Cupid's Postwoman


Hopeless romantic Choi Saebyul works part-time at a dating service in which love letters written by unlucky lovers would be sent via snail mail to other singles who are in need of some TLC. When her best friend, Daphne Teramura, receives a heartwrenching letter written by a heartbroken man, Saebyul unexpectedly falls in love with his words and vows to find the author of such a moving composition. 

However, being the messenger of love comes with more than just an opportunity to create love, or even find love for yourself. Being Cupid’s Postwoman means heartbreak, tangled webs, and a hell lot of trouble.



You are in need of some serious help if you fell in love with eight sentences written on the back of a fast food pamphlet.


title * } Cupid’s Postwoman
author * } Renée / therenegade
genre * } Romantic Comedy
rating * } PG-13: strong language, alcohol usage, scenes of mild ual content
disclaimer * } Don’t own anything except for the plot and the characters. No distribution without consent. Plot lines that are found similar to other stories are mere coincidence.

renee’s musings ❤                                                    

God, you have no idea how painful it was to write the letter below. It was so damn mushy and blegh and I don’t know how people could write such things. /shudders

Well, this was inspired by an accident that occurred to me the other day in which a note was sent to me, but it wasn’t actually for me. How embarrassing for the sender, right, I mean, what if the letter had some scenario in it. Going around passing notes like that. /tsktsk Anyhow, I hope you enjoy reading the story! Loads of SHINee love in it, and Onew gets to wear a chicken suit. Cliché, but sometimes that sort of thing just works, you know? LOL.

Alright, let’s go!

prologue ❤                                                                  

Recipient: Daphne Teramura

You have received an anonymous letter sent to you by the workers at
Letters From Cupid

Visit or call 1-555-LOVE to write a reply or for more information.


Ever since I left, I realized that you were the only light bulb in the box that would shine bright enough to illuminate my life. Everyone else wouldn’t do. You are the only puzzle piece that would fit, the magic ingredient that would complete the recipe. You are my compass, and without you, I have been wandering around, lost in this empty desolate world of mine.

Past, present, or future, I'll forever be yours. I can't give you diamond rings or a million dollars, but I will give you all the love and all the sweet nothings that a man could possibly give to a woman.

I want, I need you.

I’m sorry.


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bettykzzz #1
hope you update soon:)