Forget-me-not (Remember me Forever)


Weak, fragile and pretty. That's what strangers would call Luhan.

Nearly all Luhans' life he was confined to a bed in St Marys' Hospital. To Luhan the hospital was his home, his sanctuary. So afraid of the real world was Luhan for a terrible accident occured that would change small Luhans' perspective of the world forever..Luhan had lost both his parents,his sweet sweet little sister and that sparkle in his eyes.To Luhan the world was so,so cruel for taking his family away from him.. It had been three years since the accident and Luhan still hadn't changed his perspective on the world. As Luhan was sitting on his bed alone he thought bitterly 'Now I understand what Bad things happen to good people mean.' As Luhan was lying down on the bed his mind got lost looking at the wind blowing the curtains heavily revealing the beautiful blue sky and clouds..Too lost in his thoughts he didn't notice someone walk in.

Outside Luhans' room was a boy who would soon thank his grandparents for him meeting the forlorn but beautiful boy. The twelve year old Sehun was supposed to be visiting his grandparents but was curious of what his grandparents meant by "Sehunnie dearie, you should go to room 316 who'll find a surprise.Hehehe" So with a puzzled face young Sehun quietly opened the door to reveal the most exquisite being he had ever laid his eyes upon and 'what a delicate body he had for a boy' he thought. Loving the way his long eyelashes would flatter open and his dainty fingers that played with his soft, soft hair. Sehun thought in a daze 'Whaa what a airy aura, so beautiful' as he watched the wind blow the other boys' hair he accidentally crashed into the chair. A crash could be heard through out the room. Sehun thought as he fell clumsily 'Oh shoot, I startled him.'

A sudden crash was heard which startled Luhan so the smaller boy whipped his head over to see a boy his own age so protectively he covered himself with the sheets. Luhan was not used to having kids his own age around, usually nice elderly people would come around to tell Luhan about their youthful days..Which Luhan would listen eagerly to. So Luhan eyes skimmed through the slightly taller boys' features. 'Hmm what nice lips, to bad his bangs are kinda cover his eyes if I could just reaach ouut..' In the midst of Luhans' thoughts he didn't notice the boys' cheeks go red because of his staring. So the boy woke Luhan out of his daze by saying "U-um I'm Oh Sehun, s-sorry for crashing into that chair..I-" Before Sehun could continue Luhan interrupted by saying "But why did you crash into that chair?". While Sehun sputtered to answer Luhans' question Luhan continued by saying "I-I don't mean to be rude, I'm just curious.." Sehuns' eyes widened at that and answered "N-no I-I was umm I was distracted by how pretty you were.." Sehuns' voice got smaller in the end but just enough for Luhan to hear, Luhans' face became a dusty pink at the answer. But Sehun thought how beautiful his blush was and how he wanted to see it more.. Still in a trance Luhan woke Sehun up by saying "T-thank you Sehun, I-I'm Xi Luhan..I hope you will be my friend." Luhan looked up shyly at Sehun. In the end which Sehun once again sputtered out a loud yes and wondered how right Luhans' name sounded on his tongue.

This was the beginning of a long friendship for the two.

Preview: ;3


"In Sehuns' arms I am truly home." Luhan whispered against his other halfs' chest as they held onto each other like it was their last."


Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy~




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