KNK oneshots en español


Series de oneshots dedicados a KNK. Boys Love.


Algunos publicados previamente en Facebook. La mayoría son de menos de mil palabras. Mi OTP es SeungJi pero tengo planeado escribir sobre otras parejas.


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JeongInSunny #1
Chapter 2: Mis JunHun feels...
JeongInSunny #2
Chapter 1: Omaya, me ha encantado!!!
Haz pensado publicarlos en el w a t t p a d también???
Chapter 3: Cries because of all the feels SeungJi was throwing at me lately. They've been all sad and angsty and with the sudden cold shoulder they've been giving each other lately ;-- ; but we just knew from the way they secretly glances towards each others way, there's something akin to affection. Good job with the heart clenching description of what was going on on Jihun's mind!
Chapter 2: Already read this chapter and loved it so, so much! I upvoted because you consistently writes SeungJi two chapters in a row hehehe
Keep up with the good work /kisses/
Chapter 1: Nvm I just google translated it and it was so good! Now that you mention it, he does kinda look like white kimchi. The cute one! We also know we still can't escape the fact that Jihun literally asked Seungjun to scratch his back. That's just like the cutest thing ever!
Chapter 1: I hope I can read Spanish :(