┆THE 8NGELS┆ The Most Controversial Girl Group ┆Apply Open~┆





BASICS // Lets fly through this part, it is very simple and very generic in every applyfic ever.     Age Range is in the plotline                                                                                                       ☁ Ethnicity is up too half Asian, but don't go all out with quarters and eighths. I will only except up too thirds, similarly, you may only know up too 5 languages, 2 you may be fluent in.             ☁ Faceclaim doesn't have to match ethnicity, but has to be somewhere around the ages of the characters, e.g Don't use Jinsol (April 2001) for older roles. Face claims can be idols, actors, ullzzangs, just have to be at least half Asian

Background + Personality  With Personality simply, no Mary Sues, and try and keep a balance between bad and good traits, you may do it in paragraphs or simple dot points or dot points with paragraphs, I don't really mind. As for background you mentioned all the events that happened to your character, that makes them who they are. Before they became a trainee (the past), and after their huge scandal (The present). And obviously trivia is endless, but minimum of 3 likes, 3 dislikes and 3 random facts! In relationships, there are two sections. importants and others. Importants are those mentioned in the plotline details in green, they will play major roles in the story. While others is a place for other characters that you want to include, e.g love interest & some friends. 

Talents + Interview // 
 Talent section is easy, provide links of your chosen talent twin and make sure to provide links. As for the interview, answer in 1st point of view, but most importantly, you are allowed to lie.                                                                 

This is the cheatsheet! Make sure to follow it thoroughly to have the best app you can have! The password is 8NGELS fanclub name (hint plotlines ;)  )
UPDATE 16/12- The cheatsheet has been updated! Along with the plotlines and most importantly the application form! The interveiw questions have been added into the application form so that you don't have too! If some information messes up your current app I apologize. But if your app is almost done I will not worried if it's not updated.
If you have any questions or queries, please ask me!
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Holidays has just began for me! I will be available for a total of 6 weeks!


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Chapter 1: I'm ready to apply for this :)