He's changed?

Date with Mr Bad || Request


Seoul, South Korea


So today is the day I tutor Jeon Jungkook. You rub your eyes as a sign of being tired. "Hey! whats up!" Jungkook says running up to you an putting an arm around your shoulder like it was no big deal, " can you not, im not in the mood Jeon " You say. " oh.. okay" he says removing his arm, but switching places to your waist and pulls you close. The other students notice and see you guys together like a couple, when you accidently hear a student say " she doesnt even suit him, i bet she's just trying to get attention". But you ignore them and just shrug.


Seoul, South Korea KNUA 


UGhh... I feel like this day is just dragging on... ughh, suddenly i feel someone poke me " hm?" i respond to the poke, lifting my head off the table. " are you busy today?" a boy named Jin asked, " uh.. yeh sort of.." "oh.. how bout tomorrrow?", " uh.. no". "alright then I'll.. see you soon!" He says and walks out the room.

"Oh Jin.. The most handsome dude in the entire year level" A voice says right beside you, turning your head you face Jungkook. "CAN... YOU NOT BE THAT CLOSE!" You yelled at him, "aww.. but were a couple now~" he says cringely. "PISS OFF! GO AND HANGOUT WITH UR GIRLFRIENDS!" You say, "pft fine be like that" he says, and with that he left and found another girl across the room. He let her sit on his lap, like.. WHO DOES THAT?? and he caressed her cheek.. ERK! I'll freaking die if he did that to me. You roll your eyes and go back to sleep on the desk.


Seoul, South Korea KNUA

It's been 15 minutes and school is still not over. *sighs* Well exams are coming up soon, I need to study and tutor that brainless boy.

Man... This teacher is dragging the lesson on... Over explaining things and repeating it for the third time already, Physics. You raise your hand and ask the teacher to be excused from the classroom. FINALLY! FREEDOM! UGH, now to spend the 5 minutes in the bathroom reading weebtons. EHUEHUEH you'd smile smugly.


Seoul, South Korea KNUA

You'd check the time and the bell was about to ring in 3 minutes. You rush back to your class and found everyone packing up ready to get out. The teacher stops you from going to your seat and hands you the exam timetable sheet. You thank the teacher and grab your things ready to BURST THROUGH THAT DOOR! YEEH!


You find yourself running in the hallway towards your locker and quickly rushing to get everything in your bag, until and a shadow grew bigger and bigger against your locker. Ignoring it you continue to pack all the neccessary things into your bag. "Going home so soon? I thought you were going to hang with me for a while" You turn around and answer, " Jungkook, I have no time to play around with you, now get your stuff and let's go." "Go? Go where?" He replies with confusion. "Um... Somewhere to study of course now come on" You snapped. "ugh fine." He says, offering his arm out, you turn back around and closed your locker. "huh? what? You hurt or something?" You asked, "ugh nevermind, you don't understand" He snapped, recieving a call from one of his 'honey boo boo's ' his expression went from 0 to 100 so fast. Putting on that fake voice of his, you'd look disgusted and signal him that you're taking off first. 


Seoul, South Korea MAIN STREETS

He's been on that call for almost an hour. How long does he talk to girls? No wonder they call him the 'CUPID'S little angel' He's got girls ready to pucker up.

UGH It disgusts me. He finally ends the call, "Sorry it took so long." He says running up to you walking side by side, "why so long?" you ask, "oh! you know... I'm irresistibe. Girl can never get enough of me" He slyly answers. "Yeh, I know they can never get enough. It's like they're insects attracted to a light" You reply in the most sarcastic tone, "Are you calling my babes insects?! UM. NO. TODAY'S CLASS IS CANCELLED." He angryily replies back. "Why are being so different today? Usually you're very flirtatious, but today you're not." You answer back to him, stopping in your tracks, facing towards him. "me? Flirtatious? Why? Do you want me to be? Already miss that? Hm dear?" He say, moving in closer, raising his arm and almost touching your cheek, you sort of panicked because of the sudden move. "Stop goofing around" you respond in a dead tone, moving away and walking. "HEY! COME BACK! WHY? DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG LOVE?!" He shouts at you, but before he knows it you're running off.


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