Epilogue: Yoongi & Yuri

Just Run with Me

Yuri gently shook Yoongi awake, his eyes opened to meet hers, "It's time." he nodded and slowly got up from bed. Yuri was busy getting dressed as Yoongi went to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth. They were silent as they got ready, Yuri went into the kitchen and prepared coffee for him and took out the milk and cereal for breakfast.

She and Yoongi weren't heavy eaters in the morning and didn't need much to get through the day. He came downstairs and sat opposite her by the kitchen counter, they silently began eating. "We should be with him." she said and Yoongi didn't look up from his cereal, "He wanted to be alone, we'll see him at the church."

Yuri shook her head, "It doesn't feel right leaving him alone." Yoongi covered her hand with his and looked at her, "He's not a child anymore, he knows what he's doing." Yuri let out a breath. She was a little surprised at how calm Yoongi was being, he was usually the more emotional one between the two.

Yoongi would always be the one fighting for control over his feelings, not her. Yuri thought of Jungkook, he wasn't a boy anymore, she knew that but she has known him since she was a teenager, to her Jungkook would always be that insecure, scared boy who didn't know how to handle his own emotions.

She was so worried that he would do something stupid and reckless today but Yoongi was right, she needed to trust him. She thought of Mina, the girl was beautiful and had a beautiful heart. She was young and innocent like Jungkook, they protected each other and taught each other. Jungkook was a lot braver because of her and Mina was lot more open because of him.

They completed each other. "Let's go." said Yoongi waking Yuri from her thoughts, she nodded and put the dishes quickly in the dishwasher for later. They grabbed their coats and headed out, it was raining. Yuri smiled, it reminded her of something Mina told her. Yoongi grasped her hand. They rushed for the car and drove to the church.

"Are you ready to play?" Mina had asked Yoongi to play today, it was a classical piece, Clair de lune by Claude Debussy. It was a beautiful piece and it sounded like her, the first cracks of emotion showed in Yoongi and his face tightened. He nodded, "As ready as I'll ever be."

If it rained on someone's funeral it meant God was pleased with that person.   

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JEsperanza #1
Chapter 17: This was amazing !!!
Mamm012 #2
Chapter 16: The ending made me so sad! I originally thought they were getting married, so I flipped out when it said casket. This story is so amazing! I hope you write more Jungkook focused stories because you are really good at it.