Part 1

Soulmate (Sequel of The Blue Eyed Girl)
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Seulgi and Joohyun arrive at Seulgi’s hometown, where they are welcomed by the Kang family, and then together they head to their house. It turns out that because of the unexpected another guest, in the face of Joohyun, the only free space where Joohyun can sleep is in Seulgi’s room.

The two girls spend their first night in sharing a bad together, quite awkwardly, with their backs facing each other. The only words that were said were goodnight and a quiet “Thank you!” from Joohyun.

The next morning Joohyun wakes up early. Feeling hungry, she goes to the kitchen where she encounters Mrs. Kang who is making breakfast. Joohyun approaches her.

“Good morning, Mrs. Kang!”

“Oh, you startle me! Good morning to you too, Joohyun!” Seulgi’s mom smiled warmly.

“I just wanted to say that I am really grateful for what you and your husband did for me and my uncle. I don’t know when we will be able to repay you.”

“You don’t have to worry about the money, my dear! My husband and your uncle have been friends for years. They served together in the military. There is one thing that I am curious of. How is your relationship with Seulgi? She can be quite a pain in the .” Mrs. Kang laughs. Joohyun takes her time to think of an answer.

“If I have to be honest, we had a rocky start, and middle, and as a whole I still don’t know what is what. It is my fault to some point but you have to understand that when I found out that my uncle has given my parent’s apartment as part of the deal, I flipped. In that apartment are my last truly happy moments with my parents.” Joohyun says as Mrs. Kang puts her arm around Joohyun’s shoulder.

“I know it must be hard, dear. Seulgi is a nice girl. She had rough teenage years. She lost a really dear person to her and couldn’t find a way to cope with the pain, no matter to how many specialists we took her. Maybe we did something wrong but I truly believed that if you two come together you will somehow help each other. You two should really give each other a chance.” Seulgi’s mom says and goes back to preparing the breakfast. Joohyun was frozen from what she heard and the moment she tried to ask something Mrs. Kang, Seulgi comes into the kitchen.

Awkward silence surrounds them until the rest of guests start coming to the kitchen.

The rest of the day was spent as Seulgi introduced Joohyun to the rest of family that has come for the holidays. Completely forgetting their past problems, they indulge themselves in games and conversations together with the other guests. After all the fun, they dine together and all go to their respective rooms. Seulgi and Joohyun decide to stay at the porch, covering themselves with blankets and drinking hot chocolate. That night Seulgi asks Joohyun about the promiscuous life she had for a month or so after the break up with Taeyong. Joohyun explains that for the last 1 or 2 years she has been feeling alone even when she was with Taeyong. She needed someone to be with her even she didn’t have feelings for them. When she saw the real face of Taeyong, the abusive, the full of hatred one, she decided that even if she needed him in one way or another she still couldn’t let herself be with someone like him. She then explains that the reason why she slept with all those boys was because she needed the feeling of being wanted, of being liked, even if it was for a simple one night stand.  Then Joohyun asks Seulgi about her past with Taeyong and she once again encounters a dead end. Seulgi blankly stares with a painful look at Joohyun and then mutters a silent “I can’t…” and goes to her room.

2 days later

The whole family besides Joohyun and Seulgi decides to go to a restaurant for dinner. The two girls decide to stay in because of feeling tired from the day and in a way to escape the never stopping conversations for the old days and politics. They grab a bottle of wine and sit on the couch at the living room. After her third glass Joohyun begins.

“Seulgi..” Joohyun mutters. Seulgi hums in response. “I wanted to tell you, and to some point, ask you something for quite some time now. But I never had the courage or my stupid ego was stopping me. I think I owe an apology or at least an explanation as to why I acted the way I did when we met.”

 Joohyun takes in a deep breath.

“My parents owned a company. It was pretty successful business. My father wanted it to grow more so he made deals with lots of other companies. The company was getting bigger and bigger with every week. Most of our ally companies and shareholders were in the States though, so my father decided that it was time to move part of the company overseas. I and my mother weren’t so keen on the idea but it was better than being separated. Everything was going fine. The business was growing, I found new friends, my mother was planning to open a little business on her own. One day though, my car broke down and I couldn’t go home as it was raining cats and dogs. I was a spoiled brat since I was little. I refused to call a cab so I called my parents. They were out for grocery shopping and agreed to come pick me up. Huh, if only I called taxi that day… My parents were driving when a truck driver just smashed them. The both died the moment the truck hit them. The police said that the truck driver had fallen asleep and… and …aaah” Joohyun silently cried out. Seulgi was crying too b

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 15: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
akrr1997 #2
Chapter 15: Thank you for not abandoning the story and finishing it.
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 14: Aah cliffhanger... I was so deep in the story, that I forgot that there isn’t a ‘next chapter’ button TT
Chapter 13: take your time, i'll wait :)
Eririn #5
Chapter 13: Thank you for taking the trouble to list the details down and to send them to readers. I'm fine with both ways as long as I can know what will happen next. Really miss this story. Hwaiting for university.
Chapter 12: this is so cute
Chapter 12: so i’ve seen the blue eyed girl, finished the story and moved on to this sequel. i have a lot if questions in mind and i guess it didn’t help that i went over to read this story (i never read an unfinished story by the way, the pain of waiting, i just don’t have the patience?) but hey, it was a good read and i hope you update soon? i’m sorta curious how it’ll somehow get connected on the first story.
Chapter 12: Aww thanks for this update Author! :D I am really curious what happened to Taeyeon tho, can you give us a hint? XD hahah. Glad to see they are warming up to each other (: