Confused Feelings

Can I Just Choose—

"Are you okay?"

He's not okay, obviously.

"Uh—" He finds himself couldn't continue his words, now sitting straight at his seat. Still looking at the transfer student nervously, while the said transfer student looked sincerely worried about him. His eyes looked like a cat, with his small face shape—

"I'll tell the teacher. You should go to the infirmary" Just when Jisoo about to raise his hand, Seungcheol throw him his textbook to Jisoo's head in which made everyone in their class giving them a stare.

"What happened there?" Mr. Min immediately looking at them, sliding down his glasses a bit. Seungcheol internally fought with himself about his earlier action. He did it with reflects. Such a stupid action, really.

"I'm borrowing his book, sir. It's not a big deal." Instead of answering with 'this guy freaking throw his book at my head', Jisoo choose to answer with a different answer added with his angelic smile given. Mr. Min quickly turning his body back to the blackboard, mouthing a whatever before continue his class again.

"Oh my god Hong Jisoo I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm—"

"It's okay." Jisoo gives a smile, Seungcheol eyes widen immediately.


"Yes! Instead—why don't you show me around school today? I mean... the teacher didn't really—I mean! If you're o—"

"Don't worry, anything for you." Seungcheol giving a quick reply while Jisoo seems nervous with his sentence. "I mean—I'll gladly help." He continues, giving a smile to Jisoo after he regaining a bit of his composure.

"Seriously? Thanks..." Jisoo giving his smile again, and Seungcheol wondering if he can keep his sanity right. The guy looks really innocent, Seungcheol can see a sign of relief from him. It looks..... cute.

And thus, Seungcheol ended up staring at Jisoo until the bell rang. Signing the lunch break time. With Seungcheol staring at Jisoo for the damn hours, a bit sneaky when the teacher eyes on him when—the freakin' Hong Jisoo completely oblivious about it.


From: Love of my life, Yoon Jeonghan

Seungcheol-ah, buy me a bread please. I got a lil bit busy, can't go to the cafeteria atm :(


To: Love of my life, Yoon Jeonghan

What happened?


From: Love of my life, Yoon Jeonghan

The teacher make me do a little chore :(


Locking his phone, he gets up from his seat when Jisoo stops him from walking out. Actually, the guy didn't do anything. He just sat there, looking at his desk in silent. The guy obviously nice, but it seems the other seems to be real careful approaching him.

"Hey, Jisoo." Seungcheol called, scratching his head with his index finger awkwardly.

"Wanna go to the cafeteria together?" He said not making any eye contact. Seungcheol could feel his cheeks heated though, unconsciously.

"Why not.." Jisoo answers, Seungcheol just can feel a smile from the other even he didn't look at the guy at all.

They quietly sit at their table, with lunch at front. Seungcheol didn't say anything, even though he usually talk a lot. He quietly eating his lunch too, the same goes to Jisoo.

"I'm counting on you, showing me around after school.." Jisoo said in Seungcheol surprise, he immediately nods.


"Thanks." Jisoo giving his smile again, and Seungcheol could feel his heart beating crazily fast again. Just—why?

Finished with their lunch, Seungcheol rushing to Jeonghan's class after sending Jisoo back to their class. In quiet of course. He immediately goes to Jeonghan's desk, finding his boyfriend busy with papers.

"Wow—" Said Seungcheol, putting down a bread and water next to Jeonghan's hand,

"Don't wow me. And thanks, babe." Jeonghan replies without giving Seungcheol any glance nor touching the food he gives.

"Hey Jeonghan, listen." Seungcheol took a seat in front of Jeonghan's desk, facing his busy boyfriend. "Actually there's a transfer student at my class today. And I'll show him around after school." Jeonghan just nods at Seungcheol's words, still busy with his papers. "Go back without me?"

"Not a problem. It's not like I'll lost walking home alone anyway." Jeonghan replies, giving him a smile while looking at Seungcheol. "But, back with something for me."


"Mhm. Like food? Or something else? I'll stop by at your house. You'll be back late, right? I bet you'll show him even your favorite restaurant or your gym."

"Hey—" And Jeonghan just giving a chuckle at that. "—fine,love." he whispers to him, giving the smile back. "Anything for you."

"So—this is our science room, and this is the library." Seungcheol showing Jisoo around the school, with he walking fast in front of the other. Doesn't dare to look at the guy as he always has a trouble at breathing when he looking at him.

"—and this is our music room......"


"....... the door , though......"

"Umm—" And Seungcheol could feel a tug on his school uniform.

"Y-yeah?" Stupidly, Seungcheol looking back at Jisoo, and it made him crazy. Jisoo looks freakin' cute.

"Can we took a break? It's hours already and I'm—" Jisoo fidgeting with his finger and Seungcheol's uniform. And Seungcheol just dying inside.

"I'm sorry— let's took a seat." Seungcheol offered, looking inside the music room and point at one seat there. "I'll buy a water, sit there!" Without hearing Jisoo's answer, Seungcheol running away—really fast to finding the nearby vending machine and buy a two bottle of mineral water. He hold his chest, he can feel a loud heartbeat. And he could feel his cheeks burning too.

"What the hell happened to me?! He's just a cute guy, I mean there's a lot of cute guys around." Trying to calm himself down while walking to the music room, nodding his head. "Get a grip, Choi Seungcheol. You have Jeonghan. Jeonghan is cute—pretty too." And after reassuring himself, he holds the doorknob to open the music room's door. But he stopped himself when he hears a guitar melody from inside. And a sweet gentle voice singing boy. It's Hong Jisoo. Without thinking much he sliding the door open, and going in the room.

"Oh, you've come." Jisoo threw him a smile, putting down his guitar.

"You can play the guitar? That's cool." Seungcheol said while giving the water bottle to Jisoo. "And your singing just—wow.."

"Thanks." Seungcheol blinks at the sudden thanks, now looking at Jisoo whom smiles at him. "You're really nice. I never thought I'll get someone praising me like that." And now Seungcheol could see a thin blush from Jisoo's cheeks.

"Why not? You're kind and nice. Also talented and cute." Seconds after saying that, Seungcheol realize what he's been saying when he see Jisoo's blush in his cheeks gotten more visible. "I mean—" And Seungcheol just gulping his water instead finishing his sentence.

"So, you're part of a church choir back in America. That's why you looked skilled!"

"Hey, it's not that deep."

"I want to hear you playing guitar longer though—"

"Should I?"

"Um—" Seungcheol looking at Jisoo, he's smiling now. Seungcheol's weaknesses. "It's getting late. How about next time?"

"Yes. I should've go home too now. Thanks for today." Their steps stopped at school's front gate, both of them facing each other.

"Not a problem! I enjoyed today too. Also, making a new friend is always good. Then bye!" Seunghceol immediately runs after waving his hand to Jisoo. Until he can hear Jisoo's shout from his behind.

"Your name! I don't know it yet!!"

"It's Choi Seungcheol!!" And Seungcheol never looked back after he shouting his name back to Jisoo. He doesn't dare to do so.

Plopping himself down on his bed, Seungcheol knows he already fell for the new transfer student. Everytime Jisoo smiles, Seungcheol could feel his heart beating really fast also—Jisoo is the only one in his mind right now.

"You didn't bring anything." Jeonghan invades his bed, climbing to Seungcheol. "And you reek sweat? Seungcheol are yo—"

"Jeonghan." Seungcheol called, his voice sound serious. Jeonghan then looked up at him. "The transfer student is really cute, and I don't know what to do."

And thus, Seungcheol had brought Jeonghan home—something he never expects.


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Chapter 2: Lol loving the way Seungcheol expresses himself to Jeonghan, so clearly XD
Chapter 2: Omg!!! Seungcheol is so straightforward. Lol
Chapter 1: Hahahha seungcheol i feel you XD
Chapter 2: Awww cutie jisoo is Seungcheol's weakness XD
Same coups... same with me :"
yxkiine #5
Chapter 1: "Is this seat taken? Because the teacher doesn't tell me which seat is mine." The beautiful black-haired boy asked with his overly angelic-sweet voice, Seungcheol hurriedly nodding his head.
"Y-yes.. it is." Seungcheol answers

^^that part Seungcheol should have said "No it isn't" then Jisoo could have sat down

Its cute I like it so far!!
Chapter 1: Cheolsoo XD