Imporant Announceing


Hello friends. very recent i find people talk so bad about me. For what?? :( I am just normal person.. want to try out "ROLEPLAY".. I am hear people say I am copy apps. Not do that . Just look similar becuase that how you apply. Please stop say I troll. English not good because not first language. I sad when people say I am troll. Plzz help me out. i very new... just want make friends in "ROLEPLAY". Also admin very mean to me. Block me for "ROLEPLAY" why?  My english just no good . I do not understand why. Plzz understand that when I make comment i no troll. If someone good at english want to help me apply for "ROLEPLAY" Plzz comment say you help me, CHEN LE. I send a karma as gift.

Xie xie for read


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lol who cares troll
helpp plz so desparate ...