An Answer Key and Years of Waiting

The Test Without Result
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February 14, what a great day! For couples that is....


It was just 6:00 am and Wonwoo's phone had been ringing for minutes and finally it woke him up


"What the!!!! Who would call this early in the morning?" He asked himself while opening his phone to see who was calling


As Wonwoo looked who was calling he quickly had two options, either to answer or not. He panicked seeing Jun's number as he was contemplating why Jun was calling him so early in the morning. Still he had a bit of fear for what's to come so he didn't answer the phone.


Wonwoo put down his phone on the bedside table and stood up to take a shower to prepare for school when he heard a knock on his door.


He thought that it couldn't possibly be Jun that was knocking so he opened the door




It was his mother


"What is it mom?"


"Well someone been waiting for you downstairs...."


"Is it Jun?"


"No, but he said he's a friend of Jun"


"Ohh, okay. Can you tell him to wait a bit? I'm just gonna take a shower"


"Ok, just be quick"


"Yes mom"


Wonwoo's mother closed the door and left and Wonwoo proceeded to take a shower. After taking a shower, Wonwoo put on his school uniform and went downstairs to find out it was.




"Oh, Minghao. Why are you here this early?"


"Remember I told you that Jun planned something for this day for you?"




"Then let's go"


"Where are we going?"


"To where Jun is"


"But I still have school"


"I already got permission from your mother"


Wonwoo looked at his mother and he replied, "I know that in a normal situation that I wouldn't allow you to skip school but I’ll make an exception this time since this is the first time someone asked you and it's on hearts day"


"Seriously?!" Wonwoo questioned his mother and he received a nod


"Now let's go Wonwoo. Oh wait! Change into something else. Something a bit more comfortable" Minghao demanded


"Ok, wait a minute while I change" Wonwoo said and went upstairs to change clothes


After a while Wonwoo came down on a black hoodie and a red plaid pants


"Are you ready?" Asked Minghao


"Yeah" Wonwoo replied and said his goodbye to his mother and then grabbed his bag and exited the house with Minghao


"Hey! Where's Jun?" Wonwoo asked


"Why? You already miss him?" Minghao asked half teasingly


"No way! I just thought that he'd be the one to pick me up"


"Don't worry, Jun's waiting for you.... And I hope by the time we get there you would have the courage to answer Jun"


Wonwoo just kept silent as they were walking. It was silent and cold as it was still spring and everywhere you look you see flowers blooming.


"Umm hey Minghao, are we just gonna walk?" Wonwoo asked




As they were walking, Wonwoo felt awkward since they were taking the road where Wonwoo usually walks to school and he sees his' schoolmates dressed up in school uniform and were heading to school.


Amidst the crowd of students there was one guy standing out of the mass. He was walking away from the school and is carrying a guitar on his back.


Jun was walking towards Wonwoo with a rose in his hand and an eddy stuffed toy in the other


"Hey Wonwoo, I’ll go now I still have classes. Bye” Minghao smiled and waved goodbye, then proceeded to walk to school and stopped a bit near Jun to wish him good luck.


Jun was now face to face with Wonwoo.


"Hey Won!" Jun greeted happily


"Hey Jun" Wonwoo greeted back.


"These are for you" then Jun handed Wonwoo the rose and a teddy


"Thanks Jun" Wonwoo replied with a shy smile


Wonwoo remembered this stuffed toy...


It was on the day when Jun took Wonwoo out and they went inside a children’s shop where you can see different kinds of toys and stuffed toys and the eddy stuffed toy totally captivated him... He guesses that Jun saw him playing with it....


"Let's go Won" Jun grabbed Wonwoo and proceeded to walk.


"Where are we going, Jun?" Wonwoo still doesn't know where but still follows him.


"Just come with me... Like we did last... Time"


All fell into silence but Jun was quick to recover


"Won, can you do me a favor?"


"What is it Jun?"


"Just two things actually. One, please don't think about anything else this day, clear your mind and just focus on us and today. Second, please don't tell me yet what your decision is until I ask you the question. Can you do that for me?" Jun asked


"Ok Jun. I'll just focus on us today but I already made a decision. Don't you want to hear it now?"


"No Won. Please just wait a bit more. I know that I was the one waiting for this answer but give me a little bit more time just this day please?"


Wonwoo decided then on that for today, he would do everything that Jun asks until that one question is asked, but until then, he'd do whatever Jun asks.


"It's fine Jun" Wonwoo smiled. "How about we start this date then?"


"D-d-d-DATE???!!!!!" Jun was caught off guard by that statement


"What? You asked me to go out on hearts day so it just means it's a date" Wonwoo said bluntly


Jun was able to regain a bit of his wits "yeah... Uhm let's go"


Wonwoo noticed a guitar bag on Jun’s back "why do you have a guitar with you?"


"I'll tell you later. Just like before, just follow me and don't ask questions... Is that ok?"


"Sure, I'm all yours for the rest of the day"


Junhui couldn't help but smile at what the other just said. At least for today, he has Wonwoo all to himself' he thought


Both of them were walking on the street in their own world but no one dared to talk. Usual noises can be heard, the sound the shoes make when it collides with the floor, the cars bustling on the roads, and the voices of people talking on different tones. It was peaceful and it was nice. They continued to walk on a very nostalgic path.


Wonwoo already knew where they were going since the only time they take this road was when Wonwoo was upset about something. It's the Kindergarten.


One would ask how Jun got the permission to enter the kindergarten. But when they entered the Kindergarten a staff greeted them and welcomed them in.


"You're Junhui right. The one who would perform for the kids?" The staff asked and Jun answered with a simple yes


"The kids are just coming in; you can wait on the teacher's lounge if you want."


"Thanks" Jun said and they went to the lounge with Wonwoo following behind looking at the kids playing and some other kids being dropped off by their parents or guardians.


When they got into the teacher's lounge, they on the couch alone. There was only two of them since the teachers were either welcoming the children or were taking care of the kids.


"Hey Jun, how did you get permission here and why are you performing?" Wonwoo asked because this was all new to him since they were always just outside the kindergarten


"Well... I was walking and was actually just thinking of what I should do for this day and my feet just brought me here. I spent most of my afternoons going here with a guitar in my hand and I was singing all sorts of songs. And then one day the children came and watched me and days after that a teacher came and asked me what I was doing here and I told her the reason. She suggested that I should perform in class on February 14 and bring you here and I agreed. She told me that back then she already saw us together. So she knows that were good people."


Wonwoo could only answer with an "ohh" but then he realized that she told him that she saw us before then that means that she saw Wonwoo either crying or moping. But Wonwoo thought that he shouldn't dwell in the past. He'll just accept what might happen in the future and live in the present.


After that there was just an awkward silence like a date but this time you can't ask about things that they want to know about each other since they already knew each other so it was just the two of them.


Wonwoo just grabbed a book from his bag and started to read it and would sometimes check on his phone while Jun was fiddling with his guitar, tuning it and playing some chords.


Jun noticed the book Wonwoo was holding "So you finally found the book" Jun said softly.


"Yeah, if it weren't for Joshua, I wouldn't find out about this book until I look for this bag again. No one was inviting me to go out so I didn't use this bag."


"Are you enjoying you're book?"


"Yeah, and thank you for buying this for me"


"No problem, but how did you find out it was me who bought this?"


"It was either you or Joshua since there were only two of you at that time and it couldn't be Joshua since he has Jeonghan. So it all came down to you, you did say you saved up money for that time"


"Good deduction Won, hahahaha.” Their talks continued for a few more minutes until some staff came in.


A staff said "the children are almost finished with their first lesson and you'll perform after their small snack break." And the two just nodded


"Is he going to perform with you?" The staff asked signaling Wonwoo


Wonwoo was startled but Jun replied by shaking his head "I invited him here to watch and don't worry about him, he's harmless to the kids. I also got permission for him so he's all mine for today" Jun said and both Wonwoo and the staff blushed a bit by Jun's remark and Jun realized that it didn't come out right


“What I meant to say was that I got permission for him to go out with me today" Jun said quickly trying hard to explain things



"Its fine I understand" the staff said and was giggling a bit while joining with the other staffs


And again the two were left on the couch but this time there are staff were with them. There was an awkward atmosphere between them but one thing is that they can hear the staffs talking about them...


A few more minutes and the children took their small snack break and Jun and Wonwoo were invited in one of the class to eat and get familiarized with the children.


"Hi everyone, I'm Moon Junhui but you can call me Jun hyung. Ok?" Jun greeted cheerfully


"Hi! Jun Hyung" the children happily replied


"And this is my friend Jeon Wonwoo, and you can call him Wonwoo hyung"


"Hi kids I'm Wonwoo hyung" plainly greeted and Jun elbowed him a bit and whispered "speak in a higher tone, they'll get scared of your deep voice"


Again Wonwoo greeted but this time with a less deep voice


"Now Kids, these Hyungs are going to perform later after you have your snacks so be nice to them" the teacher announced


Following that announcement, the children openly welcomed the two boys and played with them while waiting for the snacks to be brought in.


Some kids rode their back while some wanted them to read a book for them so Jun played with the kids while Wonwoo read those books. A couple of minutes more and the snacks were at the table and the teacher called for them to eat. The teachers also gave Jun and Wonwoo snacks so that they won't get hungry and refill their energy.


The food trays were then taken back to be cleaned while the children play a bit. The teachers came back and gathered them in front of where Jun was preparing a bit for his performance. Wonwoo decided to sit beside the children and the children didn't mind. A little boy approached Wonwoo and asked if she could sit with Wonwoo and Wonwoo obliged.


"Hyung do you remember me?" The little boy asked and Wonwoo took a closer look at the boy but he just couldn't remember


"Sorry little guy, I don't remember you..." Wonwoo apologized


"That's fine Wonwoo hyung, I’ll just introduce myself properly this time" he stood up and introduced himself "I'm WonJun, Kim WonJun" and bowed and Wonwoo remembered when he saw this kid


"Ohh!! I remember now, you were the kid who was watching us!"


"Are you ok now hyung?"


"What do you mean?"


"You were crying back then but Jun hyung made you laugh"


Wonwoo glanced at Jun and exactly at that point Jun also looked at him and smiled. "Yeah... I'm okay now because of him. Not just okay but glad"


"Ok kids let's start the show" Jun said and started to play the intro of the first song that he'll sing.


Jun sang the songs 'Cherry Blossom Ending' by Busker Busker and 'Love Love Love' by Roy Kim. He also sang the song he composed, it was the same song Jun prepared for Wonwoo at their yearend party.


Every end of a song everybody applauds Jun. They were amazed by Jun's voice and the sincerity it contains. It may look like Jun was performing for all the people watching him but for Jun there was only one person he wanted to sing the songs for, especially the last one and it was for Wonwoo. Of course since Jun was performing in front of all the people there he had to make contact with them so he still made a great performance and glanced sometimes at Wonwoo.


Wonwoo never took his eyes away from Jun. the only times he didn't look at Jun was when he closed his eyes just to appreciate Jun's voice. He knows that all the songs Jun sang was for him because he could feel it.


The children quickly came to Jun after his performance and was asking him all sorts of question and some were asking if he could play more and some were requesting him to play children songs like the "itsy bitsy spider" which he obliged to sing. He answered every question of the children as best as he could and played every song requested to him given that he knew the chords to the song.


Wonwoo was there watching everything from where he sat. He saw how happy the children were with Jun and how Jun looked so happy with the kids surrounding him. He thought about how Jun was able to do that all by himself and how Jun easily makes the children happy. He staring at Jun just thinking about the times h spent with Jun and the answer he would give him.


Jun glanced at Wonwoo with a toothy smile and Wonwoo's heart started to beat faster. Wonwoo smiled back before Jun gave his attention to the kids. Wonwoo already knew what he was going to answer to Jun.


The teachers were trying to control the children and one teacher approached Wonwoo.


"Hi!" the teacher said to grab Wonwoo's attention


"Oh! Hi!" Wonwoo replied


"I can't help myself and I just have to ask. Are you two dating?" the teacher asked feeling butterfly in her stomach by how sweet the two looked and how they looked at each other.


Of course Wonwoo was taken aback by the teacher's question. He looked down then looked at Jun then back at the teacher. He smiled a thin lip smile and said "No" and slowly looked down


"That's too bad... though it looked like you were dating. Is he courting you?"


Wonwoo thought to himself 'this teacher has so many questions' but still he decided to answer her "Yeah"


"Not much of a talker are you well that's fine, I just wanted to tell you that a guy like that is rare nowadays, take your opportunity and enjoy it. You never know until when that opportunity will last."


"He was given a scholarship to study at the states. It's a big opportunity for him so I should give it to him." and once again he looked at Jun with a faint smile on his face "I shouldn't take that away from him."


Wonwoo excused himself, stood up and went to the comfort room. Little did he know that Jun heard what he said. He was hurt but he had to make a facade of a happy face since there were still kids with him.


When Wonwoo came back Jun was already outside the room and was at the waiting room. He went to where Jun was and sat beside him.


"So where do we go next?" Wonwoo asked


"Were going home now...." and Jun stood up and said goodbye to the teachers and he exited the building with a shocked Wonwoo following him behind


When they reached the park Wonwoo couldn't help himself and grabbed Jun's arm and pulled Jun to face him.


"Ok Jun, What happened?" Wonwoo asked a bit demanding


"Nothing, I’m just taking you home" Jun said looking down




"I heard what you talked about with the other teacher"


"Jun, listen to me... I told you I'm yours for the day. Jun, you just can't stop this like that. I was really happy with you and I thought that today was very special for us. Why are you giving up now?" ‘Now that I'm falling for you' Wonwoo kept the last one in his mind. He still doesn’t want Jun to know that. He knew that it'd be harder for Jun later on.


"I'm sorry Wonwoo, I just can't deal with this right now. I love you and I already know you're answer so let's just stop this. I know that Minghao went to your house yesterday to tell you that I received a scholarship and convinced you to reject me. I guess it worked and... And... I'm sorry for wasting your time" Jun was now sobbing, tears flowing down his face and his heart hurting inside.


Wonwoo hugged Jun "You never wasted my time, and if you did, it was time well spent. Thank you for everything Jun." And Wonwoo hugged Jun tighter with a faint smile on his face and a tear flowing on his face. And Jun hugged him back. They stayed like that for what they felt was an eternity. They didn't mind the looks they received. They were in their small world.


Wonwoo pulled away and saw how Jun was a crying mess. "Jun, let's continue this date. I can feel that it wasn't the only thing you prepared for me. Ok?" and Jun nodded


"Spend more precious time with Me, Jun." Wonwoo said


And Wonwoo held Jun's hand and pulled him to the nearest bench though Jun was still a crying mess he tried his best to calm himself down. They sat on a bench with a tree behind it to shade them. Wonwoo took Jun guitar and set it down. Wonwoo grabbed his bag and tried to look for something to wipe Jun's tears. He found a small towel and wiped Jun's tears with it.


“Jun stop crying! you're making me look like I made you cry. Oh! Wait I was the one who made you cry. Sorry" and Jun chuckled.


'FINALLY!' Wonwoo thought "Jun, stop crying now ok? You’re getting ugly by the second you cry so stop crying and bring back my Handsome Junniee" Wonwoo said smiling and tried not to sound cheesy


Jun smacked Wonwoo's arm “I’m always Handsome Won." looking at Wonwoo trying hard to not let the tears flow and trying hard to smile.


Wonwoo pulled Jun again in a hug. “That’s right my Junniee is always handsome. Now stop crying so you'd be more handsome."


"I love you Won. I really love you... I hope I could change your mind."


"I hope you do." Wonwoo replied. 'Because I'm already falling for you and I want you to be ready to catch me.'


Wonwoo pulled away and wiped Jun's tears. Jun's tears stopped flowing and they just sat there facing the scenery on spring. Wonwoo held Jun's hand and Jun tightened his grip. They stayed like that for a few sweet minutes just enjoying each other's company.


'I don't ever want to let go of this hand. I'll change his decision and make him mine.' Jun made his resolve.


"Hey Jun, are you hungry?"


"Oh I forgot! Let's go now, we've a lot of places to go to." without letting go of each other's hands. Jun grabbed his guitar and Wonwoo grabbed his bag and they ran holding hands with Jun leading this time.


They went to the nearest bus station and luckily they were just in time. The bus 121 was just coming to the bus stop. They entered the bus and Jun paid for the fare and Wonwoo sat and Jun stood beside him since there were no other seats.


"Give me your guitar" Wonwoo said


"No, it's ok. It's light"


"I know but it's disturbing the others now give it to me"


Jun took of the guitar bag and gave it to Wonwoo. Wonwoo placed it in front of him since there were still space to place it. Wonwoo looked at the buildings and shops they passed through and just enjoying the spring view. Jun was enjoying the scenery himself, Wonwoo looking out the window and smiling at the spring view of Seoul.


They were in the bus for many minutes now and all Jun could think was that he wanted to hold Wonwoo's hands again. He somehow missed the warmth of Wonwoo's hands. He gathered up all his courage but the bus stopped and some passengers got down the bus.


He was going to hold Wonwoo's hands slowly but Wonwoo looked at him. “Hey Juniee, there are a few sits available now. Do you want to sit together over there?" Wonwoo gestured towards the two empty seats at the opposite side of the bus.


"Sure" Jun grabbed his guitar and Wonwoo stood up.


Wonwoo sat beside the window and Jun sat beside him. Again Wonwoo only looked at out the window and Jun watched Wonwoo.


He looked at Wonwoo's hands wanting to hold them so slowly he moved his fingers near Wonwoo's. When their hands were beside the other, Jun's phone rang and was startled. He quickly grabbed his phone and looked who sent him a message. It was Minghao.


[Hey Jun, are u still coming here? I just saw your text earlier saying u're bringing Wonwoo home. I already set up the place. What happened?]


[It's all okay now, we're still going. W8 a bit more. K?]


[K, be thankful the place you wanted was still vacant]

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i just finished, hope you guys have fun reading this, don't give up reading until the 7th chapter


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Renkurosaki #1
Renkurosaki #2
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Chapter 9: Ok srsly I want a Jun of my own....and if possible,a seventeen of my own ahahaha:')
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