My Hamster Prince

As days go along, things became a little tough between Ryu-kun and me. Ayu thought I'm being crazy because I talk to the cute, little hamster. She also thinks I'm hiding something from her but I can't tell her about Ryu-kun being a hamster because I know she won't believe it.


One night, I was alone at home since Ayu went home to visit her family. Ryu-kun, I mean Choco is eating his food I served him a while ago. "Ne, why did this thing happened to you?" I asked him. He paused for a while and thought of something. "I don't know either. I just remembered when I was in school and a girl confessed to me. I turned her down and I never saw her after that. I heard she changed school after that year. At work, I received a present from her. It was a delicious wine that's my favorite. I couldn't resist so I drank it." He explained. "I see. So, it's a sort of 'revenge' because you turned her down. Anyway, how will this spell be solved?" "When I went to "doctor", he said that the only cure for this is a kiss of a true love."


"True love, eh? How will you know that since you can't touch girls?" "I don't know." When Ryu-kun said those words, I felt that he's losing hope to solve his problem. I don't know what to do either. I just tried to cheer him up so that he won't feel stressed over that problem.


"Ne, Ryu-kun, if you'll be back to human, will you still talk to me?"

"Who knows?" He continued to eat his food. I watched him how he eats and I just couldn't help but smile because my no. 1 crush is just beside me but somehow, I felt sad since I can't touch him. As I watch him, I felt my heart was beating really fast. I love Ryu-kun.


"Ne, Ryu-kun, what if I'll try to kiss you?" I began asking him. "You? Are you sure it's going to work?" He blushed a little. "Eto, I've been longing to tell you this, Ryu-kun. Etooooo, I like you, Ryu-kun! I LIKE YOU!!!!" I bowed and my face was really red.

Ryu-kun was embarrassed a little and so am I. "Ok." Ryu was blushing. "Eh?" I was surprised  with what he said. "There's nothing wrong if we try, right?" He continued.  I take him out from his cage and I held him in my hands.


I slowly moved my head closer to Ryu-kun's. Finally, I kissed him. "Eh? Nothing happened. As expected." Ryu-kun lose his hope again. A few seconds later,  something happened to Ryu-kun........





He went back to his original form. He's now a human.


Ryu-kun took steps nearer to me. I felt my heart beating really fast.  To my surprise, he hugged me really tight. "Ri-Ryu-kun." I said his name slowly. "Say my name again." He ordered me to say it again and I said his name. He broke the hug and he held my face. Slowly, his face got nearer to mine. And he began saying, "I love you, Kairi." And our lips touched each other.







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