

"We are going to return to S-Camp right now." She begins to run while carrying her friend on her shoulders because with this position the blonde girl would still be able to attack that monster. They were close Eunseo and Dayoung "Dayoung-ah hold her." Then the five of them are surrounded by fire and disappeared.

Author Pov

"Why Miss Eunseo didn’t call me." Mr. park was assigned by Mr. Son to pick up her daughter from school, but until now there have been no incoming calls at all. Though Cosmic High School is usually finished by 4 pm, while it is already 5 pm.

"I'd pick her up right now, maybe miss Eunseo mobile phone battery runs out." Then Mr. Park took the car keys and went to Cosmic High School immediately, he was always checking his cell phone because maybe Eunseo would have called him. But until Mr. Park arrived at Cosmic High School Eunseo did not call him.

"I have to find her." Mr. Park confuses, she did not know where is her class. Finally, he decided to search Eunseo in all the corners of Cosmic High School. Surprisingly, in the front yard of the school, there isn’t the security and students who passing by. He decided to enter the school, but not too far he entered the school area he could see many students and even teachers who are running.

"Excuse me, why are all the people running away like that?" Mr. Park asked a male student who passes in front of him.

"There was a strange incident in the hallway near the back yard of our school. You should see it too." After said that the boys immediately ran to the rear area of the school. Mr. Park feeling unwell after hearing that news, then he ran in the same direction with that boy. The closer to a place he is heading to, there is a lot of people in that place.

"Excuse me, I wan-." Mr. Park trying to get through the crowd, also he wants to know what really happened. "Excuse me", he had to pass through the students and workers because he can’t see it clearly after he pass some people Mr. Park can see it clearly. School hallway floor was split, the lockers broken and melted, the poles are destroyed.

"How come."

"My locker!?"

"Who did this!"

There was a rumor of people gathered there, make speculations about what might have happened in that place. From what Mr. Park heard, none of the students, teachers or staff Cosmic High School knows about this, even the CCTV installed around the scene was burned so the school can not find the culprit of this mess.

Without known by the people who were there, Mr. Park realized something. There is former green liquid attached to the debris that littered the floor.

"Hello, Mr. Son? It looks like Miss Eunseo been attacked. "

Dayoung Pov

"Yah! Help me!" I had a little trouble when carrying this girl, There is a huge difference between our height and weight. Having heard me scream like that, Yeonjung put Yeoreum down from her shoulders and helped me to put the girls in one of the beds in our house. This time she was unconscious perhaps because she is out of breath and she couldn’t withstand the pain.

"Grow up, Dayoung-ah." Yeonjung fixed the girl's uniform and covered her body.

"What? I still can grow up and you know it! Your height differ only a few centimeters away from me, so don’t be so arrogant!" It's always the problem of height, she does not realize that her height and my height did not differ that much.

"Eyy, when you grows 1cm then I too will grow 1 cm taller than you!"

"I think we should call the nurse to treat the wounds in her neck." Suddenly Yeoreum interrupted my conversation with Yeonjung.

"Why? I had been giving land-healer in her neck. So, I think the burn is recovering now." I'm sure to give a proper treatment for her burns, so it should have burns had healed now.

"I think it's not because of the burn."

"Would not she have any other injuries besides that burns caused by YOO YEONJUNG?"

"Me? !!" Hah! That’s it Yeonjung, not only you can tease someone. Me too

"Yes, if only you can think carefully before you act. Surely she will not get a wound!" She blushed, haha surely now she was angry.

"It seems that this is not a burn injury, such as former strangulation on her neck and it looks a bit strange." Yeoreum shows us the girl's neck.

"OH MY- Is not that poisonous liquid!" Yeonjung eyes dilated and her hands cover as if she did not believe what she saw. Burns in her neck had been disappeared and showed the wounds that had been there before. former liquid strangulation around the girl's neck.

"Poisonous? Quickly, we must call the nurse!" Yeoreum about to leave, but wait, if she called the nurse and everyone at S-Camp know about this person is not one of us, then we will get into trouble.

"Wait!" I grabbed her hand, I have to stop her. "We can not show her to the nurse! What if we get into trouble later. "

"But this is a dangerous thing, Im Dayoung, we can think about that later." Aish, at a time like this why should she's stubborn as hell. I pull her hand again, but still Yeoreum keep walking towards the door.

"Stop it, don’t fight. What if we ask for help to the most talented students in terms of healing, what was her name, i can't remember it?"

"Ah-ah Yeonjung your idea is really good!" I immediately ran out

"Keep your eyes on her!" I hope she is there


Author Pov

"What do you mean by being attacked?" Mr. Son did not understand what he is saying "Eunseo become a victim of bullying?" This isn’t a secret anymore bullying still exists especially among high school students.

"No sir, it seems the presence of our family has been known."

"Don’t joke around with me! They may not know where we are, I've given a protective spell around us. "

"Check your email Mr. Son, I've sent photos of Miss Eunseo school conditions at this time."

Mr. Son ended their conversation and check out the photos Mr. Park sent to his email.

"What is this?" Mr. Park sends pictures he took of Cosmic High School, all the photos from the floor shattered by debris contained in a green liquid.

“Sir it looks like they sent Grejck to disrupt Miss Eunseo, I find this green liquid there. I do not know what's going on here, but this place really ruined. "

"Damn, they find us." Since his family's move to Seoul, Mr. Son has installed various barrier spells that their presence will not be detected. He even gave the same spell in Eunseo school so they could not hurt her.

Yeoreum Pov

"Yeonjung-ah, we do not need to give first aid to this girl?" A cold sweat out of her body, if we don’t give her treatment immediately maybe her life could be threatened.

"We should give first aid to Juyeon, but you know that time we were not paying attention to Mrs. Seohyun when she tell us about various poisons and the treatment." Yeonjung showed her nametag, hmm so her name is Juyeon and it is also true that time we were busy planning about various things that we would do on a weekend.

"I could burn this liquid with my fire, but I'm not sure if it was the right thing to do."

"No, what if your fire gives other effects on her?"

"That’s true, so we have to wait for Dayoungie to back here." It's what was said by Yeonjung, providing first aid in such circumstances is indeed important but if we take the wrong actions then it can also be fatal for Juyeon.

Author Pov

Dayoung out of their houses in haste, she ran as strong and as tight as she could so that she could meet with the best students in terms of healing. She knows where to go because she was already close with that students. If only the one who injured is Yeoreum or Yeonjung then Dayoung didn’t need to run like this, she just needs to call the healthcare and they will send the doctors and nurses to handle it. But in this case, if they call the healthcare and the head of S-Camp know that she and her friends bring someone from the outside and the person is not one of them then Dayoung will definitely get punishment for having violated the regulations of S-Camp.

"Unnie, you should be there.." The place being headed by Dayoung is an overgrown garden there is a variety of plants and river. Near that river, Dayoung often meet her.

"Unnie!" Dayoung touches her chest, trying to catch her breath. A girl who initially leaning against a tree while reading the book turned her attention to Dayoung.

"Oh, Dayoung-ah." She looked at Dayoung smiling, a lot of people are enchanted by her smile. Every time she smiled who see it will smile automatically. They say that they like hypnotized after see a beautiful sand charming smile.

"Luda unnie, quickly help me now." Dayoung clearing goods that are around a girl named Luda and immediately pulled her hand so that she can stand up and ran they begin to run.

"What are you doing Dayoung!" Luda was confused, they had just met, and now she had to run like this.

" I will explain it to you later, but certainly now we need your help unnie." With the same speed, Dayoung rushed back to her house. Although her speed slowed as she was running and pull someone behind her but she didn’t intend to stop. The sooner they get the faster Eunseo treated by Luda.

[Brakk] Dayoung opened their front door

"I managed to bring Luda unnie here!" Dayoung lead Luda to the room.

"Unnie, please healed her."

"What happened to her?" Luda began checking the existing wound on Eunseo body. There is the scar on her face, hand, and her neck.

"Bring me some water." Yeoreum immediately ran to the kitchen to fetch what was requested by Luda "Please help me to move the position of her body, first we have to clean this liquid." Yeonjung trying to move Eunseo body slowly, she worries every action or movement she takes will give side effect to Eunseo wound.

"Unnie, this the water." After Luda receiving the water, she splashed directly to Eunseo neck, clean the liquid first.

"Thank God I brought this potion." She took out a small bottle from her bag. After she opened the bottle, Luda pour the potion to Eunseo neck

Green smoke surrounds them, this is happening because of the reaction when the potion and Eunseo skin contaminated by that green liquid met.

"What’s going on here? Why she is got injured like this?" Luda still treats Eunseo who was still unconscious. "And who is she? I've never seen her before. "

"Em, she's one of student in our school and-"

"You brought strangers into this camp?" Luda looked at Dayoung disbelief, how could they bring this person into their camp while the rules are already saying that they should not bring strangers to their camp unless that person is the same type or have some power like them.

"Luda-ssi please listen Dayoung first," Yoenjung asks Luda not to cut Dayoung words. Yes, Yeonjung totally unfamiliar with Luda. Although her friends know her but Yeonjung as one of the fire clan did not intend to meet her even though she had heard the rumors about Luda intelligence.

"Ne unnie, please hear me out. Actually, I didn’t know who is this girl, her name, where she come from, whether she's kind or not. But I know she can see a sign on my wrist and we found this girl attacked by Grejck in our school. So we decide to help her." Dayoung explains what really happened from beginning to end without add or subtract, because why would she lie to Luda she will not gain anything if she does that.

"But strangely, there isn’t that sign in her wrist. So we were not sure if she's one part of us or not. "Yeonjung shows Eunseo wrist to Luda.

"If she wasn’t part of us. Then why she could be attacked by that monster?" What she said also bother Yeoreum mind. How could this girl or Juyeon is attacked by a monster if she was just an ordinary girl.

"Maybe we can bring her to Mr. Moonbyul? So he can examine her or something like that. You know that he always helps us when anything happened?" Yeoreum gives them her opinion.

"Mr. Moonbyul has always helped us, but I'm afraid if we tell him and Mrs. Solar will know about it. And if that happens then it's over." Mr. Moonbyul is one of the heads of this camp, this camp is the only place where the young Signs can learn to use and control their powers. And among the teachers and head of S-Camp, Mr. Moonbyul is one of the young signs favorite man in this camp. And everything he does will become Mrs. Solar too, Mrs. Solar is discipline and do anything in accordance with the rules. So if this is to be heard by Mrs. Solar then Dayoung, Yeoreum, Yeonjung and even Luda will accept the consequences.

"What if we told this to Mrs. Seohyun? I'm sure she will help us find out about this?" Dayoung give another opinion

"That’s right, Mrs. Seohyun is a good person and Luda-ssi seemed close to her." Yeonjung agrees with Dayoung opinion, in the S-Camp who does not know if Luda is one of the Mrs. Seohyun favorite students.

"Just call me Luda Unnie, are not you the same age as Yeoreum and Dayoung?" Luda held out her hand to shake Yeonjung hands.

Yeonjung just stares at Luda hands waiting for her to shake Luda hand.

"I know your clan hates our clan and the reason behind that, but at least we got to know each other to help this girl. Get rid of your ego for a while." Luda smiled, even though she knew that they could not be friends as close as she was friends with Yeoreum and Dayoung at least she wanted to know that girl although Yeonjung will ignore her later.

Yeonjung was shaking hands with Luda hesitantly "You can call me Yeonjung, Luda Un-nie."

"Ugh, my head." Yeonjung moved her attention to that sound and she found that Eunseo wakes up.

"You awake?" Asked Yeonjung while helping her to sit.

"Did you feel anything strange?"

"Are you okay?"

"How do you feel?"

Luda, Yeoreum, and Dayoung asked her alternately, Eunseo looked around to where she is now, she looks at them. She recognized one of them, whom she met when she is with Yebin.

"Aren’t you the girl I meet this morning? Where is this? This isn’t our school"

"Ah you still remember me, so this morning we had met when you're with your friends. Calm down, you are safe in this place. We will not hurt you." Dayoung answers her question.

"You’re the one who helps me from that monster?"

"Yes we are, and we want to know how you’re attacked by Grecjk?" Yeonjung asked

"I do not know, suddenly it appeared in front of me when i walked toward the yard and then it attacked me. I do not know why the monster was trying to hurt me."Eunseo tried to touch the wound in her neck but stopped by Luda she is gesturing her to not touch it.

"And" Yeonjung show her wrist "You can see this?"

"Yes, I can see it, you have the similar sign as her." Eunseo pointed towards Dayoung "What is that? It’s kind of trend that everyone must have in high school?"

"It's not a tattoo, sticker or something like that and this is not a trend that should be owned by every high school student in Seoul." Yeoreum who had been only observing them and she are voicing her mind "This sign only owned by people who are selected by nature and will continue to be scaled to the next generation and this sign can only be viewed by those who also have a sign like this. "

"But I do not have a sign like that." Eunseo surprised by her words if it’s true how could she see a sign while she did not have it.

"We've seen your wrists when you fainted and there was no sign there. So we thought to bring you to our teacher in S-Camp, of course, if you do not mind," said Yeonjung

"Before you take me there, can you introduce yourself first?" Eunseo feel a little uncomfortable when she has to be in a situation like this with a stranger. At least by knowing their names Eunseo could consider them as friends.

"We do not know when we will bring you there but this isn’t bad idea. My name is Yeonjung. "

"My name is Jinsook but they call me Yeoreum"

"Im Dayoung."

"Lee Luda."

Eunseo watched them one by one while they were introducing themselves. "My name is Son Juyeon. But you can call me Eunseo. "

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Chapter 3: I want more of thisssss