Chapter 1

Just Run with Me

*1 month later

Jungkook took the trains. He would send emails to Namjoon and Jin. The emails would consist of melodies, lyrics and the occasional 'I'm fine.' They were short, sweet and a constant reassurance that he was still alive. Jungkook traveled South Korea, he went everywhere.

He went to the beaches, mountains, temples. He traveled by train, bus and foot, it was a simple holiday but it helped him clear his head. He took pictures of everything he saw and everything he felt was worth remembering. He would send them to his parents and if he saw something he thought they might like he would send that too.

Right now it was late, maybe eleven at night and he was waiting for a train. It was just him and a young girl who seemed to be staring into space. Jungkook looked over at her, her hair was a light, golden brown and her skin had a light olive tint to it. Her hair was long, straight and layered.

She looked toned and small. She reminded Jungkook of a fairy, the kind that comes to your garden in the middle of night to play with your flowers. She was wearing a light pink, almost white cardigan and a white, summer dress with ballet flats. Her face was blank, and she was silent. She stared on straight ahead, lost in her own thoughts, her own world.

Jungkook looked away from her and focused on waiting for his train. He glanced back at her after fifteen minutes to see no change; she was in the same position, with the same expression from fifteen minutes before. Jungkook was worried now. She wasn't blinking and didn't even look like she was breathing.

Jungkook is usually too shy to go up to girls, especially pretty ones but his concern overrode his fear. "Are you okay?" he asked when he was next to her, she looked at him and Jungkook realized that her eyes were brown. They were a dark, deep brown. The kind that made you feel warm, safe and completely cut off from the world.

"I'm fine, I'm just imagining what it would be like if I just randomly blew up this station." Jungkook blinked and made two mental notes:

1.Her voice was soft and husky and made him feel like he could fall asleep just listening to it and 

2.She is a complete loon.

"Okay..." he said slowly, "I don't think you are allowed to say that." She smiled and boy did it feel like a punch to the gut, she better warn people when she does that, "Nobody tells me what to say, think, feel or do. I'm maverick." Questions, tons of questions filled Jungkook's mind but not one of them came out.

He was actually speechless. "Do you want to sit down or are you going to stand there the whole night?" her voice was teasing and Jungkook made a move to sit next to her. He then noticed the brown, leather back pack that was at her feet. She picked it up and took out a Kit Kat.

She broke off two fingers and took them out, she then handed him the packet with the remaining two. He took them and smiled at her, "Thank you." He saw her eyes widened slightly and a small gasp escape her lips. His smile dimmed in confusion and he saw her take out a Kodak camera.

"Do it again." She said, Jungkook shrugged, "Do what?" she smiled cutely at him and he noticed the dimple above the left corner of , "Smile." He blushed and smiled shyly; she took a picture and then gave it to him. She put the camera back in her bag and ate one of the Kit Kat fingers. He looked at her, and just simply stared.

The Kit Kat fingers and the photo still in his hands, he watched her eat, nibbling on the wafer and and off the chocolate. "What train are you taking?" he asked, she looked at him, "The one that will take me where I need to go." "Which one is that?" "I'll only know when I find out where I need to go."

He was getting nowhere and lowered his head with a sigh. He heard her giggle softly at his frustration and looked up to see her trying to cover her smile with her hand. Once again he was caught up in just staring at her and he felt a smile tug at his lips. A real genuine one and he simply watched her and smiled.

She looked back at him, their eyes met and she blushed which in turn made him blush. "Well, since you have nowhere you need to be will you come with me?" the question itself sounded foreign to Jungkook. Why did he ask her that? Why did he want her to come with?

She seemed to be the only company he found tolerable right now. His friends and family would just want to talk about his break-up and how he feels. He didn't want to talk about that, he was already feeling, reckless, rebellious and spontaneous, might as well ask a complete stranger to travel with you.

She looked at him, in his eyes. She seemed to be searching for something, and when she found it she stretched out her hand, "My name is Mina, and I'd love to go with you." He placed his hand in hers and felt something calming. He felt immediate relaxation, "I'm Jungkook."

Yoongi was kissing Yuri furiously. His hand was roughly her hair, his tongue and teeth wrecked havoc on and he was steadily drinking up her moans. His other hand pressed her more against him and he moaned into as he felt her grind against him.

He pulled his lips from hers and began kissing and biting down her neck leaving marks. Both his hands went to her waist making her grind him harder. Her hands were in his hair, holding his face to her neck, "Yoongi," she groaned, his arms wrapped around her and he lifted his head to look into her eyes.

"I love you." He said and Yuri smiled at him, "I love you more." She said and kissed him again. It was slower this time, more sensual and her hands cupped his face before her arms wrapped around his neck. Then came a knock and Yoongi sighed as Yuri pulled away and got off from his lap.

"Come in." Yuri said the same time Yoongi said, "Go away." She sent him an amused look while his was bemused, Jin entered with a sheepish smile. "I hope I wasn't interrupting." Yoongi scowled at him, "You know you were interrupting hyung." Jin looked at Yuri, "Sorry."

Yuri let out a small laugh, "It's okay Jin oppa." He then waved his phone, "Got an email from Jungkook." Yuri and Yoongi froze for a moment, neither looked at each other or at Jin. Yoongi stretched out his hand and Jin put his phone in Yoongi's palm, "Okay, let's see what we got."

"You don't have to do this Yoongi." Said Jin, "You don't have to finish his songs." Yoongi shook his head, "I have to be the one to do this." Yuri stood behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders, squeezing them in support, "He might not be happy when he finds out." Yoongi smirked, "I'm counting on that."

Jin was concerned; Yoongi wanted Jungkook angry at him. It was his way of punishing himself for what he had done. Yuri was punishing herself by listening to the songs, hearing the painful, angry lyrics of Jungkook knowing that she had made him feel that way.

Until Jungkook forgave them, they wouldn't stop punishing themselves and Jin was getting more and more worried as the days went by. It has been a month since Jungkook went AWOL and the situation wasn't getting any better especially with these two and V. None of them were prepared for V's reaction to everything going on.

None of them were prepared for Taehyung having a breakdown the same time as Jungkook. To top it all off, V secluded himself from everyone and only communicated with Hoseok. Only Hoseok had his calls answered, had his messages replied to, was allowed into V's home.

V had gone back to Daegu and stayed with his parents. He was normal with his siblings but he refused to speak of Bangtan or of being an idol. Only Hoseok was spoken of, only he was allowed to visit; only his name was allowed to be mentioned. His parents were very concerned and asked Hoseok to talk to their son.

But even he couldn't convince V to speak to the other members or get help. "Taehyung you can't live like this, you have to speak to someone, a professional who can help you." V shook his head, "I only need you and my family, no one and nothing else." Eventually they got him to see a psychiatrist when they got his siblings to ask. V could never refuse them.

It was low and Hoseok didn't like it but they were desperate. That's where they went wrong and things were going to get out of hand very quickly. 

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JEsperanza #1
Chapter 17: This was amazing !!!
Mamm012 #2
Chapter 16: The ending made me so sad! I originally thought they were getting married, so I flipped out when it said casket. This story is so amazing! I hope you write more Jungkook focused stories because you are really good at it.