cinderella 3: a wrinkle in time

I want your body soul and to hit that high note

"daEHYUN?" everyone yelled

Daehyun clawed his way out of the great alchemy pit, head snapped in a funny angle as he tried to sing, a sour note coming out. He snappd his head bak in place, and the note still came out wrong. behind him was marty, mostly unharrmed but missing an arm and a leg.

"wel i did all i can" said the strangly alchemist short kid. "youre on your own now." then he took the money and left.

"mother, what do we do now. marty only has one arm an leg. she's not ft for marriage!" the woman said.

"i'm not ur mother," said king marty's dad. he put his hands on his face and think, think, thiiiiink. cuz when he uses his mind and takes everything at a time. he can do any-thing, that he wanted to do. and that included givin gmarty new limbs.

"gentlemen, we have two options. we can either make marty new limbs or go back in time and stop marty from being seduced by daehyun. suggestions?"

"i dont think tis good to do time travel" said one person. it was caitlin the tiger. no one cared what she had to say because she ws greedy and should be happy with only seeing marty once a year.

"i guess we're oing bak in time!" said kign marty's dad.

they got a amgical time watch and reset it. it felt liek they were throwing up. then they stopped at the moment that daehyun was rising out of the sky and amrty was swooning, her hand on he large heaving bosoms, enamored and swept away by inTENSE OVERRWHLEMING EMOTIONS. IT WAS LIE SHE HAD SEEN GOD. A MAN-GOD, WITH GREAT LIPS AND A GOODVOICE. NO WONDER SHE HAD DIED.

king marty's dad rushed out just as marty was climbing out of the balcony to fall into daehyin's kinda strong  arms, probably, and yanked her back by the shrt.

"GUARDS. GUARDS SEIZE HIM." the guards leapt at daehyun, forgetting the height adn then died.

king marty's dad shruggd. guards were easy to come by. he made caitlin the tiger haul maty back in and ordered a hit on daehyun.

now...there love was...FORBIDDE.

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