

     A few days later TaeHyung was happy to see Kookie looking more like his old self, they are even closer than they were before if that's even possible but Kookie still hasn't actually told Tae how he feels about him.  When he thinks about it he knows that Kookie loves him and if it weren't for Yoongi and Jimin pointing it out to him he would not have realized it. Kookie shows it in his own everyday with the small gestures and subtle looks and glances not to mention that he is always there for Tae no matter what.  Tae even catches him staring at him when he thinks that Tae doesn't notice. Tae has even caught Kookie sevral times now staring at him with a dazed lovestruck look on his face.

"So that is what you guys meant." Tae said not speaking to anyone in particular his heart bursting with joy.

Hobi grins from ear to ear while Jin and Namjoon smile as Jimin smirks and Yoongi sleeps on his lap. Tae walks off in search of Kookie who is in his room.

"TaeHyung said he loves me ......He was just scared that I was really sick or something...Right?" Kook is lost in thought thinking back to the day he was sick and what TaeHyung had said.

"No no no hyung just means as a little brother..." shaking his head.

"Why does it feel like all is right when I'm with hyung?" then scoffs to himself.

"Just admit it he is your soulmate even if he doesn't know it. As long as I'm together with my hyung I'm happy."

"I love you Tae" he wispers with a little smile as he walks into the bathroom not noticing the bedroom door was left ajar.

     Tae was about to knock on Kook's door when he hears him talking...and stops.  Kookie is talking to himself Tae quickly realises, something that the younger does when deep in thought. He is thinking about him? Then he hears it barely

"I love you Tae!" Kookie had said and Tae's heart swelled with emotion and he let out the breath that he didn't know he was holding from the moment he heard Kookie's voice in the room. His mouth spreading into its signature box shaped smile he was soaring with joy he felt like the luckiest person on the face of the earth.  Kookie loves him and he heard him say it with his own ears.

"Collect yourself Tae calm down" he said as he walked into the room to wait for kookie.

That is where Kookie found him sitting with a smile on his face and a distant look in his eyes when he walked out of the bathroom drying his hair.

"Oh hyung! Di did y you nneed s something?" he stammered blushing fiercely.

"Koookkiiee!" Tae said rising from the bed to pull the younger into an all encompassing hug putting all of his feelings into it. 

Kookie felt like he had come home in Tae's arms he let the warmth soak into him. Tae felt more than hear Kookie sigh and hug him tighter.  It all felt so amazing to Tae.  They have always hugged and been close but it never flet like this ... perfect. Kookie snuggled deeper into the hug holding Tae tight.

"I love you hyung!" Kookie murmered onto the side of Tae's neck soo low that Tae almost missed it.  Kookie's back with a smile on his face he sighed and said.

"I love you too Kookah. I think that I always have and always will."

Kookie froze he didn't think that Tae had heard him.  He was also in shock from hearing Tae's reply.  Tae broke the hug and looked at Kookie and saw the tears shining in his eyes.

"I thought that you were getting tired of me hanging around. It felt like you were mad at me and I didn't know why. So I decided to give you some space.  It felt so lonely and tired but everyone was going along fine so I hought that it must just be me. It hurt so much like dying."Kookie prattled on.

  For the first time it was like a damn in his brain just burst and it let all of his thoughts pour out in a flood of babble. Tae just smiled and watched him then he slowly leaned in and kissed him silent.  At first Kookie was surprised then slowly he started to respond to the kiss it was not like the pecks or nibbling kisses they did as fanservice.  This kiss held all the emotion and love that they held for each other but were afraid to say or show, since both feared rejection.  Kookie deepened the kiss by changing the angle of his head while clinging to Tae as though his life depended on it.  Tae was totally blissed out and content to continue to make out with Kookie but he needed to surface for air.

  Breaking the kiss to gulp in a few breaths of air to keep his lungs working.  Sparing a glance at JungKook who was breathing hard and staring at Tae's mouth, his tongue flicked out to his bottom lip.  Tae's eyes zoomed in on the movement he moaned softly just before diving into another soul baring life saving mind blowing kiss. Kookie shivered as he felt the smooth glide of Tae's tongue into his mouth sending tingles down his spine. 

"We should talk." panted Tae as he broke the kiss but still placing pecks along the side of Kookie's neck. While Kookie was trying to catch his breath.

"Ok let me finish getting dressed hyung." Kookie replies as he walked to his dresser for a crisp white T-shirt and pulled it over his head.

Tae had forgotten that Kookie had not been fully dressed when he walked out of the bathroom.  As he watched Kookie's back as he walked away to get a shirt he started blushing tomato red.  Waiting patiently Tae's mind ran over the events of the past few minutes. How so much had changed in a few moments and yet he was a million times happier and more confident than he was and hour ago.Kookie sat beside Tae and pulled him into a comforting hug.  Tae looked up into Kookie's smiling face as he leaned over and touched their noses.

"I have been trying to build up the nerve to speak to you and now I feel silly because you feel the same way that I do." Kookie said

"It seems to me like we could have save ourselves a lot of heartache, if we had just confessed to each other along time ago like we used to.  When anything was wrong or bothering us." Tae replied.

"I didn't think that you liked me that way but i spoke to Jin hyung and he said that I should tell you...I couldn't ...to afraid that I would lose you and you'd hate me and think me weird."

"How could you think that Kookie?" sighed Tae.

"You know me better than anyone else and without you its been horrible Kookie.  I know that you have always been special to and have my back. Plus we have this connection but I didn't realize how in love with you I was.  But then I spoke to Jimin and Yoongi hyung." said Tae as he wrapped his  arm around Kookie's waist.

"Guess Yoongi hyung was right all along we just needed to be brave and trust each other." Tae said.

Kookie looked down at Tae with a question in his eyes....

"I was trying to get Jimin's opinion on what I should do because you were avoiding me like you were mad at me."Tae said while shrugging his shoulders.

"It seems that everyone knew that we loved each other as more than brothers but us." he continued.

"I love you Tae." said Kookie with confidence and a strong voice.

"And I love you Kookah. And I promise not to hurt you ever again." Tae said as he reached up to pull Kookie down for another kiss.

     Meanwhile at the doorway stood four hyungs with smiles on their faces as they closed the door and went down the hallway to the fifth member lounging on the sofa. Giving the two youngest their privacy.

"So did they finally admit that they belong together and are soulmates?" asked Yoongi from his prone position on the sofa.

The four of them smiled and nodded in unison to the fifth.

"See I told you it would work out those two are a perfect fit its like the universe made them to be together. What they have people spend a lifetime trying to achive"......."What" Yoongi asked as there were four pairs of eyes and open mouths staring at him.

"Hyung you are in danger of loosing your swagg'" said Jimin.

Scoffs " Never!!! I'm the king of swagg I was just stating what you all were thinking anyways." rebutted Yoongi.

The two youngest were cuddled together fast asleep on JungKook's bed without a care in the world because they were together and their bond was now stronger than ever. Whatever the future may bring they would face it together.


The End





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