iii. in regione caecorum rex est luscus


It comes over you like a crashing wave, riding on tidal currents and tracksuit mornings stirred with coffee pot bitterness. It’s an odd sense of satisfaction that is drizzled in discursive fragility, twirls among afternoon vicissitudes and the graying leaves of October.


But not really. It’s contentment without fulfillment, saturation without wholeness, like some kind of achromatic vacuum is you in. It’s a vortex with no way out, dollhouse domesticity with no plastic door exits. It’s the bone-aching chill of a rising breeze, sails the edge of a hidden horizon ready to dawn upon the universe.


It’s what it means to walk one-sixth of the way home, then stop because you’re lost and you don’t know what direction to latch onto. It’s running in a perfect unbroken circle, because cycles can’t be broken.


It’s finding yourself before a familiar door, a passcode you know better than your own. It’s deciding to ring the doorbell instead, and hoping, hoping for something to happen.


It’s knowing that no one’s inside, the resident's schedule is stuffed with album recording sessions and dinner dates with friends. It’s knowing nothing will happen.


But it’s hoping anyway.

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Autumnautumn #1
Chapter 7: Wow update!!! Yassssss!!!!
tomatogurl #2
Chapter 6: *sigh* Hyesungie's 'i love you' is not the kind of 'i loce you' that Eric hope. I think Eric should say it first for Hyesung to realize his love is more than brotherly love.
fallseasonautumn #3
Chapter 5: In my opinion, their relationship is the other way around from your story, Eric have the upper hand... but I dont know, we dont know... never mind, thanks for the fanfics by the way,your words are lovely and touching
tomatogurl #4
Chapter 4: Leadernim miss his hyesungie ^^ sometimes I wonder if the real reason Eric follow Hyesung whenever he moved out because he can't bear not to see hyesung, even if it just a glimpse of him
tomatogurl #5
Chapter 3: Interesting, this chapter can be both Hyesung and Eric POV. Both of them are busy for album preparation although it's more appropriate for Eric's POV since if it Hyesung's POV there's a variety show shooting. Ricsyung are not yet together in your story timeline right?
tomatogurl #6
Chapter 1: I really like your writing style ^^ the ricsyung's relationship through Eric's eyes. It's subtle but there. I wonder how their relationship will go from here. Thank you for sharing your writing!