Chapter 1

Hot Chocolate

Taemin wasn't sure what was so intriguing about the clumsy man. He was emanating with dorkiness, but he still found himself attracted to the older. Maybe he just thought it was cute how the male would always trip over nothing every two minutes, or how he looked like an adorable Eskimo, with his big fur coat, struggling to walk through the foot high of snow.

When he'd fallen once again, Taemin couldn't resist letting out a small laugh. He walked over to him in order to help him up. "Are you okay?" the younger asked, holding out his hand for the man to take. He seemed to eye Taemin skeptically but took it anyway.

"I'm okay... Thanks..." he muttered, dusting off the snow on his clothes.

"I'm surprised your face hasn't frozen up yet. Y'know, from falling too much," the blonde grinned at his childish pout. "I'm Taemin. High school sophomore."

"Jinki. Freshman in college," the older replied.

"Where are you headed?"

He nodded his head in the direction of the building across the street. "Café. I wanted to get a drink since it's so chilly out."

"Can I come?" Taemin asked without thinking.

Jinki shrugged. "I don't mind."

"So..." Taemin started to say as the two began to make their way to the shop. "Are you from around here?" He was sure he would've noticed Jinki before since he seemed to stand out like a sore thumb with his clumsiness and charming face and all. Taemin blushed at the thought, hoping he wouldn't notice because it was dark outside.

Thankfully he didn't. "Actually no. I just moved here not too long ago for college."

The younger hummed in response, continuing to ask more questions such as "What do you like to do?" and "What's your favorite color?"

"You sure do ask a lot of questions," Jinki said when they stepped into the café and sat down at a table. "Not that I don't mind." He flashed a small smile.

Taemin's cheeks abruptly became tinted with pink. He didn't even realize he was interrogating him so much. This time, Jinki seemed to notice the blush and ruffled his hair.

The blonde opened his mouth, about to complain about him touching his hair, but was interrupted when the waitress came over to ask for their orders. Taemin ordered a vanilla latté while Jinki went for a cup of hot chocolate with whip cream and marshmallows.

"Really, hyung?" Taemin raised an eyebrow. "Marshmallows too?"

Jinki stuck his tongue out at him. "It's not hot chocolate without marshmallows."

Taemin rolled his eyes, internally gaping about how childish his hyung was, when it should obviously be the opposite. It was cute, he admitted to himself, blushing for the millionth time that night.

"Hey Taemin." The blonde raised his head up a bit to look up at the older. "...You're really adorable when you blush like that."

His cheeks grew even redder, if that was even possible.


The following morning when Taemin woke up, he found himself thinking about Jinki and how he had already missed seeing his face and hearing his silky voice even though it's only been half a day since they've seen each other.

Taemin grabbed his phone off his bedside table, remembering that they had exchanged numbers last night. His fingers seemed to move involuntarily, hastily typing up a text and hitting 'Send'.

To: Jinki
Want to hang out? :)

His phone beeped a few minutes later, and he frowned at the reply he got.

From: Jinki
I'm busy right now

The boy groaned, still longing to see Jinki. Suddenly, his phone alerted him of another message.

From: Jinki
I'll call you later in a few hours ^^

He quietly cheered, pumping his fists into the air, not wanting to wake his parents up and proceeded to get ready for the day.

He brushed his teeth first, thoughts still filled with Jinki. His heart fluttered the whole time he was around the older last night, and he'd always unconsciously smile too. He wondered how anyone could make him so genuinely happy, especially one that he had literally just met.


Taemin arrived at Jinki's apartment about twenty minutes after he'd gotten the call. The younger boy was glad to find out that their homes were within walking distance of each other.

"What were you doing earlier?" Taemin asked as he sat down on the couch.

"More questions, huh..." Jinki chuckled from his small kitchen, not noticing Taemin's glare because he was busy making drinks for both of them. "I was working at library."

The boy's mouth formed an 'o' shape. "What are you making hyung?"

"Hot chocolate," he replied, pouring chocolate powder into the two cups filled with warm milk and mixing them at the same time.

"With whip cream?"

"And marshmallows." Taemin mumbled something along the lines of 'Of course you would', which Jinki ignored, while adding his favorite toppings onto the drinks.

"Why are we at your place anyway? I wanted to go out," Taemin said.

"I don't like the snow..." Jinki mumbled, bringing out the drinks and handing a cup to Taemin. He sat down next to the boy and blew at his hot drink. "It makes everything too slippery. ...YAH! Don't laugh."

Jinki took a sip of his chocolatey drink, whip cream sticking to the spot right above his mouth.

Taemin giggled even more at the sight, causing Jinki to pout. He grabbed a tissue, about to wipe off the cream on his face until the younger stopped him from doing so. He looked at the blonde with a questioning look but he only smirked in response. Suddenly, Taemin leaned in towards the older and planted a quick, soft kiss on his lips.

"Now we both have mustaches, hyung." Taemin pulled away, smiling widely, and after a second of surprise, Jinki couldn't help but return the smile.

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Demitria_Teague #1
Chapter 1: So cute. ^^
Congrats on the random feature!
Chapter 1: Very sweet fluff... as sweet as the hot choc with whipped cream and floating marshmallows... congrats for the random feature...
Alien_lover #4
Chapter 1: so cute im crying haha
i love your story
Chapter 1: yo congrats
Chapter 1: ㅠㅠ this is too cute for my eyes.... im left to be a melted puddle

That means i luv your story xD
Congrats on the feature!
eskulapka #8
Chapter 1: Fluffy! Yay!