placing the folder she had in her hand down on the desk. Jimin’s grip on Jungkook’s hand tightened as all the positive things were said, they were that much closer to being eligible to adopt. “All that’s really left is for the state to review your file and they’ll be the ones to confirm or not.” The lady finished.

“So.. We don’t get to adopt yet?” Jimin asked. “No, I’m afraid you aren’t eligible yet. Because of your ‘situation’ the state has to review in detail that you both will be a good fit as parents as one role will be missing. Though your file looks good and you both passed the house inspection and meeting with flying colours. I don’t think you’ll have much of an issue.” The worker finished, nodding her head.

“Our ‘situation’? As in you mean us being gay? So because of this our file has to be reviewed once more?” Jungkook spoke up, and Jimin could note the anger flaring ever so in his voice. He couldn’t blame his lover for it though.

Due to their uality, due to them choosing to love each other and get married, they had to be tested and retested, looked over again and again just to have been considered suitable for adopting. They had been told many times they would face challenges, face the fact that one ‘role’ would be missing from a baby’s life and they would be scrutinized more than a ‘normal’ couple that was seen in adoption agencies.

“You’ll have to forgive me Mr. Jeon. If it were up to me I would let you both have a baby now as it stands though, your case is unique and has to be accepted by all parties involved in adopting. I do believe they will give you the baby, as your record and file is flawless, but please just be patient. They should call you within the week, most likely they will call on Thursday. Have a good day, and be ready for the call.” The worker finished. Jungkook just nodded, though it was clear he was not happy. “Um, thank you for your time. We will look forward to the call.” Jimin spoke as he and Jungkook got up and left.

“What the actual hell.” Jungkook seethed as he and Jimin entered the car, Jimin taking his seat on the passenger’s side. “What the actual hell,” Jungkook spoke again, banging his fist against the steering wheel.

“Because of whom I chose to love, because I’m gay, because I love and married a man I have to go through more when undeserving straight couples who only want money can be out getting babies?” Jungkook spoke, his voice filled with such anger that Jimin was beginning to worry.

“Kook,” Jimin started, reaching over and placing his hands over Jungkook’s balled up fists. “She said we will more than likely get the baby. I’m frustrated too, I know we would be good parents. I know we don’t deserve this, but as of right now we are as the worker put, a unique case. But we both know we would be good parents, the best, and we just have to hold to that and hope that they can see it too.” Jimin spoke, trying to be as soothing as possible. He wasn’t happy with the situation either, he wanted a baby just as bad but he knew that they would have trials to go through.

“We’re almost there, we just have to wait a little longer. We’ve been through so much already, this will be nothing in comparison.” Jimin continued, rubbing soothing circles on Jungkooks hands as they began to loosen.

“You’re right, you’re always right.” Jungkook sighed, opening his palms and taking Jimin’s hands in his own. “We’re almost there. We’ll have a baby soon. We’ll be amazing parents.” Jungkook repeated back as he took one of Jimin’s hands and brought it up to his lips. “Thank you baby, thank you for being my calm.” He said as he placed a kiss to Jimin’s knuckles. “We can do this, we’ll have a baby.” Jungkook said, leaning forward to place a kiss to Jimin’s forehead before starting the car and making the journey home.

A week later found Jimin curled up on Jungkook's lap on one of their very old and well used, but very much loved large armchairs, shifting anxiously. Large hands moved to grip the smaller man’s hips to stop the anxious fidgeting, and warm lips pressed softly to the back of Jimin’s neck.

“Baby, you need to stop fidgeting so much, and release your death grip on our phone.” Jungkook mumbled, pressing a soft and hopefully ensuring kiss to his husband’s neck. Jimin let out a long breath, halting his movement and turning the home phone clutched in his hands around. "I can’t stop.. I’m just so worried. Kook, they should be calling by now. Why aren't they calling? Do you think we were denied?" Jimin asked worriedly as he turned in Jungkooks lap to face the younger male.

"I know its tough waiting, but we both need to just breathe. I'm sure they'll call alright? They said today was the day, so they will call." Jungkook reassured, wrapping one hand around Jimin's waste and rubbing soothing circles into his back. "B-but what if they don't call? What if it d-didn't f-fall through?" Jimin whimpered out, leaning his head onto Jungkook's chest in search of comfort. "Babe, don't think like that, okay? We have to keep faith in that fact that we had a flawless record, that we are absolutely qualified to have a baby." Jungkook soothed as he placed light kisses to the crown of Jimin's scalp.

The two stayed like that for a while, with Jimin cuddling into Jungkook's chest and Jungkook's nose nestled comfortably in Jimin's hair, until the shrill sound of a phone going off broke the quiet. Jimin started at the sudden sound, looking down at the phone in his hand that was shrilling and ringing loudly, a mixture of fear and surprise taking over. “What if it’s not them? What if it’s them telling us the adoption didn’t go through?” Jimin whispered as the phone continued to ring loudly. It was Jungkook who plucked the phone out of Jimin's hand and pressed the talk button.

"Hello?" Jungkook answered, and Jimin could hear a faint voice on the other line, but couldn't tell they were saying. "Yes this is the Jeon residence, how may I help you today..." Jungkook continued, and for the first time that day Jimin felt hope swell in him.

“We get to meet our child today!” Jimin exclaimed as he all but jumped out of the car and sprinted towards the orphanage. Jungkook followed soon after, just as excited but better at hiding it.

“Oh Kook, we get to meet so many little angels today, it’s going to be so hard not taking them all home.” Jimin spoke, stopping as he waited for Jungkook to catch up at the doors. “I know love, but we can only pick one.” Jungkook told him and Jimin sighed. “I know I know. I can’t wait to meet our little angel.” Jimin said, grabbing for the door handle and letting the two of them in.

“Hello there, you two must be the Jeon’s.” the lady inside greeted as the two men entered the orphanage. “Uh, yeah that would be us. It’s nice to meet you.” Both men bowed in greeting towards the caretaker. “It’s nice to meet you gentlemen as well. Please do follow me and I’ll introduce you to all the children.” The lady spoke as she began to lead the way down the hall and towards multiple rooms.

Jimin and Jungkook followed and for the next two hours they were introduced to many children, getting the chance to play with them and get to know them. Jimin was enjoying his time with the children, always having been the better of the couple in regards to kids. He laughed though at his awkward partner as the children all seemed to love him and wanted to get piggy backs from the tall man. Jimin laughed again as Jungkook was all but bombarded by children, loving the interactions he was seeing. A tug to his leg brought Jimin back to the present and he looked down to see a young toddler standing there, a plush tucked beneath his arms.

“And who might you be little guy.” Jimin asked as he complied to the toddlers upstretched arms and picked the boy up. “Taetae!” the boy squealed as he hugged Jimin around the neck, unprompted at that. Jimin smiled as the boy hugged him, feeling happiness bubble up inside him.

“Ah, that little boy there is Taehyung, he is almost two years old. He was abandoned by his mother when he was a newborn, thank goodness he was too young to remember though. These types of things are so hard on children.” The caretaker told Jimin, and Jimin felt his heart fall hearing that the boy had been abandoned.

“Hello Taehyung, my name is Jimin. Who is this little guy you have here?” Jimin asked as he turned his full attention back to the little boy. “Mon mon!” Taehyung cried as he held up the stuffy and shoved it in Jimin’s face for the older man to see. Jimin laughed as he got a face full of the toddlers plush.

“Mon mon is very cute.” Jimin spoke from behind the plush, and Taehyung pulled his toy back with a squeal of joy before throwing his arms around Jimin once again in a hug. “He really likes you,” the caretaker commented as she viewed the interaction. “He’s normally so quiet and unresponsive to people, only wanting to do his own thing. I’m glad he’s found someone her likes.” The caretaker continued, and Jimin felt his heart swell.

“I’ll have to talk to my husband first before I can make any decisions.” Jimin commented. “Oh of course, I absolutely understand. I just.. Taehyung is a bit of an oddball and a lot of the times he’s alone so it’s just nice to see him respond to someone so positively.” The caretaker told him and Jimin nodded.

“Hey Taehyung, would you like to meet my husband?” Jimin asked the toddler who let out a loud cry of happiness at the question regardless of if he understood or not. Jimin walked over to Jungkook who had a few children still vying for his attention.

“Jungkook, this is Taehyung. Taehyung this is my husband Jungkook.” Jimin introduced the two. Jungkook moved closer to the boy in Jimin’s arms, smiling as he approached. “Hello there Taehyung,” Jungkook spoke softly, leaning closer to the toddler who shied away a bit at the sudden approach.

“I’m Jungkook. Who is this lovely little guy in your arms?” Jungkook asked, pointing to Taehyungs plush. “Mon mon!” Taehyung happily replied, getting over his initial nerves and all but throwing his plush at Jungkook to see. Jungkook caught the toy easily, and Jimin was impressed by his husband’s natural athletic abilities.

“Why hello there Mon mon, are you Taehyung’s friend?” Jungkook asked the plush before looking up at the little boy. “Yes!” Taehyung cried as he threw himself towards Jungkook with his arms raised, and Jimin had to grip tighter in order to not lose his grip and drop the child. Jungkook reached out and took the toddler from his husband, receiving a hug from the little boy as he did so. “Well aren’t you just a friendly little fellow.” Jungkook laughed as he hugged the toddler back.

“Kook, I think.. I think I want to adopt Taehyung.” Jimin commented as he watched Jungkook interact with the small child. Jungkook looked up at Jimin, his face serious. “Are you sure? Jungkook asked, and Jimin knew it was because he wanted to make sure Jimin wasn’t just doing it out of a spur of the moment but because he actually wanted the child.

“Yeah, I am. I just… I fell in love with him as soon as I met him. He’s such a sweetie, and I feel a connection to him.” Jimin said, beaming at Taehyung who was looking between the two men with confusion. Jungkook smiled softly looking between Taehyung and Jimin.

“I agree Jimin, I think Taehyung would be the perfect addition to our family.” At the mention of the word family Taehyung began to smile, reaching out to pull Jungkook back into a hug. “Would you like that Taehyung? Would you like to become a part of our family? Do want Jungkook and me to be your dads?” Jimin asked as he reached out to ruffle the child’s hair. “Yes!” Taehyung yelled, this time throwing himself at Jimin to hug the man.

“I’m really happy for you guys, and for Taehyung.” The caretaker spoke, breaking the moment a little bit. “If you follow me we can fill out the papers. Processing will take a few weeks but you can come visit as much as you like till you get full custody.” The caretaker explained, and Jimin and Jungkook just nodded, following after the caretaker with Taehyung in their arms.

It was a week after their visit and choice that both Jimin and Jungkook stood in a newly furnished baby’s room. "Tomorrow Kook tomorrow is the day we get to take Taehyung home!" Jimin squealed excitedly as he grabbed hold of Jungkook's arm.

"I know baby. I can’t wait." Jungkook spoke, scooping Jimin up into his arms and pressing a kiss to his husband’s lips. “Tomorrow we become parents officially.” Jungkook said, smiling down at Jimin. Jimin smiled back up at his lover, but that smile faded as obtrusive thoughts began to invade his mind.

“What if the Taehyung decides he doesn’t like us? What if he doesn’t like me?” Jimin worried, chewing on his lower lip as the negative thoughts began to invade his mind. “Baby,” Jungkook reached up and pressed his fingers to Jimin’s lower lip, encouraging the elder to release the fragile skin.

“Don’t think like that. Taehyung adores you, how could he not? You’re going to be the best mom-dad that Taehyung deserves. You’re an extremely loving man, with a heart of gold, and a soul of sugar. Your kindness and love will surround our son. He will feel nothing but love for and from you.” Jungkook assured, pressing a kiss to Jimin’s forehead.

“Now, no more negative thoughts. Only good things now because our family is finally expanding and I cannot wait to pick up Taehyung tomorrow.” Jungkook told Jimin, tapping his finger against the elder’s nose. “Taehyung absolutely loves you too you know,” Jimin spoke, swatting away Jungkooks hand that was repeatedly tapping his nose.

“You’re going to be the most amazing dad ever.” Jimin said, reaching his hands up to pull Jungkooks face down towards his own. “Thank you, for always reassuring me. This family is going to be amazing because of you.” Jimin finished pulling Jungkook’s face the rest of the way down to kiss him. Jungkook stopped the downward motion before Jimin could pull him the rest of the way down, instead leaning forward to rest his forehead to the elders.

“This family is going to be amazing because of the love we both share, and the love we both will hold for our child.” Jungkook told him, before finally connecting their lips in a slow and loving kiss.

Jimin shifted nervously from one foot to the other, his right hand tucked safely into Jungkook’s left one as the two stood outside the orphanage.

“Do you think Tae will remember us?” Jimin asked, looking up at Jungkook. Jungkook laughed at that, squeezing Jimin’s hand reassuringly.

“We’ve visited him almost every day since we said we wanted to adopt him, I don’t think he could forget us if he tried.” Jungkook said, still laughing at Jimin who elbowed him. “I’m just worried, let me live.” Jimin mumbled out, feeling sill for his earlier comment.

“I know baby, I know but everything is going to be okay. The papers went through, we have full custody, and Taehyung is happy and healthy. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Jungkook assured, leaning over to press a quick kiss to the top of Jimin’s head. “You’re right, you’re always right.” Jimin said, looking up at Jungkook and smiling. Jungkook smiled back, playful bumping Jimin with his hip.

“We are going to be amazing parents. Taehyung is going to be our rascal of a son. We are going to be such a happy family. We’ll be the best trio ever.” Jimin said, and Jungkook nodded in agreement. “You’re absolutely right. And here comes the last part of our trio now.” Jungkook pointed out and Jimin quickly turned to see the orphanage doors open and Taehyung burst out, Mon mon in his hand, and ran towards them as fast as his little feet could carry him.

Jimin dropped down to the ground, releasing Jungkook’s hand, and opening his arms as wide as possible to receive Taehyung in a hug, Taehyung came barreling into Jimin who gladly wrapped his arms around the boy in a hug, standing up so that he and Taehyung could be closer to Jungkook.

“Hello baby boy, how are you?” Jungkook asked as he leaned over to place a kiss on Taehyungs forehead, and Taehyung giggled giddily as he reached out and placed his small hands on Jungkooks cheek. “Kiss! Kiss!” he cried out happily and Jungkook placed another kiss to the boy’s forehead. Taehyung in return pressed a sloppy kiss to Jungkook’s nose and the man laughed.

“My precious son.” Jungkook said fondly and Jimin felt tears of Joy swell up in his eyes. Taehyung noticed them too, but began to panic as he thought Jimin was upset. Taheyung began to place large sloppy kisses all over Jimin’s face as he thought it would help his new father be happy.

“Thank you Taetae, thank you for all the kisses. Thank you for being our son.” Jimin sniffled, unable to hold back the tears of happiness he had.

“Are you ready to go home baby? Are you ready to come home with your daddy’s?” Jimin asked and Taehyung nodded before continuing to press sloppy kisses to Jimin’s face.

“Come on loves, it’s time to go home.” Jungkook said, waving at the caretaker as he took Taehyung’s bag, before walking over to Jimin and placing a kiss to his husband’s forehead.

“It’s time to finally take our son home.” Jungkook spoke, and Jimin nodded as he laced his free hand with Jungkook’s free one as the new family began their walk to the car, and then finally home.

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Chapter 1: <3 i love the writing and the story.
Have a wonderful day :D
im_fine_okay2 #2
Chapter 1: lol I legit cried!!! I always do at happy things^^
Chapter 1: Whatta cute family (‘∀’●)♡
Harbimy #4
Chapter 1: *.* Oh my gosh this was such a wonderful story i did not want it to end!!!!!! I got dragged right into it... Dem feelz!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: THIS. IS. TRULY. BEAUTIFUL... ;A; Ten thumbs up!