Through thick and thin, I'll always be there for you~


"Promises are meant to be broken, Sehun learnt that the hard way.."


Since that fateful day Sehun had become Luhans' 'sunshine' or better else his reason to smile. In just two years Luhan and Sehun had become like two peas in a pod..Sehun would find a any excuse to go to the hospital to play with his new friend. What was even better was Luhan had gradually got better to the point where he could go home, you could say Sehun was overjoyed. (though Sehun wonders' what could be the mysterious illness be that Luhan has..) But Luhan was feeling the exact opposite of overjoyed, when fourteen years old Luhan got the news he felt a sudden queasyness to his stomach..Not knowing if he could face the world again..and better yet alone. At that time Luhan had not particulary voiced out his opinion, but the look on Luhans' face told Sehun what he was thinking.

At the moment Luhan was taking small steps back to his room, as if he was scared time would go quicker. Sehun frowned slightly at this and stopped half way which caused Luhan to bump into Sehun and say "Huh why did you stop walking?". Sehun surprised Luhan with a hug full of love as he held Luhan he whispered "Hannie, you don't have to be afraid, you have me I'll always protect you! Through thick and thin I will always be there for you~" Sehun smiled cutely seeing Luhan hug his chest tighter hoping not to reveal his blushing face. Luhan mumbled into Sehuns' chest "You better sleep with me, theres going to be a storm..You have to protect me!" Now it was Sehuns turn to blush as he say Luhan puffing out his cheeks cutely.

There was pure silentness now..No nosy nurses checking up on them, no elderly people coming in. Just the sound of Luhan and Sehuns' hearts beating in sync and the sounds of thunder reining down on them. Sehun held Luhan close to him as Luhan was shaking lightly from the sounds of thunder. Careful not scare Luhan, he held his his head to his shoulder as simple quiet music played in the background..Luhan felt himself drifting away as the peaceful music zoned out the sounds of thunder and Sehuns comforting scent lulled him to sleep. Such a beautiful sight it was to see Luhans' eyes fluttering down as for no reason at all a single tear fell from the long eyelashes fluttering shut. Sehun whispered against Luhans' forehead "Good night Luhan sweet dreams. I love you.." Unknowingly to Sehun another tear fell from Luhans' eye as he heard those last words..

I hope you liked this~




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