Chapter 3

Peculiar Children

  4 months later…


Jongin pushed the front door open and slammed it so hard the Christmas wreath hanging there nearly fell off. Minseok was sitting close to the door doodling in a small notebook. He flinched at the loud sound, and flinched again when he saw Jongin. Jongin let out an annoyed sigh and rolled his eyes.


Chanyeol was sitting at the counter on a bar stool texting someone (probably Baekhyun) but looked up from his phone to glare at Jongin. That's the only emotion he ever showed toward Jongin now. Anger. He was always mad at Jongin for something. And it got on Jongin’s nerves almost as much as Minseok’s flinching.


“What have I done now?” Jongin groaned as he threw his head back and trudged into the kitchen.


“I don't know how many times I have to tell you not to slam the door. It scares Minseok. You know that,” Chanyeol was trying to remain calm. He really hated yelling at Jongin but he knew he had to stick up for little Minseok, because Minseok wouldn't stick up for himself.


“I don't give a damn about Minseok!” Jongin raised his voice.


“JONGIN!” Chanyeol stood up and slammed his hand on the marble counter.


Chanyeol’s deep voice boomed through the house. Minseok’s entire body had tensed, he didn't dare to move or look over at his Hyungs. Since Luhan had died, Minseok had no one who he felt safe around. No one who promised to protect him. The memories of his past were faded and smudged when he had Luhan. But now, those memories were far too clear. Mr. Choi already hit him and the others. Of course it was nothing close to what he had endured when he was younger, but now that Jongin hated him, he knew that his fear of being hurt again was becoming a reality.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” Jongin screamed back.


Jongin started to storm off to his room, and he stomped past Minseok, who flinched. This didn't go unnoticed by Jongin. Jongin was so sick of Minseok. So sick of Minseok making him look like a bad person.  Minseok had ruined any friendship he had hoped of keeping with the boys. And Jongin hated Minseok for it. The sound of Minseok’s name made his blood boil.

Anger took over Jongin’s mind and pushed out any rational thoughts. Jongin reached down and grabbed Minseok by the neck as he yanked the younger boy to his feet.

“STOP DOING THAT! IF YOU DO IT AGAIN I’LL GIVE YOU A DAMN REASON TO FLINCH!!” Jongin’s grip tightened on Minseok’s throat. Minseok tried to scream but it just came out as a whimper.


Chanyeol almost pushed the counter over as he jumped back up to save Minseok from Jongin’s tight grasp. Chanyeol punched Jongin in the face so hard that there was a loud crack. Jongin dropped Minseok and sank to his knees. Holding his bloodied face in his hands. Chanyeol kicked Jongin in the ribcage and Jongin collapsed onto his side. Minseok half-ran, half-crawled as fast as his small legs could carry him up the stairs and into his room. He locked the door and threw himself into the closet were Luhan took his final breaths.


He curled into a ball and rocked back and forth. He couldn't hear anything but his pounding heart in his ears.

This was exactly like his memories.


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