Chapter 3

Just Run with Me

"I thought you said you don't speak to them anymore?" Mina asked, she was now next to Jungkook, leaning over him to read the email he was sending Jin, Jungkook brought his phone out of her line of sight, "Jin-hyung didn't sleep with my girlfriend so I'm perfectly fine sending him an email." his voice was haughty and it brought a smile to Mina's face.

"What are you sending him?" "Why would I tell you?" Mina smirked, loving Jungkook's feisty attitude, "I'll find out eventually." he tilted his head, "How?" her smile widened and she went back to sitting opposite him, "I have my ways." Jungkook shook his head exasperatedly, out of all the people he could ask to go on a trip with him, he had to ask the most insufferable girl in the whole of Korea. 

He had to admit though, she made him laugh. She would get pouty and cute and he loved it, but times like now, she would be restless and annoying. Mina was just an overgrown child. "Jungkook?" he looked up from his phone and his eyes softened, she handed him the two Kit Kat fingers. She was biting her lip and looking away shyly, he took the fingers with a small smile. "Thank you."

She looked up and faster than lighting took a picture with her camera. She smiled cheekily at him, "Only Kit Kats make you smile like that." she put the picture in her bag, "This one is for me." Jungkook blinked in surprise and then blushed in realization. Damn this girl!

Is it true Is it true

You You You're so beautiful, that I'm scared

Untrue Untrue You You You

Will you stay by my side

Will you promise me 

If I let go of your hand, you'll fly away and break 

I'm scared scared scared of that

Yuri was amazed at how beautiful the song was starting to sound. Yoongi was working hard trying to finish all the songs Jungkook was sending. The lyrics were very random, blurbs of emotion coming from him but somehow Yoongi knew how to piece them together. Jungkook would occasionally send melodies along, those usually helped Yoongi differentiate between the songs. 

Yuri spent all her free time in the recording studio with Yoongi. She made sure he ate, slept and rested while he was busy. She learnt that she couldn't get Yoongi out of the studio, she had to bring everything he needed there. She would force him to take a break and eat, sleep, shower and at proper intervals so his body wouldn't be thrown off when he had to do things at regular intervals.

Jin and Namjoon would visit to find out how they were doing. They were very worried when they realized that Yoongi barely left the room but were happy to know that Yuri was doing her best to take care of him. She even went so far that Yoongi was not allowed to use elevators when he left the room so that he could get some exercise. "You need to get the blood pumping in you again, you've been sitting for too long." she said when she told him.

The staff were on her side and helped her in anyway they could. Unfortunately the one person who could make everything better was not talking to them. On top of of the Jungkook-Yuri-Yoongi drama there was V drama. Jin and Namjoon got their regular updates from Hoseok and would tell Yuri and Yoongi.

"He saw the psychiatrist twice only before he was prescribed anti-depressants. He has to see her once a week so she can see how the drugs are affecting him." said Jin, "So he's officially suffering from depression?" Jin nodded at Yuri's question, Yoongi put his face in his hands, "I did this, I did this to him." Yuri hugged his hunched figure. 

No one knew what to say to comfort him and just let Yuri hold him.

"Why is he here?" V asked his parents, they didn't look at him and continued making dinner, Hoseok stood in the kitchen while V gestured to him and spoke about him like he wasn't there, "He's your friend, there's no need for him to stay in a motel if we have a comfortable spare room for him to stay in." said his mother, V wanted to groan in frustration but his father shot him a look.

V sighed, "Hyung kissed me." his mother dropped the spoon she was holding and his father sent his son a shocked look, Hoseok's jaw dropped, "What the hell!? That was, like, three years ago and it was for T.V!" V shook his head, "It still makes me uncomfortable." his parents let out a breath of relief, "Don't be childish Taehyung." said his father, "It didn't make you that uncomfortable or Hoseok wouldn't have been the only one of your friends you speak to."

"I don't want him here appa, eomma." his mother finally snapped and looked at him angrily, "He is staying here and that's the last I will hear of this." The tone in his mother's voice made V recoil, and he stormed out of the kitchen angrily. Hoseok let out a breath of relief, "Are you sure you can help?" asked V's appa cautiously as he looked at Hoseok.

Hosoek looked into the tired man's eyes and smile his hopeful, carefree smile, "Of course, have you ever heard this worked up in days?" V's mother looked at him worriedly, "But he's angry." Hoseok walked towards her and comfortingly held her shoulders, "Yes he is, he's angry, not depressed." the glimmer of hope in V's parents eyes were all the strength Hoseok needs.

He was going to bring his friend back.

Jimin was watching her dance again. She is such a beautiful dancer, all poise, grace and elegance. Jimin wanted nothing more than to just fall into sequence with her and lose himself in the movement and rhythm of contemporary dance.  


When she was done she stared at him through the mirror. Jimin was held fast by her gaze, "What are you doing here Park Jimin?" He smirked and looked down, her eyes unsettled him. They were dark and intense and made his heart stop beating. "Wanted to see how you were doing?" Gyuri scoffed and reached for her water bottle. She turned around to face him and drank.

It was dark, the only light being the moon and street lights let in by the large glass windows. "I heard your group is on hiatus." Jimin looked to the window, still refusing to look at her. he let out a shaky breath at the mention of his friends who have all gone astray. "It seems that way." he said, he heard her putting the bottle away and start the music, "Dance with me Jimin." He looked up at her this time.

The song wasn't familiar and he had never danced with her before. There was something though, something about this moment that made him feel like dancing. He walked towards her and held her. They moved in sync with the music and each other in a dance that was never rehearsed or even choreographed.


*Ignore everything that is not just them dancing, sorry! I couldn't find a better dance for this moment. I really wanted to refrain from using Step Up dances. 

Jimin was once again looking into her eyes. Her dark eyes that made everything spin and stop simultaneously. "Three years Park Jimin, it's been three years since I last saw you." she was a little of out of breath and it made her voice a little huskier. It was kind of y. "It's been three years since most people in Busan have seen me." She shook her head at him.

"Since when have you been so cryptic?" Jimin smiled, "Since I've returned to Busan." growing a little frustrated she moved away from him and began packing up her things, "Let me take you to dinner." she stopped and turned to look at him. His face was serious, the most serious she has ever seen him. She shrugged, "Okay, now?" he nodded

Gyuri quickly packed up her things, this was going to be a long night.

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JEsperanza #1
Chapter 17: This was amazing !!!
Mamm012 #2
Chapter 16: The ending made me so sad! I originally thought they were getting married, so I flipped out when it said casket. This story is so amazing! I hope you write more Jungkook focused stories because you are really good at it.