Hugs or Kisses?

12 Days of Seoksoon

Seokmin couldn’t help but think that Kwon Soonyoung was absolutely beautiful. Under the soft, warm lanterns hung up around them, he looked as if he were emitting light. With all of the people and food vendors that surrounded the two, all Seokmin could see was Soonyoung. How his eyes shone in joy, how his cheeks protruded from smiling, and how his lips were tinted pink from the cotton candy they shared. Seokmin had the urge to whisk him away from all of the busyness, so when he spotted an empty place in the darkness behind some of the vendors, he did just that. He pulled Soonyoung along with him by the hand—they had already been holding hands from the start—until they reached a nearby tree void of people.


He took pleasure in seeing Soonyoung’s expression of surprise as he leaned in, his free hand settling itself on Soonyoung’s cheek. He gently pressed his lips on Soonyoung’s, soft and supple. They tasted like cotton candy, and the flush of pink he saw on Soonyoung’s cheeks reminded him even more of the treat. Despite being in the darkness, Seokmin could make out Soonyoung’s sheepish smile, and it made him want to taste his lips once more. Soonyoung was the one to act first, pulling Seokmin in by the collar of his shirt, and Seokmin swore he never tasted anything so sweet as Soonyoung’s lips. He closed his eyes once again, savoring every sensation.

The fireworks had just started, but Seokmin wasn’t able to hear it over his heart beating so loudly, but he wouldn't have minded missing them, anyways.
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melly-pop #1
Chapter 1: Seoksoon is actually one of my fave ships, so I’m a happy reader for sure. Thank you for sharing these!
Chapter 7: So if I were to do my laundry at a laundromat, I might get a cute guy? ;D I kid, I kid XD
Lalalaitsme #3
Chapter 3: CuteCuteCute!!!!!
Chapter 6: #goals
Chapter 5: So adorable!^^
Chapter 4: Soonyoung is me in the kitchen, istg. I'm sad excuse for a girl, tbh XD But I'm pretty so it's okay XD
Chapter 3: Hahahaha! I was dying XD That's way too cute though, like, ohmygosh XD
Chapter 2: They're just so cute!!!^^
Will there be a drabble based on that gif set of Seoksoon and Soonyoung "giving birth" to Samuel??? XD Anyways, this is just too adorable and I love seeing things with Seoksoon because I ship them just as much as I ship Jeongcheol XD (I'm a er for the parent ships of groups) XD
Uchimouchi #10
Chapter 1: Byaaa!! I'm glad you participate on seoksoon 12 days challenge ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
This is so cute ㅠㅠ I can feel my face blushing too while reading this!
Can't wait for next days drabbles <3