Epilogue: Namjin

Just Run with Me


"Mina and I never married. We lived together and loved together, we saw the world and learned from each other. That was more important, our home was filled with light, colour and memories that we've made. She was everything I could ever ask for, she supported me and took care of me. When it came to the touchy subject of her disease she would speak of this day. She would tell me what she wanted and how I had to make sure everything was done as it should be. I realized that what she was preparing me for the day she would leave me forever. Her heart failure was sudden, she woke me up one night saying that her chest hurt and she felt disorientated. I drove her to the hospital immediately. I am grateful for the doctors who tried everything to save her, however that day was the day she was meant to leave. The last seven years she had given me were the best years of my life. I never thought I could love someone so instantaneously and completely, I didn't think I had the ability to love like that. She gave me that, that gift to love like that, as well as a lifetime's worth of memories I will forever cherish. Thank you Mina, thank you for the most amazing adventure."

He put into her casket a packet with two Kit Kat fingers and kept the other two, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and lightly traced her cheek with his finger. Then he went to sit back down. Yuri who was on one side of him cuddled his arm in comfort. Jin stood up, as he walked to the podium he squeezed Yoongi's shoulder, letting him know that he did well up there with his piece.

Jin cleared his throat and began, "When I first met Mina she was in the hospital due to a . At that time Bangtan had been reunited, we were going to take a much needed break, however fate was not so kind and when we thought everything was going to be okay, it wasn't. I watched Jungkook fall apart and put himself back together for the sake of the girl he loved. Mina brought a new sense of maturity in him. She changed him for the better, because of her my dongsaeng became a man and I was never able to thank her for it. I wasn't able to thank her for being able to get through to him, for being his voice of reason, for calming him down when his emotions got the better of him. Mina was his strength but, even though she is gone she left her strength with him, her last gift to him. She was the most beautiful soul and every memory I have of her has Jungkook smiling in them. Thank you Mina, for being the biggest support of my dongsaeng."

Jungkook mouthed a thank you at his hyung, Jin went straight to him and hugged him hard. "You have us, always remember that you can rely on us okay?" Jungkook nodded and Jin went to his seat and patted Namjoon's shoulder to signal him, it was his turn to go up.

"In all seven years that I've known Mina there's only one memory I wish to speak of today. She wanted to speak to me about something involving Jungkook, she made me promise to never speak of it but it's something that must be shared. She was a mess, she confided in me every feeling she had for Jungkook. How she loved him, she loved him to the point where she feared what would become of him when she passed on. She didn't want to hurt him like that and then she said something I clearly remember to this day, 'I think I know why he stays with me, there is something relieving about being hurt by the ones you love, it takes a lot of trust to love someone who can hurt you.' I realized that that applies to love in general, it's a risk to love someone but the risk is worth it when it leaves us with beautiful memories. Thank you Mina for being the best risk any of us has ever taken."

Jungkook chewed on Namjoon's words and smiled genuinely for the first time that day. Mina was the greatest thing to ever happen to him, a risk he'd take again and again. 

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JEsperanza #1
Chapter 17: This was amazing !!!
Mamm012 #2
Chapter 16: The ending made me so sad! I originally thought they were getting married, so I flipped out when it said casket. This story is so amazing! I hope you write more Jungkook focused stories because you are really good at it.