
Rainy Days
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Hello. Tis I, the lazy author. 


Just here to tell you I have a surprise for you waiting at the end. 

K. Bye. 




Irene slips off her shoes and enters her dorm room, placing her backpack beside her bed before jumping onto the bottom bunk.

She turns to the girl occupying the study table; open books, markers and pens sprawled on top of it. Wendy had been home all day and since Irene left the room, she’s been at that table, rarely moving from her spot.

She looks at the younger girl in disbelief. How can she stay in one spot for so long? Wasn’t Wendy a fidgety person? Irene has never seen Wendy sit so still in all her life and it kind of scares her.

“Wan-ah,” she calls for the girl, “How long have you been at that table?”

Wendy keeps still for a few seconds before replying, “Wait, how long have you been out?”

“4 hours”

“5” She says nonchalantly, ignoring the look of disbelief on Irene’s face.

‘Creepy’ Irene thinks to herself. It’s almost as if her roommate has been hypnotised or brainwashed. The Wendy she knows couldn’t ever sit still for more than fifteen minutes and to see her sitting in the spot she hated the most for such a long period of time seems very suspicious.

“Okay, who are you and what have you done with my little Seungwan?” Irene jumps off the bed and stands with her arms propped up in front of her, almost as if she was about to fight someone.

“What are you talking about, Unnie?” Wendy doesn’t even try to spare Irene a glance, staring at the textbook in front of her as she twirls the pen in her hand.

“I’m saying that the little Wannie I know hates being at the study table. You, stranger, have been sitting there for five hours straight. So tell me, where have you taken my Wannie?” she says more aggressively this time.

Wendy quirks her brows, annoyed and turns around to scold the girl but bursts out laughing when she sees the stance Irene was in.

“Unnie, you look stupid!”

“Exactly! Who are you?! My little Seungwannie would never laugh at me!”

After calming herself down, an idea strikes her.

Wendy stands up to prove her point. She moves towards the older girl, said girl slowly backing away as she closes the distance between them. Once she was close enough, she quickly wraps her arms around the older girl and pushes her against the wall. She crashers their lips together: Irene’s arms snaking around her neck. When she feels the older girl’s knees start to tremble, Wendy finally pulls away with a playful glint in her eye and a smirk on her face.

“Do you believe me now?” she lets out breathily as she stares at the girl in the eyes.

Irene lets out whimper as she nods, her knees quivering at their closeness.

“Good,” she moves closer to Irene’s ears, “Because no one is allowed to see you like this except for me.”

Wendy steps back and turns towards the study table, taking the seat she was previously in and sits down, continuing her work as if she didn’t just give Irene a mental break down. She takes her pen in hand and starts twirling it again, flipping through a few pages.

Irene on the other hand was on the floor, trying her hardest to calm down her frantically beating heart. I mean, who wouldn’t go crazy over a dominant Wendy?

Once she does finally calm down her heart, she walks behind the chair Wendy was sitting in and hits the girl on the back, hard.

“Mean,” she growls, her cheeks puffed up.

She ignores the pained grunt Wendy let out and quickly jumps into bed, smothering herself in blankets and closing her eyes. She slowly felt her consciousness slipping away and not long after, she completely knocks out.


Irene stirs in her sleep, brows furrowing. She slowly opens her eyes, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She looks at the clock on her bed side table.

4:15 am

She hears the clicking of computer keys wafting through the air. Turning her head, she sees her roommate typing away at her laptop, occasionally looking at her textbooks and notebooks from time to time.

Irene slowly sits up, pushing the blanket off her body, swinging her legs off the edge of her bed. Her feet touch the cold ground despite it being carpet. Pushing herself off the bed, she gets up and slowly, quietly starts stumbling towards the study table where her roommate was working her off.

"Wendy~ it's time to go to bed." She wraps her arms around the girl's shoulders, chin resting at the top of the shorter girl's head.

Wendy grunts, ignoring her and continues to type.

"I need to s

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Chapter 5: Whipped 😂
cjmoo_ #2
Chapter 8: Please take care! :)
Chapter 8: Its okay,,, take your time and rest well author nim ??
Taenggo2908 #4
Chapter 8: Its okayy, take ur time cuz ill always love u no matter what, believe me okayy!!! *fighting
Chapter 8: Take ur time! And rest well uwu
Chapter 8: It's OK It's OK.. Take your time..
Chapter 8: Isokay chai, just take your time. I Hope everything is okay <3
Lakcs16 #8
Chapter 8: It’s fine. Just do whatever make you feel good. Take a well-rested “vacation” and comeback with another awesome fic someday. Have good weekend <3
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 8: You have to relax yourself writer, I will wait for your story update
cjmoo_ #10
Chapter 7: I'm happy. Thank you for this chapter.