Green Tea Latte

Rainy Days
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This is an all SaeRi fic. There are no side pairing. This is really just SaeRi ft. AKMU




The bell that’s hung over the café entrance rings; signalling the employees that new customers have arrived. The brunette at the cash register takes a quick glance at the door, looking away in disappointment when it isn’t the person she was looking for.

“You know, I doubt she’ll come back, Saeron” Suhyun says as she wipes down some newly washed cups and places them on the drying rack.

“Let her dream, Suhyun” a deeper male voice comments; a boy with orange hair washing the cups.

“I just don’t want her to get her hopes up, Oppa”

It’s been four years since a certain red head has entered the café. The girl would always sit at the window seat, near the corner of the building.

Saeron remembers very well when she first saw the girl. Saeron was in highschool. She decided on getting a part time job to help with her family’s financial instability. It was her first day on the job. The red head had walked in with earphones plugged into her ears, her bag slung over her shoulder. It was hard to ignore the girl when she had bright red hair (out of all colours, why red?)

Saeron stared at the girl, watching her slowly move to hear seat, a slight spring in her step presumably because of the music she was listening to.

The girl was drop dead gorgeous; her crimson hair shining against the café’s lighting.

She watches on as the red head started unpacking her bag, pulling a textbook, a pencil case and a notebook out.

“Yah, Saeron, go take her order” Suhyun says as she lightly pushes the girl in the direction the red head was sitting at.

Saeron stumbles forward; despite it being a light push, it still took her by surprise. She grabs her note pad and a pen. As she makes her way towards the brunette, she takes in a deep breath, trying to calm down her suddenly frantic heartbeat.

‘Why are you going crazy now? It’s just another customer’ she thinks to herself as she pulls on that smile she gives out to everyone. Once she reaches the table, she straightens her back and positions her hands so she could write as soon as the other girl would say her order.

“What can I get you, Miss?” she says cheerfully; just like how she’s been trained.

The red head didn’t seem to hear her seeing that she hasn’t moved her line of sight away from her notebook. She had her brows scrunched, an irritated look on her face. Saeron can’t help but find the girl cute, especially when the red head started chewing on the end of her pencil.

“Ugh, I don’t get it!” the red head mumbles as she slumps over the table, a pout playing on her lips. She jumps when she finally realises Saeron’s presence. “Oh gosh, Sorry, I didn’t see you there” she lets out a cute lopsided smile and bows her head slightly.

Saeron swears she can feel her heart melting. She tries her best to regain her composure and professionalism and looks at the girl, eyes turning into crescents.

“Oh, it’s okay, Miss. So, what can I get you?”

“Just a green tea latte, please~”

Saeron almost has a mental breakdown when she heard the girl say ‘please’ in such a cute tone.

“Alright, I’ll be back with your drink, Miss” Saeron walks back to the cashier and hands the piece of paper to the orange haired barista.

“Green tea latte? She has odd taste buds” the boys as she reads the paper and starts making the drink.

Saeron just keeps mum and watches at the girl sitting the corner of the café.

“Green tea latte” the boy nudges her.

“Thanks, Chanhyuk oppa” she grabs the drink and puts it on her serving tray. She starts making her way back towards the girl. She could feel the butterflies starting to manifest in her stomach; she swears she’s never felt this way before.

“Your green tea latte, miss” She says in cheerful tone, another smile on her face as she hands the hot drink to the red head.

The high schooler whips her head up, giving the waitress her undivided attention.

“O-oh, thank you”


It’s been a week’s since Saeron started working at the cafe and the red head has consistently been going to the cafe at the same time. And has also consistently been ordering green tea lattes

Her ears perk up at the sound of the door bell. The red head enters with a book bag slung over her shoulder and her face looking glum and worn out. The girl starts studying over to her usual seat, dragging her feet along the hard floorboard.

Saeron doesn

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Chapter 5: Whipped 😂
cjmoo_ #2
Chapter 8: Please take care! :)
Chapter 8: Its okay,,, take your time and rest well author nim ??
Taenggo2908 #4
Chapter 8: Its okayy, take ur time cuz ill always love u no matter what, believe me okayy!!! *fighting
Chapter 8: Take ur time! And rest well uwu
Chapter 8: It's OK It's OK.. Take your time..
Chapter 8: Isokay chai, just take your time. I Hope everything is okay <3
Lakcs16 #8
Chapter 8: It’s fine. Just do whatever make you feel good. Take a well-rested “vacation” and comeback with another awesome fic someday. Have good weekend <3
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 8: You have to relax yourself writer, I will wait for your story update
cjmoo_ #10
Chapter 7: I'm happy. Thank you for this chapter.