That Moment



      Kim TaeHyung is sitting on the floor by the window with a dazed look on his face, at that moment he has just came to the realization that he's in love with his best friend Jeon JungKook.  TaeHung has always been protective and mindful of JungKook  and he told himself he was just protecting his junior.  It never bothered him that when they first meet JungKook ignored him and was cold towards him, because they soon became fast friends and inseperable.  He found JungKook's baby bunny apperance adorable and always found himself touching or playing with him. Their bond and friendship grew with time and was so strong that others sometimes thought they had their own language. They never really seemed to need to speak yet they understood each other perfectly and often moved in unison.  As he was trying to think back to when his feelings started to change he caught a glimpse of a shadow.  He turned his head and Kookie was standing in the doorway as if his thoughts had summoned him.

"Hi Kook! How long have you been standing there?"

"Hey hyung..."  Kookie replied turning his face to hide his blush at being caught staring.

Walking across the room to sit beside TaeHyung as he always did.  He was always drawn to Tae and could find him without even trying.

"Hyung... are you busy? I wanted to talk to you about something." Kookie asked a little nervous with a shy smile.

"For you Kook all the time in the world." Tae replied with his signature box smile.



     Jeon JungKook is standing in the doorway watching his hyung wondering what the expression on his face means, he seems to be deep in thought. He is cautious not to disturb his hyung partly because he content to simply watch Tae from afar. For as long as JungKook could remember he has always felt different about Tae than he did his other hyungs.  He knew that Tae acted tough but was easily hurt; not physically but emotionally he was very sensitive.  JungKook always took great care to stay by Tae's side mostly in his shadow in case he ever needed him.  JungKook knew that he loved Tae but he did not have the confidence to confess to him. He was lost in his own thoughts when he heard Tae's voice.

"Hi Kook ......"

Tae put his arm around Kookie's shoulder and pulled him close.

"What's on your mind Kook?" Tae asked looking at him like he could see through JungKook making him blush.

"Hyung I have to tell you somethi.."

"There you two are!"  said Jimin "I found them guys.....We've got to go lets get a move on or else we'll be late."

     And off they went off to another fanmeeting never getting a chance to finish their talk.  This is how it continued for a while, every time one of them had enough courage  to try to bring up the topic of their feelings they were interupted. It was a if life itself was telling them that it wasn't yet the right time.  It seemed to be getting harder  for them to be toegther without feeling akward  clumsy and slightly shy with each other.  The hyungs noticed it also and had started to find ways to separate them when in public but in the dorm they left them alone. They needed to sort it out on their own but it made everyone feel akward watching them struggle.

"What's going on with those two?" Yoongi asked Jimin one rainy afternoon.

"Nothing hyung...they will figure it out, let's just give them some space." Jimin replied with a secret smirk as he looked at Yoongi resting on his lap.

"TaeTae and Kookie sitting in a tree..." sang Hobi with a bright smile as he saw them playing video games in the corner.

"Stop that or no dessert for you tonight." said  Jin as he walked by on his way to the kitchen.

"AAHHHH!!" screamed Namjoon as they all heard the shattering of a glass. Jin rolled his eyes and said

"Don't move I'll be right there I don't want you to hurt yourself just stay still." rushing to Namjoon's side.

     JungKook decided that he was going to try to put a little distance between him and Tae until he could figure out what to do about his feelings.  But it looked as though he was upset with Tae and it only made things worse because everyone was noticing and asking what was wrong.  Kookie felt like he was suffocating and on top of it all he really really missed being with Tae like crazy.  Not to mention he was having these jealous mood swings that he was somehow helpless to stop. Everytime they were at an event it was like Tae went outof his way to be super friendly to everyone and ignored JungKook completely.


     TaeHyung on the other hand was at a loss and coud not understand why Kookie was so cold and distant all of a sudden.  He started to think that maybe Kookie knew about his feelings but didn't feel the same and was trying to let him down easy.  Tae still felt hurt and bad about the hole situation but didn't how what to do to fix it.  Tae turned to Jimin to ask his advice since Tae also had a sneeky feeling that Jimin knew more than he was letting on.  Tae found Jimin on Yoongi's sofa in his studio watching Yoongi work.

"Jiminie can I speak to you for a sec?" asked TaeHyung looking a sad, confused and nervous all at once.

"Sure Tae, what's up? Jimin asked as he sat up.

"Uumm can we go somewhere private and talk?" he asked glancing over at Yoongi.

"Let's go to my room and tal.." Jimin started to say.

"Out of the question!!" said Yoongi cutting off Jimin's reply.

"You two can talk about Tae and Kook's ongoing love saga right here." Yoongi said deadpan matter-of-factly.

"Oh My Goats Milk!!!! you know about my feelings for Kookie? Who else knows? Does Kookie that why he has been avoiding me?" Tae asked embarassed and shocked.

"Everyone knows except you two...I wish one of you would grow a pair, man up and admit that your both in love with each other.  So you can go back to your sickenly sweet TaeKook selves.  This weirdness between you two is making it damned akward around here." said Yoongi as he turned back to his music sheet he was working on.

"Your about as subtle as a battleaxe hyung..." chided Jimin as he took Tae's arm and lead him out of the room.

     Tae was taken back but not by Yoongi's bluntness, not even that he called had them TaeKook..  He was trying to process the fact that Yoongi had said that Kookie was in love with him. Not to mention that it seemed like general knowledge to everyone except him. Mouth opening and closing but no words coming out Tae was about to have an all out mental attack. Jimin patted him on the back and looked at him with sympathy in his eyes.

"Seriously Tae you had to have know that Kookie is head over heels for you.  Why do you think he has been throwing tantrums anytime you get close to anyone besides him?" Jimin sighed.

"Kookie's been kinda avoiding me lately and he won't even look at me, how can I say anything to him if he won't even come near me?" Tae said looking deflated and dejected.

"Well you kind of brought that one on yourself to you know.  Kookie has been trying to talk to you for a while now and you were brushing him off Tae. Then you go and have an allout total hugfest in front of Kookie with MinHo and Park Bo Gum not even sparing Kookie a glance. Kookie looked so hearbroken that day." Jimin shook his head and sighed.

"Jin and Namjoon said he cried himself to sleep two nights straight.  But  he was acting like nothing was wrong during the day so they figured he just needed time to deal with whatever it was. But then he stopped eating..."Jimin paused lost in his thoughts.

"I had no idea honestly I'm an awful person OMG Jiminie. What have I done? How can I make this right with Kookie?" asked Tae looking even more dejected if that was even possible at this point.

"Just go to him Tae, Kookie loves you and needs to know that you feel the same.  And that no matter what happens that you will be there for him like he has always been there for you." Jimin said pushing Tae towards Kookie and Namjoon's room.


"Hyung I don't think so, besides I'm not hungry.  But thanks anyway hyung.  I'm just gonna take a nap" JungKook said to Jin

Since the music show when Tae ignored him all night and went with MinHo and Park Bo Gum; Kookie has been in a really bad place and is having a hard time pulling himself together.  Kookie couldn't understand why seeing TaeHyung with the MinHo hyung and BoGum hyung made his heart hurt so much it felt like it was going to fall out of his chest.  Kookie was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands when Jin hyung walked in looking for Namjoon they had a lunch date.  Upon entering the room Jin sighs when he sees Kookie...walking over to the maknae Jin pats his head.  JungKook looks up in suprise with swollen  puffy eyes.  Jin doesn't know how much longer he can go wih out telling TaeHyung about Kookie's feelings.  His heart is breaking for JungKook and this is worring Jin..

"I'm ok hyung ..really I will be fine hyung,"Kookie says when he sees the look on Jin's face.

Jin nods but he doesn't look convinced, Kookie hasn't eaten in two days and he is worried about the youngest.  He even told Namjoon he thinks they should call Kookie's parents if Kookie doesn't start eating soon.

"It's not healthy for a growing boy not to eat....Joonie will you talk to him?" jin asked.

"They have to figure it out Jin." Namjoon replied.

"It's this time that is going to help the decied if their relationship should go any further or if they are better off as just friends." said Namjoon to a still worried looking Jin as they were walking out the door.

    JungKook didn't even notice when Jin and Namjoon left the room. He just layed on his bed with one arm over his eyes as silent tears running down his face.  This is how Tae found him some time later after his talk with Jimin who he left curled up on Yoongi's sofa in his studio.  Tae opened the door and waked in the room was in semi-darkness he the light Kookie was in his bed with one arm over his eyes.  Tae approached him nervous and hopeful with the info he got from Jimin.  When he got closer to the bed Tae knew something was not right .

"JungKook..Kookie.. JungGuk ah!" Tae called as he reached out and touched JungKook's hair it was wet and Kookie was not responding. 

He just wanted to sleep but someone was shaking him and calling his was Tae calling him but why did Tae sound worried?  He should get up and go help Tae. He starts to open his eye to get up but stops. "No Tae doesn't need him and he probably doesn't even notice that he is not following him around anymore. The shaking won't stop and Tae sound scared ,,,why does Tae sound like he is crying?  Who hurt Tae?" JungKook thought to himself.

JungKook slowly opens his eyes to see what's wrong with his TaeTae

"Tae what's wrong? Why are you crying? Please don't cry Tae......m my heart h h hurts whe when you cry Tae." 

"Hyung?" eyes full of sleep and confusion.

Tae hugs him hard with relief that he is awake saying,,,

"Jeon JungKook don't you ever scare me like that again.  You just took 10 years off my life. I thought that I had lost you.  I  did not even got to tell you how much I Love You  miss you and really need you." with tears in his eyes.

     "Stay with me Kookie ......"  JungKook didn't hear anymore as he fell back to sleep.

JungKook had a fever and was dehydrated from stress and worry.








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