

What would you do if your crush is actually after you for something else you don’t really wanna know? That’s what Momo had been asking to herself ever since her talk with the basketball ace, Mina. The younger Japanese, on Momo’s request, was keeping an eye on her very target of the topic that night: Sana.


Nothing. I mean, did you ever make any move on her at all, Momo?


“The are you talking to yourself again? It’s too early for that! Get your together manager.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Mina’s voice was all that accompanied her ever since. She couldn’t ask for a better accomplice since she’s probably the only one who knew better about her problem. Momo decided to give her credits for that.

“As I was saying, we are not really making any progress,” she suddenly stopped, thinking, “no, I’m actually the one who’s been doing things for you!”

“I’ll pay you back later.”

“Damn you look really tired there. All you’ve been doing was just sighing. Your ice cream is going to turn into a puddle soon.”

“.” Momo grimaced, “but, well, not that I really care.”

“Even if it’s your favorite food of all kinds?”

“How.. did you know?”

“Sana told me.”

A wave of nausea hit her like a sledgehammer. Sana did?



Seeing that Momo wasn’t capable of replying, Mina continued. “She was my bestfriend so she told me some things at a time.”

“She was?”

Mina threw the remaining piece of her ice cream cone into the trash bin.

“Hey! Don’t throw the food away! It’s rude. Especially ice cream!”

“I suddenly don’t feel like eating it, sorry.”

The sudden change in mood piqued her interest. Momo decided to pry it a little.

“So, what about it?”

“Dammit I can’t believe I need to tell you this too. You better treat me some good later Momo.”

“Whatever, just go.”

Mina sighed, a long one. “Fine.”


Both me and Mina probably have had some similar nightmares before. But she’s so capable at hiding it with her terrible jokes and a smile. She deserved it. She deserved Im Nayeon.

Momo smiled at the view of her dorm. Standing where she was, it’d still take another 10 minutes of walk before truly standing before the large building. The place she spent with her friends and, of course, roommate Tzuyu. The source of her problem.

But now, yet another thing arrived.

Why, Sana?

Momo took another small step towards the street lamp, giving some space for the pedestrians. She stared at the almost empty road. It’s almost 6pm but she didn’t feel like going home just yet.

Maybe a cup of warm coffee will do.

But… Momo probably didn’t realize.

“Sana and I were bestfriends ever since we were just little brats. She was always alone so I decided to approach her at my own curiosity. I wondered why a beautiful, charming and elegant princess like her was surrounded by nobody. I never really found the proper answer until Chou Tzuyu came to our life. Our everyday life that originally consisted of me and Sana only, playing with each other at our heart’s content, finally came to an end.”

She hates coffee so why even bother going inside for one?

“What did she do?”

“What did she do?” Mina chuckled, “No. What Sana did was leaving me all alone for her like I’m just another piece of rock to her. I was blind, Momo. So blind. Everyone told me that she’s a good-for-nothing person just like what she did to me. Her personality is terrible I tell you. Call me overreacting but that’s just how I feel from being dumped by someone who had been making too much promises over the years of friendship with you. I didn’t pay much attention to what the others around me said to me. They’re just trying to make me realize that what I was doing would bear no fruit in the end. And you know what’s the worst part?”


“Of course you don’t. Heh. She left me because she thinks Tzuyu will benefit her more.”

She settled down on a sofa at the corner. Her eyes tiredly searching for some sugar on the table. She despised the hot drink in front of her so much and yet, she ordered it black even.

“She didn’t choose her over wealth or status so I can’t really figure it out myself until now. Listen Momo, don’t ever fall for her smile or other sweet nothings she said. They are all nothing but dripping venom.”


“Sana, she…  she ruined my life. She made up some fake stories about me. She was so against me being the heiress of my family’s company. She hates me. She’s a fake. Don’t you deal with her ever again, Momo.”

Momo frowned at the fragrance. Heck, why did she even order one? Wouldn’t it be more convenient if it’s a tea instead?


Oh, humour me. You came here all the way just for reminiscing stuffs right?

That’s not it.

Why are you still bothered with what Mina just said?

Of course I’m still –

Why would you even believe every words from her?

Because she’s telling the truth.

Oh, is it? Is it really the truth?


How can you be so sure?

Because, she’s my –

“Excuse me! Is this seat taken?”

Momo quickly snapped her head upwards. Only to be met with the sight that she desired to see the least. What kind of bad luck?



Some people are masters at faking their smiles but in Momo’s case, she . The bitterness of coffee burnt her tongue like no tomorrow, making her She’s struggle with words. But then, an idea popped from her head.

“Um, please have a seat. It’s fine by me.”

The best idea ever.

“But, geez Momo you’re so cruel.”


“Didn’t you agree to meet me today?”

What –

“Don’t tell me you forgot?”

Holy .

“I, uh, ahahah,” sweat began dripping down her forehead. “I remembered. I was just about to text you before actually.”

“Hmm okay then I believe in you.”

“T- Thanks.”

Wow, well played. But, seriously, believe in you? Nice going, Hirai Momo.

Oh Lord, what am I getting myself into?

A weak unpracticed smile was the only thing Momo could offer to Sana.

I wonder how Tzuyu is doing


“This is going nowhere, Tzuyu.”

A loud crashing filled the entire room as basketball hit the paintings on the wall. Each frame broke into pieces and fell to the floor.

“I tried to believe you, I have faith in you. Even now I still have.”

“Then why? Why wouldn’t you believe me?!”

“I want to but, I don’t even see you try to push her out of your sight even once.”

“I told you she’s just a friend.”

“But I know the looks she gives to you every damn time. I know better, Tzuyu. After all, I’m your lover. So why wouldn’t I?”

The only occupant of that room ran towards the object of her frustration, continuing to again destroy other decorations that quickly turned to shattered glass pieces.

“So when are you planning to stop?”

“What do you want from me?”

“You know, Momo wouldn’t like this.”

“Answer me, Myoui.”

“Oh? That’s rare for you to call me that. Anyways, Momo needs a rest, literally. So you better clean this up –“

“I asked you why you are here. Stop ing.”

“I’m just, y’know, checking up on my little ace?”

Incoming ball of piled up rage was thrown right to her face. If just she’s being slightly slow, she would’ve asked Nayeon to accompany her to doctor tomorrow on.

“Oh God bless my quick reflex, phew! Glad I left the door open before. Hey that’s dangerous what if I lost my face?!”

“Would’ve been my pleasure. Now, if don’t want to lose it for real, you may tell me what brings you here.”

“Hmm… not much, really.”

“I ing hate you Mina I swear to God –“

“That’s why I came here.”


“I want you to keep hating me.”

“Damn straight I already do. Stop ting with me!”

“And one more,” Mina took a deep breath, “please let Momo have a rest. I bet her is dead tired from today’s so if you’ll excuse me.”

“That’s it? That’s the only thing you want me to hear?”

“Uh-huh.” Mina started her walk. Paying no mind to whatever noises her junior made, she wondered if what she’s doing now was really beyond crazy. “Am I drunk or something?” she sighed while taking a turn. “Hey Nayeon unnie, was I going too far?”

“You’re just doing what I told you to. Besides, that girl really need to learn her lesson. After the trust Chaeyoung had put on her, she just can’t lose it all like this. It just feels wrong.”

“Wow, you really are something.” Mina grinned, pulling the older woman for a quick kiss.

“A- Are you crazy?! We’re inside a dorm!”

“Red as tomato huh? So cliché like in manga. To be honest, what I just did was crazy enough for me to handle.”

The two looked at each other in silence.

“What?” Nayeon averted her gaze away.

“It’s nothing. I’m just hoping that she will hate me even more.”

“Why do you want that so much? Isn’t it annoying to have someone hate you?”

“Now, my love, that’s where the thrill starts. Being loved and also being hated, that’s where the thrill is.” Mina grinned mischievously. “I’m counting on you, Sana.”



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Chapter 4: i love how this started off in a really good start and then i suddenly got lost and don't know if i was in the right fic
DragonKid729 #3
Chapter 4: UPDATEEEE
Chapter 4: I'm ing confuse.
I don't know who's who talking
fooledbyrandomness #5
Chapter 4: I'm still waiting.
seulrenedream #6
Chapter 4: I'm so confused my head actually hurts.
seulrenedream #7
Chapter 4: WHAAAAAT???¿¿?¿¿¿¿?
rusi07 #8
Chapter 4: I am a bit confused with this story o.O
Chapter 4: Wait... Minayeon are behind this? But what's for?
SunnyNight #10
Chapter 4: Wait, im confused... when mina said she wanted tzuyu to hate her, did she mean it mean it or just mean it...? (If that makes sense idk how to put it into words T~T) and okay, sana's a . I wonder if she's a real or just misunderstood. Plus sana didn't seem like shes after money tho hmmm. Oh and urgh my heart broke for chaeyu TTTT thanks for the update author! ^^