Not So Happily Ever After Prt 1

New Love

Hello everyone, its been some time hasn't it? I hadn't had much motivation these past few years, a lot of things happened BUT I had this idea to add to this one shot. So it'll be 2 Parts please enjoy. If you havent read chapter 1 please read it ^-^



Chanyeol was not sulking, okay? He wasn’t . . . well not really. Just because thy had been dating for nearly 3 years didn’t not mean that Kyungsoo owed him anything. Kyungsoo often did what he wanted and never second guessed himself. He was so independent and head strong and Chanyeol loved that. But Kyungsoo also hid things, more often than Chanyeol could hope he wished for Kyungsoo to trust him enough to tell him what he was thinking, but he didn’t, he never did. So Chanyeol kept smiling and kept ignoring the dull aching pain in his chest.


BREAKING: SM Entertainment confirms EXO’s Do Kyungsoo’s Military Enlistment.

The further Chanyeol read the more he felt the tug on his heart. Once again, he was left in the dark to the point where it was too late to say anything or do anything. He kept reading article after article till he stumbled this current article. Which he had been reading and rereading for the past forty minutes. He didn’t doubt he article, nor did he wish it wasn’t true. He just wishes he had found out from the man himself then some stupid tabloid.

His hand tightened around his phone as he locked it. This wasn't the first time he learned things from the media rather than his own boyfriend. And he knew that Kyungsoo did this often but that didn’t mean it hurt any less. This was Kyungsoo and his decision were often made without anyone else's input including Chanyeol . . . especially Chanyeol.

In a fit of rage Chanyeol threw his phone across the room hitting the wall and if Chanyeol cared would have been upset about the cracked screen.


It took 3 days for Chanyeol to decided what he was going to do. And in those three days he came up with nothing. He ignored the call and texts from the other member. If it wasn't for the fact that they had the next few days off, he really would have gotten in trouble for leaving to his parent's house without notifying anyone. Chanyeol his side unlocking his phone when it dinged again. Ghosting was not the best form of dealing with personal issues but at this point Chanyeol didn’t care. He didn’t care about much right now anyways.

8 missed calls

None from Kyungsoo

18 in read messages

None from Kyungsoo

Three days since the news broke and nothing, absolutely nothing. Man, that hurt, it really did. Chanyeol sat up reading all the messages and then locked his phone and until it started ringing. Panicking and the slight feeling of guilt made him answer.

"H-hello?" His voice was horse and weak. He shouldn't have skipped meals like an idiot.

"Mother f-, Finally! You better have a damn good explanation for ghosting me!” he pulled the phone away from his ear as Baekhyun shrieked on the other end. “Seriously! You could have told me you were going off to do God knows what. I’m still your best friend you prick! Where are you anyways?”

“Home?” he let out a stifled yawn as fell back on his bed.

“No, you weren’t, I checked!” Baekhyun always had a special skill to argue.

“Home, home Baek, my parents’ home.” Chanyeol let out a yawn this time not even trying to hide it.

“. . . oh, well why didn’t you say so? We were all freaking out,” Baekhyun let out an awkward laugh. “well its good to hear you’re alive!”

“Yeah . . . um, did you need something? We’re off for another 3 days, right?” he might have answered the call, but he wasn’t really in the mood to talk to anyone.

“Oh, right! We’re all going out to dinner tonight, Kyungsoo’s treat so you have to come! And don’t you dare say you don’t want to. It’s the first time we are able to eat like a family without having to worry about random work .”

“Baek, I’m really not in the mood,” Chanyeol silently hoped that Baekhyun wouldn’t push it any further.

“Nope, no can do its mandatory! See you tonight at 7, the usual place. If you don’t show up you best believe we will be at you house annoying the out of you!” and with that the line went dead and Chanyeol was left contemplating his life decisions.

Chanyeol parked his car furthest from the restaurant door, if he was lucky, he could sneak away when everyone was distracted.

When Chanyeol entered the restaurant, it was empty except for the table where all the members were already. Well almost everyone, Sehun must have been running late because two seats remained open. One next to Kyungsoo and the other in-between Joonmyeon and Jongdae. Walking around the table he sat next to Jongdae and he could feel Kyungsoo’s intense stare, but he ignored it and sparked up a conversation with Jongdae and Baekhyun. So, what he was behaving like a child but Kyungsoo never treated him any different, he was always just a child to him.

The night went on with an awkward tension in the air as Chanyeol made conversation with everyone but Kyungsoo. And when the younger man tried to start conversation Chanyeol responded with curt responses or would brush off his questions. When it was time to go Chanyeol was slight buzzed to the point where he hadn’t noticed that Kyungsoo was the only one left with him.

“Chanyeol, come on, let’s go home,” Kyungsoo tugged on his arm, “I’ll drive.”




The drive to Chanyeol’s was so . . . so painful? Awkward? Nerve wracking? D. all the above. Chanyeol starred out the window for the most part. Occasionally he looked over at the clock, but time just seemed to go slower every time.

When Kyungsoo parked the car Chanyeol ran out so fast that he almost fell flat on his face. He could hear the faint calls behind him, but he just kept going as soon as he reached his room, he slammed the door shut. Leaning against the door he sank to the ground. He thought he was ready, ready to face Kyungsoo and where this relationship was truly headed but he really wasn’t. All he wanted to do is hide and ignore the world.

“Chanyeol . . .” there was a faint knock, “Chanyeol, please talk to me.” Kyungsoo’s voice sounded so strained the way it does when he’s trying not to cry. Although rare Chanyeol has seen him cry and no matter how upset and hurt Chanyeol might have been it didn’t matter because Kyungsoo always came first.

Slowly getting up he turned to face the door, he took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

“C-Chanyeol . . .” he was face to face with a teary eyed Kyungsoo. “Chan I . . .’ Chanyeol took him into his arms before he could even process it.

“I’m sorry . . . I didn’t mean to make you upset. Don’t cry, I promise I won’t make you sad anymore, please don’t cry.” He patted Kyungsoo’s head lovingly and kissed his forehead as he hugged him tighter.

Rubbing his head into Chanyeol’s chest, Kyungsoo let out a shaky breath, “Chanyeol, I’m sorry . . . I wanted to tell you but . . . but,”

“It’s fine, really,” no it wasn’t,

“I understand,” No I don’t, I just want you to trust me . . .

“Really?” sniffling Kyungsoo looked up at him just to see Chanyeol smile at him.

Chanyeol smiled at him gently, it was going to be okay. A little lie never hurt anyone right? “Good luck.”



PS. the next part will be longer 

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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 2: Chanyeol is so weak when he sees Kyungsoo crying ChanSoo feels
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 1: Chanyeol so cute hahaha and its nice that Kyungsoo said all those words to Jongin. Now you keqrned your lesson Jongin.
mary_jane #3
Chapter 2: Please update soon

(ノ゚▽゚)ノ /throws jellybeans & vanilla cupcakes/
peniruplastik #5
Chapter 1: Not to be over reacting, "I will admit that I was extremely hurt when you started dating Krystal.." this is so me when I heard about the news. Funny isn't it? haha. Anyhow, I've move on too. Trying too accept the news. No grudges. ;)

Thanks for this Chansoo author-nim. ;D

Please write more Chansoo stories. Xo
Chapter 1: You should definitely write more Chansoo stories, this was very good (^_-)-☆
Chapter 1: Yayy Chansoo!!! Very Interesting Oneshot ..