
Foreign Girl, BTS sugar x reader




That night I couldn't sleep very well, I drifted off and on in sleep barely getting any of it. What did he mean when he said he had his reasons? What kind of reasons? Does he hate me? Ugh. I've only been here three days and someone already doesn't like me. I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it. I sleepily grabbed my pillow and blanket and when on my patio looking down at Seoul. I grabbed a beer and sighed, "I'm crazy." I sat down on a comfy outside bed thing, cuddling myself. "You sure are crazy." I jumped. "Who's there?" A figure walked farther out of the balcony next to me. "It's me, suga." I rested my hand on my heart and sunk into my chair. "You almost gave me a heart attack... Why aren't you asleep?" He looked over. "I should be asking you the same thing." I sighed. "I can't sleep." He nodded. "Same." There was a silence, "Um... D-Do you want to come over?" He looked and me and shrugged. "Sure." I nodded. "I'll go unlock the door. Want one?" I held up my beer. He nodded and left the patio. I finished the beer I was drinking and set it down. I unlocked the door and grabbed some extra beers before heading back to the patio. I sat back down under my blanket and looked at the stars. Soon after I heard the patio door open and suga stepped out. "Hey." He nodded and I handed him a beer. "You guys looked really cool today." I said as he sat down across from me. "Thanks." We sat in a comfortable silence before he began to shiver. "I have a second one of these behind you in you want to lay down.." He hesitated at first but eventually came and sat down in the bed like thing behind him. "Thanks." I looked at him and smiled. "Cheers." I bumped his can with mine and took a sip. I set my empty can next to the other and scooted down that way I was laying down. "Hey suga?" He hummed and looked at the sky. "Do you not like me?" He sighed. "It's not that. You remind me a lot of someone who used to be in my life." I looked up at him. "Your first love?" He looked off at the brightly lit city. "Somewhat. But I don't dislike you." I smiled and sat up looking at him. He froze, "What?" I looked at the few stars in the sky and smiled even more. "I'm just happy to know you don't hate me, you know my friend saw you gys in concert once." He nodded. "She really likes Jungkook hahaha, she would freak if she knew I got to work with you guys." I smiled and my eyes began to feel heavy. "You know..." My eyes began to droop. "All army really love you all alot. I hope that one day all of bangtan will succeed even higher... I know you guys will do well!" I felt him pull the covers over me and he opened another beer. "Maybe your not horrible."


"Yah! What the hell is this?!" I squirmed and pulled the blanket higher. "Hyung there's empty cans of beer! They must've been drinking!" I heard voices around me but I couldn't exactly pick them out. "Can you guys shut up, I'm sleeping." I opened my eyes and lifted my hands blocking the sun. "Good morning!" I smiled at the rest of bangtan. "We saw that suga was gone and we came over here to ask you if you've seen him and obviously you have. Either of you shouldv'e let us know." Jin said. I felt like my mom was scolding me jeez. "Next time I'll leave a note." Suga said walking into the apartment "Next time?! Young man come back here!" Jin stomped after him. I looked up at the rest of the members and smiled.

"Have you eaten?"

I spent about and hour in the kitchen with Jin cooking breakfast, "Wow Ari they stocked your fridge!" I held the eight bowls of rice on a tray and walked over to the table setting them down. "I know right! I won't have to buy food for atleast a month!" He sighed and brought the rest of the food over. "Okay be truthful okay?" I nodded and wiped my hands on my apron. "What is it?" I sat down. Jin sat down in the chair in front of me and put his hands on the table. "What happened last night with you and yoongi?" I leaned back in my chair with a sigh "Nothing really happened I just talked about how my friend likes you guys and that looked at the city while drinking beer. He slept on a different bed anyways. Nothing bad happened." Jin nodded and called all the boys in for breakfast.

One by one they shuffled in Jungkook and V being the first two to come in and take their seats, then v, jimin, and j-hope, and lastly rapmon and suga. They dug in quickly taking about the plans for the day saying that they are going to record. I sat quietly not saying much as did suga. Although no one noticed I quickly finished my food and exited the table to go to my bedroom.

As I walked into my room my phone buzzed with the same generic ringtone. I noticed the caller ID and sighed ignoring the call, placing the phone in my backpocket I continued to ignore the constant buzzes and rings. My half korean half japanese ex-boyfriend of two years kept trying to call me, we broke up about six months ago but he continued to bombard me with calling me. I've even blocked his number and somehow he finds a new way to call and text me. We broke up because I saw him cheating on me with another girl while I was shopping.I was looking through some racks when I heard a familiar voice I smiled knowing it was him so I walked out from behind the rack and instead of greeting me he kissed this girl. I was so shocked and angry that I immediatly punched him straight in the face and kneed him in the gut. Since then he continues to try and call me to apoligize and try to get me back but that's not happening.

I walked back out to the kitchen and saw Jin doing dishes, "Jin-ssi you don't need to do that! I can do them later." He shook his head. "You let us stay at your place this is the least I can do... I should have Yoongi doing it but I'm a good eomma." I laughed and nodded. My phone continuing to buzz and ring on low volume I ignored it. I walked out into the livingroom and sat on the couch next to j-hope. "I love mario cart haha!" I watched V, Jimin, Jungkook, and J-hope all play against each other. My phone kept buzzing and ringing over and over and over. "Um Noona?" I looked at Jimin, "Hm?" He looked at my phone. "Maybe you should answer that it's been ringing for the past fifteen minutes." I stood up.

"Maybe I should." I picked up my phone standing up and answering it. "Didn't I make it clear that I don't want you to contact me anymore??" I walked past Yoongi who was standing on his phone. "But Baby it's been six months and I know I did somthing bad but please forgive and take me back please?" I groaned stepping out onto the patio. "Listen you ing piece of , I don't want anything to do with you, okay?! You broke my heart and lied to be for two years, why the would I take you back." He sighed, "Can't you just let go of my mistakes??? Your being too dramatic about this." I nearly screamed. "Maybe I wouldn't have to get so angry if you weren't so ignorant and stupid! What?! Do you honestly think I'd ever give someone like you a second chance?" I was so angry and pissed off I did't notice the glass door slide open and closed. "Not only did you cheat on me you threatened me- I don't care if you helped me study korean I couldv'e learned better from a robot!" I heard him begin to get angry. "Don't make me get on a plane and fly myself to Korea." I laughed. "And do what? Hit me?? Good luck trying to get past security. If you call me again I'll call the police okay?!" I hung up. 

Without realizing it I began to cry, I hope bangtan went bsck to their dorm becuase I don't want to see them in this condition. "Ari..." I straightened my back and wiped my face turning around with a smile. "Yes?" I turned around and saw suga staring at me slightly wide eyes. "What's going on?" He asked. "Nothing, I was just getting some air." He shook his head. "That's not what happened." I shrunk down into a ball placing my head into my knees. "I was on the phone with my ex." He nodded. "He's been bothering me for abut six months. I can't get rid of him." My voice began to crack. "He was just horrible sometimes to me." 

Suddenly I felt myself being pulled up "Go rest." Yoongi pushed me inside. "Today is a day off anyways everyone else is resting and out doing things. You should go rest." I nodded and dragged myself to my room.


Hello~ Another chapter... Kinda intense this one, maybe something will happen soon. Anyways thank you so much for your support in my story, if there is anything I can improve on please don't hesitate to tell me! Thank you~!


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