Staying In

Soulmate (Sequel of The Blue Eyed Girl)
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I woke up after an almost sleepless night. I have been thinking about the hug and how awkward it felt for hours. The two of us have had hot and cold relations but yesterday was something new. For one night we found out more things about each other than the last two months we spent together. And Taeyong… She met him on those meetings. Just how much did he tell her? She has to know something. If she didn’t she wouldn’t have asked those questions. And why was she on those meetings too. Who did she loose? My mind felt like it was going to explode. However, I could not figure out these things by myself, unless I ask her which was not going to happen. I am planning to stay away from the past as much as I can. I groaned in frustration. I could see from in between the curtains the sun has already risen. I looked at the clock on my bedside table – 7:38am.

“I am already awake, there is no point in lying in bed anymore.” I mumbled to myself and got up to get dressed.



As I went into the kitchen, I saw that Joohyun had already woken up and was making coffee. I halted my steps and stood next to the fridge looking at her back while she was humming a familiar tune, slightly dancing to the rhythm. I small smile crept onto my lips as I was watching her. It felt kind of peaceful, knowing that we were finally on good terms. Wait… I am being a creep right now staring at her like some kind of psycho.

“Ahem.” I cleared my throat to indicate that I am here.

She jumped, I guess from the surprise, and put her hand on her heart.

“God, you startled me! Good morning.”  She greeted me.

“Good morning” I said with a small smile as I walked to the home bar and sat on one of the chairs.

”Would you like some coffee?” She asked and I could not refuse, I really needed caffeine in my body.

“Yeah, sure.” I nodded. She grabbed a cup from one of the shelfs, filled it with the brown liquid and she handed me the cup with a sheepish smile. “Thanks!”

I took a sip and a look of pure disgust spread on my face. I can swear this is the grossest coffee I have ever drunk. I guess she noticed that, because she started laughing hysterically and her evil sounding laughter filled the room. I realised all of this was a silly and childish prank. Well, two can play this game.

“Is it that bad?” She asked with a cheeky smile.

“Not at all. I would even love to have another cup.” I answered with a huge greasy smile on my face

The look on Joohyun’s face could show how surprised she was by my answer. As I watched her I took another sip of the disgusting coffee and a smug smile appeared on my face.

“You’re impossible.” She laughed.



After we were done with our breakfast, which was half-burned slices of bread with chocolate on them, we both went to our respected rooms. I grabbed my phone and turned it on – 5 messages from “Hoes before bros” (the group chat I

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 15: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
akrr1997 #2
Chapter 15: Thank you for not abandoning the story and finishing it.
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 14: Aah cliffhanger... I was so deep in the story, that I forgot that there isn’t a ‘next chapter’ button TT
Chapter 13: take your time, i'll wait :)
Eririn #5
Chapter 13: Thank you for taking the trouble to list the details down and to send them to readers. I'm fine with both ways as long as I can know what will happen next. Really miss this story. Hwaiting for university.
Chapter 12: this is so cute
Chapter 12: so i’ve seen the blue eyed girl, finished the story and moved on to this sequel. i have a lot if questions in mind and i guess it didn’t help that i went over to read this story (i never read an unfinished story by the way, the pain of waiting, i just don’t have the patience?) but hey, it was a good read and i hope you update soon? i’m sorta curious how it’ll somehow get connected on the first story.
Chapter 12: Aww thanks for this update Author! :D I am really curious what happened to Taeyeon tho, can you give us a hint? XD hahah. Glad to see they are warming up to each other (: