chapter four


"J DO WHAT?!" Yoongi yelled,looking at jungkook who is sitting on his bed

"...UH..I said,J said all he have to do is hug and peck the human on the lip to send the human to anywhere he want,and that's how he sent me to the hospital" Jungkook repeat once again,raising an eyebrow.It's been a week or days and jungkook can finally get out from the hospital and after J confessed to him,he hasnt see him anymore

"WHAT THE IS HE THINK HE IS DOING?!" yoongi yelled loudly


"that's dangerous,jungkook!for him,for you,for BOTH OF YOU!THATS FUXKING DANGEROUS!" Yoongi yeleld,frowning

"why?he didnt tell me anything other than that though"

"*Sigh* jungkook,his world have rules too,and one of the rules is,you shouldnt do that!ghost and spirits cant just send human to anywhere they like easily like that!If he do it wrong,you would vanish from this world and ..,i dont know what will happen if he break his worlds rule but i know something bad is going to happen to him later or soon" Yoongi said angrily,jungkook's eyes went wide and he bite his lips

"...s-somethingbad gonna happen to J?" Jungkookask,looking nervous

"yes," yoongi sit on his chair and sigh angrily,jungkook doesnt even know if yoongi is angry at him or J or maybe both?since the three of them is quite close

"how do you know all this?" jungkook ask,rubbing his nape

"i study about their world,dont ask how" yoongi warned,huffing,annoyed

"who are you angry at?"

"BOTH OF YOU ES!" Yoongi barked

"...s-sorry...but J is not here,idontknow where he is.." jungkook said,faking a smile nervously

"ah,yo,im right here" J said floating behind yoongi 

Yoongi look at J and frown "WHAT THE DO YOU THINK YOU JUST DO?!"

"awh,dont be mad!i saved your beloved brother's live!!!!you should be greatful!im just a ghost anyway,i've..died," 'im a spirit not a ghost these es' and he continue "so dont worry about me!"

"J,what bad thing will happen to you?" Jungkook ask,looking scared

"ah?i dont know" J said simply,shrugging

"you idiot" yoongi mumble

"im sure it's nothing big~dont worry" J said,grinning

"nothing big?Vanishing from this world and your world forever is nothing big?!" Yoongi yelled angrily

"That's okay,at least your brother is save,right yoongi-ah~?so can you stop yelling already?people will think you are crazy" J said,rolling his eyes

"fine" Yoongi said,kicking jungkook away from his bed and then lay on his bed lazily

"...Jungkook" J called

Jungkook,who is sitting on the floor after yoongi kicked him down (lmfao),look at J andraise an eyebrow

"...let's walk around the neighbourhood" J said,grinning

"dont u even dare to ride your motorcycle fastly again," yoongi mumble

"yea,yea" both jungkook and J said and then they walk downstairs and quickly hop on the motorcycle


Jungkook is riding his motorcycle when he saw taehyung's car but it's not taehyung who is driving it,it's hoseok and taehyung is sleeping next to him

"hey,that's the idiot couple,LET'S FOLLOW 'EM!" J said excitedly

"no" jungkook said simply but still eyeing the car because something seem off,taehyung's head suddenly knock on the window,jungkook and J was about to laugh but taehyung doesnt even wake up even after his head knocked on the window,something is really off,Jungkook frown and when the car start moving (LO to the fuxking L!) he follow the car from behind which make J frown and laugh confusely

"i thought you said 'no' ?You are naughty too,eh?" J said,chuckling from behind while holding jungkook's side tightly

"I am not like you,and you make it sounds like im doing something ert so shutup already,can you?im trying to concentrate,i will ride the motor really fastly if u keep disturbing me and who knows what will happen if i ride it fast-"

"OKAY,OKAY.Just ride slowly and carefully!!!i wont disturb you,you are such a child,threatening me like that" J said,huffing loudly

"hehe,so you are scared if i ride it fastly eh?are you scared because of the speed or are you scared if i get in an accident again?" Jungkook ask playfully while eyeing the car and following it carefully

"SHUTUP AND CONCENTRATE" J said loudly,jungkook cant see his face but he is sure as that J's face which is full with scars and cuts and dried blood but is still beautiful ,is red as hell.Jungkook would love to look at a flustered ghost face but J would be mad asf if he look at him and not the road so,nope,no cant do

The car stop at a house which look...kinda old

"what the is this the idiot's couple house?" J fake a gasp,and laugh

"no,idiot.We live in a dorm not in a house,you fuxkin idiot" Jungkook whispered so that The couple cant hear him

"oh, where the are we?"

"i dont know,but something seem off" jungkook said,eyeing them as hoseok carry taehyung bridal style into the house

"maybe they just get back from a hotel?and so,it looks like hoseok is top and taehyung is bottom so taehyung is tired asf after doing that so hoseok need to carry him,am i right?" J said,jungkook doesnt even know if he is joking or what,his face looks serious but jungkook can see that J is trying to hold his laugh,this er

"whatever you think,ert" jungkook mumble and once he make sure taehyung and hoseok is in the house,he sneak in the house and close the house door really slowly and quietly ("i still doesnt know what the you are planning to do" said J)

The living room is empty,the bathroom is empty,the kit-

",i heard someone screaming" J said,covering his ears because that person is still screaming with that high-pitch voice

"taehyung" jungkook mumble,looking nervous

The scream continue only louder,every seconds,it gets louder and louder.If this neighbourhood is full with people,people would havecome to check but its obvious that there is no one other than the four of them in the neighbourhood

"maybe they doing that thing,and maybe that's a scream of pleasure??" J said,chuckling at his own idiotness

"it's fuxking obvious that the scream is somehow not because of pleasure,it sounds hurt" jungkook whispered,glaring at the ert ghost who is grinning and nodding even at this fuxking time

The screaming stop and it makes both J and jungkook look at a bedroom door because the door's knob twist and the door slightly open and then there is a head peeking from the door,

"oh,look,taehyung,we have a guest"

"" J said and look at jungkook who is frowning and trembling

"ING RUN!" J said,pulling jungkook's hand but jungkook is too scared to even move "JUNGKOOK!YOU ING-! JEONJUNGKOOK,GET UP1!!"

And jungkook finally get up and tried to back away but-

"Awh~baby,dont go.stay with us" hoseok said,smiling rather too creepily






and oh,i think im too rude?lol bcs other authors is sweet and nice,etc etc like example:-- 

other author-nim:so that's chapter 2!hope you guys enjoy sorry for the angst hehe

while there is me:--



why am i liek this?i dont even know,forgive me lol


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Chapter 10: I don't care I still thought that... J is jin...*nodding*
Chapter 10: Omo! You finally updated! I must say that I seriously love this story all ready!
Hawaiting & Sarangheyo author-nim! *sends a big heart towards you*
Chapter 9: I still think J is Jin... *laughs* Hmm... My b-day is tomorrow an I wanna find out is J seriously Jin or not... Funny huh? *walks out the room while singing Spring Day (JIN GOT SO MANY LINES IN SPRING DAY! I'M JUMPING OF JOY!)*
Chapter 9: I really feel kind of bad saying this but I'M HOLDING OUT FOR J TO BE JIN!!!!!!! >-< I will hold out until the very end no matter who it is. ;-;
KoalaJin #5
Chapter 8: I knew it>.< since jimin and jin is siblings they would look alike a bit! Thats why JK thought Jimin was J at first! Am i wrong? Or am i wrong? Lol. Anyways I luv this story!!! I cant wait 4 the next part! <3 faiting author-nim~!!!
Chapter 8: Aw author-nim.. you cut the story at the right time.. yea, right time ㅡ3ㅡ
I can't stop read this story, so... Please, the honorable author, update soon. And fulfil my curiousities, please~
Chapter 8: J = Jin! And don't you dare ro even change my mind~~~! *screaming whit Jin's voice (
Chapter 8: The amount of JinKook shippers there are has left me astounded, I have never seen so many I can't believe it. Excuse me, while I jump for joy *does cartwheels around my whole city block* But anyhoo story wise, for some reason, even with how this turned out with Jimin, for some reason it's still too easy for me and how Jin was acting last chapter, I'm suspicious >.> And what happened during this chapter is not settling my suspicions, like I need more to satisfy my curiosity.
kayandrawa #9
Chapter 7: Well tbh I was shocked and a little disappointed at the same time bc J is not Jin bc I'm a hardcore Jinkook shipper :( But since u said there will be a plot twist, I'll keep reading it :3