

"Dad, this is the third time in a year and now we are going to move after stayed in Jeonju for 2 months? "

Eunseo can’t believe what she had heard. Her father said the words that she didn’t want to hear at least for few months. How could they have to move today when they just stayed at Jeonju for 2 months.

"I'm sorry Eunseo, but we have to leave now." Mr. Son can only say it. Can’t deny, he is also want to stay somewhere for a long time.

This isn’t something new for Eunseo, her family has moved around since she was 7 years old if she was not mistaken. Usually, they will stay for 2 or 3 years and they would have to move again, but not for this year, they've moved 3 times.

"But dad, I was getting used to staying here, can’t we stay just for a while?"

"Sorry Eunseo, but we can’t stay at here again. Quick, pack your stuff we will leave tonight." Mrs. Eunseo answered as she put a few things into the box.

Eunseo was moved from the couch and headed to her room, there is a lot of things in her mind today. Why they have to move? what is the reason behind this? what about her school and her friends? how she would adapt to her new environment, or will they stayed in there or they will be going to move like this.

"Aish, how could I be so stupid. Why all this time I didn’t ask for the reason!” Eunseo just realized this a few seconds ago.

During this time she is followed whatever they said and she never tried to ask about their reason. Her parents have a company with a stable business and run until today so it's impossible if they have to move because of the company. Her parents and their family also have a good reputation so they may not be moved because there was someone who wanted to harm them because of hate or something like debt. And they aren’t going to move because of her, Son Eunseo is known as an active and cheerful girl, she is also has a lot of friends.

"I don’t know, but I'll give it a try to ask about this."

Eunseo put her clothes into a suitcase, she is taking a few photos on the wall of the room and put it in a box with another stuff in there.

It took about three hours to packed her things, Eunseo could finally lay on the bed. She just stared at the ceiling, there is a lot of things in her mind today. Will her life remain like this, moving from one place to another?

"Have you packed your stuff?" Her mother came into the room and sat beside her.

"No need to pout like that Eunseo."

"But mom, we just stayed here and now we have to move again." Eunseo hugging her waist, hiding her face.

"Can’t we stay her for a while mom? At least for few months. Isn’t this place have a good environment, good schools and teachers, and I just get a few close friends. "

Silence …

"Mom, can’t we stay in Jeonju?" Eunseo asks her once again.

"No, we can’t stay here Eunseo."

"But why, Mom? What is the reason? Why would we be going to move like this? I also want to stay in one place like the others!" Eunseo release what she was thinking during this time. She has always followed whatever her parents say because that's probably the best thing. She never complains about this, although she was eager to stay and live a normal life like her friends but Eunseo, she is only a child and she should follow what her parents say.

"I know, but we can’t stay here for a long time Eunseo. Please, you have to understand about our situation." Mrs. Son releasing Eunseo hug from her waist.

"Now, we have to bring your luggage into the car." Her mother stands up and took a couple of boxes. Eunseo was doing the same thing.

After putting their stuff into the car and they’re going to leave this house. Leaving their memories and hopes to stayed in there.

"Dad, where are we going to move this time?"

"Seoul, maybe we will stay in there for a long time."

"Really?" Eunseo gasped, almost dropped her phone.

"I hope we can stay in Seoul and we'll try to make it happen." That words make the desperate and angry Eunseo smile and excited, they are going to stayed in Seoul.

"You better listen to what your father say, so don’t create problems in your new school later."

"No mom, I never got into trouble at school."

"I know, our princess had never made any problem."

The atmosphere inside the car was imoroved, especially their daughters feeling. Eunseo determined to do whatever it takes to make them stay in their new home later.

After a long journey, they finally arrive. Eunseo looking around to their new home, their garden decorated with flowers and there is also a fish pond.

"We’ve stayed in here before when you were a baby." Her father said

"Bring your luggage, dad would show your room." After that, she took a few of her belongings and followed her father into the house.

"Can I help you, sir?" A middle-aged man came.

"Yes, help Mrs. Son carrying her belongings." After saying that Mr. Son continued to walking and showing around their house to her daughter.

"This is your room after tidying your things, you better sleep I’ll drive you to your new school tomorrow."

Eunseo room located on the second floor, Eunseo go into her room and put some belongings and takes her stuff and put it in her new room. After rearranging her room, Eunseo went to her balcony, she could see the backyard and the swimming pool. For some people, when they are in outdoors their bodies will shivering because of the wind but not with Eunseo.."I'd better sleep now, tomorrow will be a new day. Eunseo fighting!" Eunseo feel happy and excited, her parents feel they have more responsibility to grant her daughter wishes, they should try as much as possible so their location will not be able tracked. Tiit.. Titit…  “It's 5 o'clock in the morning?" Eunseo stretches her body and out of bed. Like another morning, she will jog. Eunseo then went out of her room."Eunseo-ssi, where are you going?" Asked the middle-aged man she meets before."I'm going to jog for a while."

“Well, if so, is there is a park around here so you can do any sports there." After showing the way to the park, Eunseo just heading to there. She had talked a little with him and from there she learned that Mr. Park had worked for her family a few years before Eunseo born. After one hour of exercise, Eunseo decided to return to her house.

"Good morning mom." Mrs. Son who was preparing breakfast for her family she was a little bit surprised by her daughter.

"Eunseo, you just finished jogging? You better shower now, we are going to breakfast together and don’t forget to wear a school uniform I put it in your room.”

"Yes, mom." Eunseo hurried to her room to take a shower.

"She is already at home?" Asked Mr. Son

"Yeah, I told her to take shower. It would be better if you two went to her school early, so she can walking around her school later." Mr. and Mrs. Son chatted while waiting for their daughter to join them for breakfast.

"Woah, there is a lot of food here." Said Eunseo pulling up a chair.

"Of course, I make it for you who will go to school." Her mother gives Eunseo rice and some side dishes to eat, she is also doing the same thing to her husband. This morning it is so obvious that Eunseo was excited to go to her school.

"Appa, hurry up!" Her dad just shook his head because of his daughter's behavior. Now Eunseo and Mr. Son were already in the car and ready to go. Eunseo says goodbye and waved her hand to her mom.

"Eunseo, uncle park will pick you up at school later."

“Ok, dad." Although this is not the first time for Eunseo in Seoul but still, she was impressed by the atmosphere of this city.Approximately 45 minutes they have finally reached the Cosmic High School.

"Eunseo, I’m sorry I couldn’t get you to the principal's room.”

"It's okay dad, I can ask another students or staff in this school. Don’t worry." Eunseo comes out from the car and gets into the school. She doesn’t need a long time to find someone. Eunseo finds their school security guard and asks him about the principal room. It seems like her new school is bigger than her school in Jeonju. There is a lot of students in this school, they are in the classroom, sitting in the garden or walking in the halls of this school.

"Hi, do you need help?" short-haired girl approached Eunseo.

"Ah yes, can you tell me where is the principal's office? I've asked the security guard about this but I lost.”

"Sure, let me show you the way. But first let me introduce myself, my name is Yebin, Kang Yebin.”

"My name is Son Juyeon, you can call me Eunseo." Yebin is easy-going so don’t be surprised if they were both comfortable enough to talk, from their conversation Eunseo also know that Yebin is born in the same year with her. Yebin also shows Eunseo her classroom, the bathroom, and cafeteria. Before heading to the principal's office, Yebin asked her to come into her locker beforehand because there are some things she should take.

Not far from Yebin’s locker, there is a girl who was taking some stuff from her locker. Eunseo eyes fixed on the girl's wrist. That girl noticed it and now she is looking at Eunseo, but she was surprised because Eunseo didn’t stare at her eyes but she is staring intensely at her wrist.

"Wait, you can see this sign?"


Note: English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if there is a lot of mistakes.

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Chapter 3: I want more of thisssss